Whats wrong with this them, again?

Whats wrong with this them, again?

>host open source software
>not open source

why the fuck are you on Sup Forums then

Sup Forums's primary purpose isn't to host open source software though.

neither is githubs

SJW faggots. Just a notch under Mozilla.

Sup Forums is usable without non-free software for its main purpose (posting replies and threads, and viewing replies and threads) All that requires non-free javascript are convenient features
github isn't usable for its main purpose without non-free javascript: you can't edit or upload files, just view them and download them

thats not githubs main purpose, for most of githubs existence you couldn't edit or upload files to it.

SJW cucks who remove stuff they don't like

Shit like this

GitHub (originally known as Logical Awesome LLC)[3] is a web-based hosting service for version control using git
the entire point is to version control (and collaborate) code with others, and the vast majority of the repos on the site are openly available. Sup Forums is a cartesian wrapper packaging forum. if i'm mistaken, then can you explain what github is actually for?

they are anti white. but at the same time every SV company is so I still use them because it just werks.

>You can't upload git changes without javascript

>not using your own self hosted gitlab


>code of conduct
>removing "meritocracy" from their slogan or whatever because "it's not inclusive to people of all skill levels"
>implying that even if someone cannot program at all they can still consider themselves a programmer
there's more but can't be fucked. moved on to bitbucket a long time ago. bitbucket has free private repo's

>i've used linux since 2008
>wow, so you must have been doing it before it was cool then, right? i bet you totally aren't barely using GNU/Linux just because you think it makes you cool

desu isn't mozilla having a bit of a turnaround

It's a company. They're meant for profits, i.e. hosting closed source repos. It just so happens that making open source collaboration better is beneficial to their business model.


>the finnish pirate party
oh, my sides, i member!

Dude, naw.


What the hell is this, rofl

I like that they are going after wh*te women.

i meant in terms of SJWism over being a good product

I highly doubt it.

A website open source doesn't exist.

The PP generally (across borders) have an ideological bend that makes FOSS appropriate.
It's common to say things that are relevant about you in these short descriptions. I certainly think OS choice is important to mention for them.


>linux user
>lists it as if its some esoteric accomplishment

Rape dat hoe


( ( ( T R I G G E R E D ) ) )

why use botnet git repos when you can use hosted non botnet git repos or host your own git repos ?


Nowhere does it state that GitHub's main purpose is to host open source software. Git is for collaboration, that's not to imply that it must be used for open source software.

Hi! :) I'm the GitHub Trans Diversity Officer in charge of Conduct Outreach - my pronouns are ze/zir :) I noticed your project doesn't include CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md :( you do realize that is offensive, right? Are you purposely excluding non-coders, women and trans people? :( Is this a white-male only project because that's how it appears! But don't worry! :) I can write one for you :) Let me know what you think! :) If I don't hear back from you in 3 hours I will have to escalate this to my superiors. Have a great day!


>Still falling for such retarded memes

You poor soul

The open-source hosting is a major money-loser for github. They make all their money hosting closed-source repos for companies

pretty much this. everyone has rpi in their drawer doing nothing anyway.

>Since 2008
so the dude finds out about linux like yesterday and we all have now to hear their stupid gender politics because of it.
Fuck off.