When will linux get a proper file picker?

When will linux get a proper file picker?

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The same day mach, hurd and NT get one. nigger.

Already exists in KDE, retard.

haha, OP lurks comfy threads.

hi 5 there, mate.

It already has enough of them.

unironically drag and drop from my file manager is better
also the type to search recursively in gtk3 is nice

>kde has thumbnails
why would you lie

NT had it since 3.1 though.

Never simply because noone in the floss community is dense enough to implement such features in the kernel

that's TDE, you fucking moron

Linux is a kernel. Proving a filepicker is not the job of a kernel. If you think Linux should get a filepicker, you can write to the developer of Linux, Linus Torvalds, and ask him if he wants to implement it.

>le Linux is just a kernel meem xDdXD
Fuck off stallman

Dolphin has thumbnails AND image preview.
They also took the extra autistic step and gave the option to append a terminal. I fucking love it

we have one

the op >>>>>

>you can write to the developer of Linux, Linus Torvalds, and ask him if he wants to implement it
what if I don't want to be yelled at ?

this meme is obsolete

What is that, anyway? How do I get it?


Not nearly the same

>have to click each file to view the thumbnails one at a time
>no option to view them all at one like on Winshit or FagOS
Nice going, you fucking morons.

>not using keyboard only

not an argument


I just switched to KDE. I've noticed that gtk applications are still using gnome's retarded file picker. How do I fix this?

>Anime folder

mind sharing how you did that? is that kdialog?

KDE has had one for over 10 years.
Almost like OP is a retard.

>Anime website

the real problem is that people are still using gtk in their programs

is there a browser that doesn't use gtk file picker?

probably no good one. even chromium uses it.

Chromium uses KDialog if it's available in your system.

if you use kde. it should work on firefox too then.

Firefox doesn't even bother trying to detect KDialog, it will always use the gtk shit. OpenSUSE provides a patched version that uses KDE's file picker, it's also available in the AUR.

Why don't they just let you use your file manager to pick files like Thunar? Why does it need a separate file picker?

stop using gtk cancer.

so it just fallsback to gtk if it can't find kdialog?


Because there isn't a standard way to use them without pulling them in as dependencies, they are limited to the functionality exposed by gtk.
KDE provides KDialog, a simple executable that displays a file picker and returns the result in stdout, this allows Chromium to use it without having to link to KDE libs and adding extra dependencies. It even works in shell scripts, read: techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Shell_Scripting_with_KDE_Dialogs

can I preview webm thumbnails with kdialog?

Whenever you decide to install one? Only takes 15 seconds user...

Looks like no, sadly.
In Dolphin they work if you install ffmpegthumbs, so I don't think it would be that hard to implement them in KDialog, maybe someone should create a patch for it, no idea how feature requests work in KDE.

Where's the search bar?

>gtk devs will never merge those patches

Idk? I've never had a need to search in a file picker in my entire life.

I saw a thread where someone was talking about possibly getting it in GTK4...whenever that happens. Ideally, I would prefer if Mozilla just integrates KDialog, since they broke all the modified versions with FF57.

there is some mod that autistically hangs around these threads and bans me whenever I post my filepicker not joking

NVM, I found it. You just start typing when you're in the folder you wish to search.

Maybe it's because you have CHILD PORN in your file picker!

they are 500 years old semen demons you nigger

> Assuming my race

they are just saying that their code is so complex that you cant add it with a simple patch. you literally cant just send them a patch and get it into the release because they wont accept your shit.

the reason must be that ugly theme.

nice """thumbnails"""

Looks like patched GNOME file picker to me, though the patch I've tried in the past didn't make it look as good as his.

iirc it's a patch someone made but it failed to get approved or gtk developers simply weren't interested

>NT is an operating System
You're thinking of Windows NT.

what file picker is that?

W-where is this patch?


too much whitespace between images

I can decrease that (not the sliderin the right hand corner), I just really don't care. It's not like I spend more than 3 seconds in that space at a time.

Both KDE and LXQt do.

What is that?

It's coming to Linux in 2022.

Mach has one. It’s called Finder.

Gnome file picker.

>can't even search

nice trips, gtk confirmed for unholy

why have we had this thread every single day for the past 5 years

Xfeces users burned out on shilling their DE, so the KDE spergs took over.

gtk2-patch-filechooser-icon-view and gtk3-patch-filechooser-icon-view. They're in the AUR.

cli shit for autists

When windows will have a real 3D desktop cube?

What is this? A Windows Vista tech demo?

Thank you for the nostalgia, friend.

Compiz Fusion. It was big back in the Gnome 2 days.

Do people actually use gimmicky shit like this with their workflow?

Unlikely, it was just for showing off. Compiz used to have a lot of that kind of novelty stuff. I used to sit in class and write rude words and phrases with fire on the desktop for a cheap laugh.

Post that Froppy.

this one?

>What is this?
The absolute state of Sup Forums

You don't unfortunately. They're like that because they specifically call the GTK file picker library in the source code.

dasu is a beautiful woman.

NT is short for Windows NT, you massive brainlet.

It's the truth senpai.


Never, GNOME is backed by Red Hat and they are just too powerful. They use their nearly unlimited power to strongarm distributions to standardize around their software (including shit GNOME, systemd, pulseaudio, etc.).

See bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=298848

>it was those distros who pushed for the change because their (mostly GNOME) userbase wanted a consistent experience

Note that "mostly GNOME userbase" is a load of bullshit, KDE is by far the most used DE. It's the oldest and most polished one. But the point here is the "distros who pushed" part.

Linux is shit thanks to politics.

So, what you're trying to say is that people should just migrate to OpensBSD?

Linux is a kernel.

Not necessarily OpenBSD, but migrate yes. I'm using TrueOS.

Sure, but I was referring to Linux as the operating system. Words can have two meanings, you know.

>I saw a thread where someone was talking about possibly getting it in GTK4
Well there's a still a few things I would need to fix for GNOME to even think about accepting it. Plus, GtkIconView needs to have good performance in GTK4 otherwise it would require a pretty big rewrite.

GNU/Linux*. Linux is just the kernel.

Sure, but I was referring to Linux as the operating system. Words can have two meanings, you know.

GNU/Linux*. Linux is just the kernel.

Sure, but I was referring to Linux as the operating system. Words can have two meanings, you know.

Sure, but I was referring to Linux as the operating system. Words can have two meanings, you know.


When you create one, faggot.

No, the Linux kernel is a kernel. Colliqually "Linux" means "all Linux distros as a generalization.

When you install KDE.