apple products are shit, but don't you kinda miss him?
Be Honest Sup Forums, Don't You Kinda Miss Him?
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Say it with me: Street. Shitter.
He killed the phone industry, why would I miss him?
I don't like him but that movie about him with Fassbender is great
ya but didn't he stop that shit after the first time he got fired from Apple? Pretty sure the only thing he kept was the retarded veganism philosophy?
I miss the movies that shit on him.
I don't really get the hate. The guy had a vision and wanted money for it. People were willing to pay (even if you think they're dumb for doing so), so be it.
Smartphones are very useful items (I must acknowledge it even if I don't use one), and he was a pioneer in their design.
what I'd miss is if he had other useful ideas for computing. yeah, they'll be money-wasting fads, but maybe like for graphical aesthetics or smartphone, he'd have a good one that'll have the whole industry jumping on the bandwagon. There hasn't been another blockbuster innovator in the field since his death.
>stealing is pioneering
ok kid
>One was actually usable
This. Applel is trash.
Wow, it's almost like it was the first of it's kind.
World is better without him
Richard Stallman doesn't give a fuck
Bill Gates and Elon Musk actually understand and have worked with technology. Bill Gates was a child prodigy who worked with early computers and Elon Musk got accepted into a PhD program at Stanford for applied physics (though he bailed on it after like a day).
Steve Jobs on the other hand, yeah, he was just a marketing guy who was lucky enough to have Steve Wozniak to take care of building things for him.
I think, don't quote me if I'm wrong, but I remember watching a documentary where Steve Jobs is supposed to make a game for a game company, but he has Steve Woz do all the work and Steve Jobs takes all the credit. Out of all the people who worked for Apple, Steve Woz is a cool guy.
The fuck, I thought that was a shoop.
Docile nigger cattle
they're not... its interesting, i wonder if he was really that influential with the products.
things now like the thumbprint scanner, or the facial recognition... like even if it is some algorithm for 2017 what comes out "people need to feel the sensation of anal sex every 3 months they use our products"
nah its like some hacker wants everyone's thumbprint and like the chinese co ceo just stared when they drew the blueprint.
watch out for stamps, gel cubes?
>moving the goalposts
He worked for Atari and was supposed to make ”breakout”. Woz designed the board for him. They were supposed to split the reward 50/50, but Steve lied to Woz about the sum he got so the real split was like 75/25 for Steve
No suprise for a jew.
Jobs was half syrian
Jobs did 9/11 and his corporation continues to protect terrorists to this day.
>Wow, it's almost like it was the first of it's kind.
It almost was the first of it's kind.
Probably used Apple Maps.
ultra kek
>not driving off the bridge
It's like you aren't a man or something
No surprise for a Sup Forumsack who comes up with ideologies baits out of nowhere every-fucking-time.
I never once understood people's fascination with him so no. I don't think people like him or Bill Gates should be seen as something to aspire to.
I'm not a huge fan of Apple or Jobs, but I think Jobs was a better leader than Cook ever will be
The only Alpha in an industry of Betas
No, it's a good thing he's gone. Tim Cock will eventually run Applel into the ground and it'll be the best thing to happen to tech in 100 years.
I only miss him in so far as that if he were back, I would know that I would probably have the pleasure of watching him die again.
twas ok, ended up loving the guy more if anything
FSF and GNU are terrorist organizations.
I spent years faking his death. Every week I'd post on Sup Forums and Sup Forums faking his death and it was my life goal. One day I posted it on Sup Forums and I ended up with 800 responses. The fuck finally died. I was in awe my dreams had come true. It took a toll on me though because I begun believing I could kill other people through meme power so I begun posting other famous people... more died. I had acquired my super power. I could kill anyone. But I became my own enemy. I had to travel back in time to kill myself before me in another dimension travelled ahead of time in order to travel back in time to kill me before I killed me trying to kill me. They weren't kidding when they said with great powers becomes great responsibilities.
Yeah, Uncle Ben makes some good rice.
Based /sci/entists
Yeah now lets hear your retrospective review on how shit the Commodore 64 was, or how about Windows 3.1.
What is there to miss. All he did was be the salesman of apple, pick patents and come into work smelling like shit because he hadn't taken showers in weeks and had been dipping his feet into toilets. It's not like he built any of the early computers or write the software either.
He was just a tyrant, Woz and others like Gates were the real deal, I do have to say tho that without Jobs Apple is probalby doomed, just like Microsoft is since Gates doesnt give a shit about his company anymore.
i do since he has died a comapny i used to dislike but respect has broken every one of the reasons i respected it one by one i didnt like the old apple but i do miss it and wish it would come back
Sup Forums are mainly contrarians. don’t expect them to like anything other people like. even things they shill they’ll turn on if it becomes popular.
imagine being this mentally ill
>but don't you kinda miss him?
I miss the behind the scenes blog posts about the banter between him, and bill gates.
Tom Cruise?
best presentations the world has ever seen
>just a tyrant
Led a company that built 3 of the best consumer operating systems ever made (Mac OS Classic, OS X, iOS).
>just a tyrant
convicted monopolist, killed competition by unethically creating undocumented incompatibilities
>the real deal
gtfo retard
>Led a company that built 3 of the best consumer operating systems ever made (Mac OS Classic, OS X, iOS).
>best os
Them shits couldn't even run games, or view online videos properly.
I'm real glad he's dead and really glad he is gone.
>"I don't think sucking this electric rod was bad but this other rod was certainly better"
Wow !
Apple is exactly in the same situation as when Jobs left for NeXT. Except this time it's the design team that has taken over the company, instead of the hardware engineering team.
Which means exactly the opposite has happened this time. All the professional users have left them, and it's normies that are eating their shit.
Sadly the normie market is a lot bigger than the technical market, so I'm afraid they won't go bankrupt this time.
no, hes a psychopath that neglected his daughter until the day he died.
>>stealing is pioneering
i'm not glad he's dead, but i'm glad he's gone
>I don't really get the hate.
He was a fucking asshole.
I'm ecstatic he's dead, and enlightened that he's gone.
I don't get why the fuck people revere Wozniak like some kind of underappreciated super-genius when all he did was stick a terminal on an off-the-shelf 6502 system for Jobs to sell at 300% markup. Nothing he did was really that special, and Apple IIs were fucking toys for "user-developer" hobbyists and schoolchildren that had no future as soon as PC clones came into being.