ITT Literal Botnets
How many do you use?
ITT Literal Botnets
How many do you use?
Other urls found in this thread:
Who cares if my information is compromised
I'm just some nobody with weird porn preferences
I get relevant ads which is better than getting like ads for retirement plans or something
Why telegram?
Lol to be fair Java is still implemented into the Pajeetware Botnet that is made by Pajeets for Pajeets known as Android
>It connects to the internet.
>It is bonet.
Why didn't you just kys instead of making this shitty thread?
are you retarded?
>any private torrent tracker
You might as well not even have a computer you fucking retard
Damn, I didn't win.
I believe I'm winning so far
telegram removed from app store
What happened to the version with Firefox on it?
Are the FF shills still defending the whole remote software installation debacle?
The feds already have my fingerprints on file so I don't really care about botnets.
plz explain
How'd I do?
Does that ubuntu/amazon square imply an Ubuntu AWS server or are ubuntu/amazon just under the same category?
Edited in Microsoft Paint
iktf.. Supposedly it's expunged but I don't trust them
What isn't a botnet according to user's ass backwards logic?
DuckDuckGo is a botnet how exactly?
not bad but worse than expected.
disagree with java though
fuck off to facebook faggots
Facebook deserves at least 3 slots, it's the near pinnacle of surveillance
>Private trackers
>HTML, CSS, javascript, PHP. perl
Thanks for letting us know youre a brainlet op
This. Also Duckduck Go? i'm thinking meme list
could be worse i guess. wouldn't mind ditching apple honestly.
>no mozilla
There are a couple of red flags that come to mind. Pic related should clear up some stuff on ddg. It might not necessarily be a botnet, but something definitely seems fishy. Use startpage or searx in the meantime.
foobar isn't botnet some third party downloadable components were compromised and now people act like it is the main client.
iphone, discord, facebook and messanger, duckduckgo, windows, twitter, intel, gmx, steam, netflix, amazon prime, java, tixati, multiple private trackers, grindr and scruff, itunes/apple music
You listed so many open source programs... why don’t you try again
>any f2p game
Implying the other games aren't botnet
>only Intel
>not Amd
Well memed
How did I do?
The apps that I use,
> YouTube - to replace TV
> HTML, CSS, Perl, MySQL, JavaScript - Computer Science student, need for school and learn.
> DDG - To replace search.
> Intel - i3 5th Gen, my CPU.
> Ubuntu - my operating system.
> Java - need for school.
How to replace these?
you can get women on grindr, they just call themselves men(female).
What are you doing in Sup Forums?
This is the most retarded thing I have seen in a long while.
You have absolutely no clue what’s ngix, SSL/TLS termination proxy or user agent/HTTP headers are.
None of the statements are contradictory or mean that it impacts your privacy.
Stay in
not even that bad
how is adobe soft botnet tho
not saying it aint shit i fucking despise illustrator smart guides and their constant inability to synchronise the work environment with simple things like keywords
You can't use CC stuff without being online it's all botnet now.
I always thought you botnet faggots took it way too far, tinfoil etc. until a couple of days ago when I was talking with a friend that I NEVER text (not even sms, let alone facebook) and he asked casually if I want to go with him to a well-known gym (world class) while I had my phone out on the table (not using, just laying there). 2 days afterwards, I got a messenger ad for world class. Literally never mentioned that gym in months, not even casually or something.
why are you lying tho, you can. its also why it gets cracked hours after each update release.
the cloud is only for bullshit synchroshit like libraries and typekit.
this is a meme
Botnet faggots do take it way too far, but they're right about FB. The Zuck is worse than Santa about invading people's privacy.
everything you are is just data
disconnect from the botnet or you have no identity of your own
>being so underage you forget noscripts botnet ads on their homepage
>open sores cant be a botnet
wew gb2 using chromium
More than the ones pictured, at this point I'm collecting them, honestly feels comfy cause /nothingtohide/ you criminal. Reported to the FBI, don't bother destroying your cp, the NSA already made a backup
>PHP is a botnet
What did he mean by this?
I'm a brainless being affected by this debate. DDG is more or less good, right?
I see you too like sinking your feet in the toilet. [0]
Slowly but surely ridding myself of the disease.
why isn't Sup Forums included? it's a pretty big botnet
still using flash sometimes, not as a main browser
>alternative chrome browsers
only when Chromium counts
who me comparable search engine that isn't dead-slow of provides terrible results and I might use it, no-js version is ok
>that google pack
have personal gmail account and using YT without logging in (RSS instead of subscriptions), considering GAnalytics for my website
>webshit, perl, sql, something from M$, Photoshop?
that one doesn't make sense but I'm using HTML, CSS, JS, AJAX as nearly every browser user; Perl and CGI on web server; prefer Postgre over MySQL
fell for the cpu-from-monopoly meme
i feel like I'm doing ok
I'm just introvert. :/
lol wut
so what exactly am i supposed to do with my computer then? unplug my ethernet and stare at a terminal?
Black I currently use, green I used to use but not anymore
God damn I'm balls-deep in the botnet