I am looking for a way to download all the files in a specific link, they are in folders and separate files, instead of in an archive. Is there an application for Windows that will allow me to bulk download all of the files inside the link? I can post the link if it helps.
A GUI would be nice, but even a CLI application would be great. I have found a bunch of applications, but none of them do this as far as I can tell.
Would be willing to share the files once they were downloaded, if you want. I just want to make sure they don't get removed or something before I do that.
This is the future of the internet, don't miss it or you will regret it
John Richardson
It's just fucking torrenting with a different interface.
Caleb Carter
You didn't understand shit lol. First, there's no "interface" because websites like for example shiftnrg.org are accessible directly from the browser. Secondly we are talking about decentralized websites, where hosts get paid, there's a big difference between file sharing and a protocol that allows websites with dynamic content. If you can't see the advantages of a platform that allows decentralized webhosting you may aswell return to Sup Forums
Lincoln Gray
looks like reskinned IPFS
Andrew Campbell
Nice pasta.
Samuel Jenkins
I could never get this thing to work, the web interface just locks up and i dont know how to find stuff on connected peers
Jace Phillips
In a way that incentivize its use. Hosting websites in there will be cheaper, and people who decide to support the network get paid. Vanilla IPFS on the other side relies on the goodwill of people, because host get nothing in return. Also this is much more user-friendly, in the next future it will be managed on some graphical interface so hosting on phantom will be as easy as setting up a VPS. And there's much more but it gets boring to explain, check the website for info ffs
Owen Miller
Can you please shill your project somewhere else?
Nolan Gutierrez
Web browsers are an interface, dumbass.
Joseph Nguyen
vanilla IPFS has Filecoins as reward and payment method
Thomas Reyes
-r doesn't work, that isn't supported. That's why I'm wondering if there is something I am missing?
Could some GUI app or even another CLI app get around these limitations? I just wanna download some shit. Can I use wget, or would that not work?
Dylan Morris
Probably. You can try chaining commands together. Like, grab the directory listing and then use grep to feed addresses into ipget
Jonathan Peterson
I keep getting merkledeg not found as an error whenever I get farther. Does anybody know what that means? Is this software just shit right now or what?
Brody Martinez
I have fairly interesting stuff, but has anybody ever heard of these links being DMCA'd or anything?
Xavier Hernandez
Not sure, servers aren't anonymized. But since Sup Forums is honeypot you don't have to risk it for me. Any method other than google to find stuff on ipfs at least?
I think this may be what I want, I am setting it up now.
Caleb Lopez
Making you know about shift and phantom was a way to give you something in return because Sup Forums made me know about bitcoin back in 2011, and I am grateful for this. I believe my "shilling" is comparable to the shilling some you did years ago about bitcoin. Anyway do whatever you want with the information I shared with you and do your own research obviously
Easton Brown
IIRC, it means your client can't receive the seeds it needs to connect into IPFS. keep trying. make sure you network isn't blocked.
Xavier Jackson
I tried installing IPFS-GUI and it gets farther, but now I don't know how to mount or view specific links. This is really frustrating, who thought this was a good idea?
Alexander Hughes
So basically I haven't really gotten anywhere. DOes anybody know if there is a comprehensive guide on how to get things to just work?
I have IPFS-GUI, IPFS-Desktop, net-mount-IPFS, and ipget installed and everything.