Do chinese and russians write code in chinese and russian...

Do chinese and russians write code in chinese and russian? How come I have never seen code written in chinese or russian? Are there chinese/russian versions of languages offered, so that like if, while, for etc keywords are written in chinese/russian?

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Yes they write in their languages.

No, if you want to be a coder as a 2nd placer, you need to learn to be a 1st placer, or at least speak their language. Serve's 'em right though, being smart doesn't make you a 2nd placer, after all.
for some reason spanish doesn't count. you can code just fine ootb if you speak spanish it's weird

No, they're writing in English. Sometimes you'll encounter weird variable names that are simply their words written using English alphabet, but that's it. This comes from the times when compilers would shit themselves at non-ascii symbols, even if they're commented. And it's simply considered a good style.

So I am a C programmer in Japan
Yes they program in English
But most of my colleagues don't speak English
All the language books have been translated but the keywords are the same

All chinese code I have seen are research projects which are uploaded to github.
You can spot them by the last commit being 5 years old and the comment was "initial commit" and all comments are incomprehensible.
Some people decide to use their native language for naming variables too.
Libraries and language keywords are always in english though.

Yes and no. Most languages don't let you change low-level features such as the names of keywords. So to write those, you have to use english.

But variables, method names, etc? Those are frequently written in whatever the fuck tongue you want. Usually people will use a romanization system, such as pinyin, to deal with older languages that are ASCII only, and because dealing with unicode normalization can be troublesome, but its not uncommon to see chinese characters in a ruby/elixir program here.

Also a perhaps interesting addition

While they have the same concepts (binary shift, design patterns etc.) They have different names for them and this process is a pretty interesting one

So a scholar of something with computing and in the English language comes around
Just imagines a bunch of words and links the western concept to his newly invented words

We just learn a bit of English and do it in English
It’s one of the easiest languages I had to pick up