Do you give human names to your computers?
I call mine Amanda
Do you give human names to your computers?
I call mine Amanda
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Yeah, mine is called David Bowie
Desktop: Kuro
Laptop: Shiro
D: drive: Initial
kys weeb
not trying to be edgy but i never give inanimate objects human names
damn she was so cute
No, I call it "my computer"
th. pets dont get human names either.
>not calling your dog Steven
First laptop was Rei, desktop is Shinji, thinkpad is Asuka. Next computer I acquire will be Toji.
Mine is called YULIYA-PC, because that's my name (:
Working laptop - Pip-boy
Working PC - cheeki-breeki
My macs on the other hand have no names, those soulless bastards.
It's just you and me Lucy. Ok trash, yeah... give me trash.
My dad is an avid commie and calls his cat Lenin
knew a guy that used porn audio bits as windows sounds. Moans for maximize/minimize, asking for cock when booting up. Dude was off the rails, a serial killer waiting to have the balls to kill his first kill
I named my computers 'Aluminium turd', 'Shitpad' and 'Beater' (MacBook Air, Thinkpad e330. ASUS X502CA).
remember the most common passwords already
Melchoir and casper
He sound chill
I name my computers after Neuromancer characters, writing this from MollyMillions
>Do you give human names to your computers?
Tell your dad to become a good commie
My cats are Hubert , Giblet and wigwam.
Fight me.
Bob, his name is bob.
I wouldn't mind tapping that.
Windows 10 laptop: Botnet
I name mine after basketball players (even though I haven't followed basketball in 10 years).
Laptop: Isadora
My three most recent machines have been Casper, Balthasar and Melchior, hahah.
I call mine "shitbox" and hurl verbal abuse at it whenever it starts playing up.
Desktop computer
Laptop computer
Trigonometric functions.
SIN - a free old desktop I got from a friend when I wanted to keep a 'clean machine' (to use for just productivity stuff, and little distractions). It was a prebuilt that shipped with XP originally.
COS - My last laptop.
TAN - A customized desktop a buddy had owned and needed to sell because he wanted a pair of high end GPUs for his new build.
ARCSIN - Current laptop. Sadly leaps ahead of TAN in performance, so it's all I use.
My computer is named after my fursona
Old Asus Laptop: Old Boy
Surface Pro: Pro
Current laptop: Laptop
tl;dr I should but I don't.
Desktop: Phantom
Thinkpad: Meme Machine
old laptop:galactica
I just name my devices after its model or something like Machine or Data-Slate.
>good commie
the only good commie is a dead commie
better dead than red
I name mine after sharp objects. Claymore, Claymore II, Dagger, Broadsword, Shank, Bowie, etc.
Current desktop/aux home server: TITAN, due to being vastly bigger, stronger and more power consuming than my main home server, a paperweight Pi 3.
Old laptop: craptop, because it's shit.
New laptop: Xephyr, because I discovered /usr/bin/Xephyr and decided my next PC with an X11-based GUI will be called that.
>windows user
>notice me pls I am a geek grill
I name mine after Virtuaroids, though lately I've run out of names.
My main desktop is and will always be called "DOMINATOR" in all caps
my desktop is named Amy
my laptop is named Tabitha
I think only lonely neckbeards name their computer after a girl.
I always give this name to the recycle bin
t: finnfag
My desktop is called arch and my laptop is called note.
I name my computers after Lain Characters. My desktop is Chisa, my laptop/htpc/server is Lain, and my phone is Arisu
Phone: satella
Home Computer: akagi
Tablet: aiba
Laptop: 雪菜
Server: 天馬
Phone: Tachikoma
Toughbook: Big O
Powermac: Rumble
PCjr: Peanut
I'm not a "geek".
Well, my pc and laptop are the Gangster and the Space Grasshoper. First one almost always has its hat and sigar (usb key) worn and the second one needs care cause its small and cute (thats quite obscure reference but whatever).
I call mine MyName-PC
My computers name is Navi for obvious reasons, but I'm not sure what to call my laptop; navi-portble? Probably navi-personal? Do you guys have any ideas?
Monolith1-9, because I liked 2001: Space Odyssey and generally speaking I like black cases with very little details
Name after OS
What do you need 2 i7's for and why do you put the boxes on your pc
>I call mine Amanda
What a coincidence
I also call all of my computers Amanda
Pic related
I have a ball python named Monty.
I had a crush on her about 15 years ago when Stargate was popular.
I named this PC i'm using Sapphire.
I named my X220 Sandy.
I named my Libreboot T400 Uhura.
Wait, people don't name their computer after their waifu?
My main PC is White Wolf Tengu.
The two others are Blonde Kitsune and Lunar Lagomorph.
I'm very autistic.
i called mine loli big boobs since its used to house all those kind of pictures and i like hestia which it so happens to be her nickname as well
Laptop: Europa
Desktop: Ganymede
Phone: Calypso
No, I have real friends!
>bad dragon sticker
is this a stargate thread
no i call mine TARDISt70 and when i put a 12 series nvidia card i to it i will call it TARDISt75 and then t80 when i upgrade the CPU next
I usually call my penis like that
i call it bobs&vegene
PC is Mistwraith because it's made from parts of other PCs. SSD is IG-88A. IG-88B C and D are storage drives.
I used to give them female Hebrew names. Nowadays Im back in space or ancient greece.
Those are some fine tits, btw.
my desktop is juneau and my laptop is riviera
for servers i use moons of uranus
uranus is not a joke
Retarded normalfag.
Catgirl names, but I'm running out. Also a few feline goddesses or even female goddesses in general.
Ubuntu machine = Jewbuntu
>giving pets names
They are just food
Gibson, GibsonJr (laptop), Gibson..2
Domain hostname on the server.
I should come up with something better.
JD isn't a human name. Just alphabets.
Also my LK, BB, RK, HD passed away, JD is my new doggo. I got red eared slider named BBN and BBG, also another garden lizard named CC.
that's my desktop, i've been naming all machines after mathematicians for years now
Named mine Len
Cunt Buster on network.
I named my laptop Lappy
As in hostnames? Or how you refer to your computer?
Desktop is Big Bertha
Laptop is Betsy
Yes. In particular, I name it my human name. So people know whose computer it is on the network.
I named my computer 'COMPUTER'
Have Samwise and Frodo at work.
Laptop is Kaylee, after the Firefly mechanic:
Capable and more than a bit sexy.
the only acceptable answer
I call my guitar Amanda because its the colour Red and that reminds me of a girl I knew named Amanda who used to wear red dresses.
I call my desktop "pasocom" and my laptop "faptop" . I haven't given them names lol