Your daily reminder that Gnome is a cancer.
Shit we got on GNOME so far:
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Your daily reminder that Gnome is a cancer.
Shit we got on GNOME so far:
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I have no idea what GNOME is or does, sorry
You're not belong to Sup Forums
>Tfw redditboys are too lazy to Google something but they can still somehow manage to leave their safe space and shitpost on our boards
>being this new
OK Sup Forums look at this shit.
You should be able to tell me whats wrong with this picture.
>not tiling
One's white flatshit and the other is dark flatshit?
What's the file picker Gimp uses on the left called? I hate it
b-but I like gnome!
You aren't getting good old UI again
GTK style isn't following KDE color scheme.
Though even in the days where Oxygen-GTK and GTK-QT-Engine worked dark color schemes would make things fuck up.
GNOME is the only sensibly usable DE. Prove me wrong.
GNOME is gay
nice 8th grade journalism
>no taskbar
>no desktop icons
>application menu looks like fucking ipad launcher
>sensibly usable
nah it's kind of a mess, fallback mode is good though
Cinnamon is the only sensibly usable DE. Prove me wrong.
Literally the only downside is that it depends on GNOME libraries.
This. I don't know why Sup Forums hates Cinnamon so much.
Aren't Cinnamon and MATE the same thing?
nope, but they both have some GNOME dependencies
>Calling anyone a 13 year old
Lol. Ive had Gnome crash because of user extension 6 gorillion times.
KDE right now is more stable than the mess that is Gnome.
Partial credit. For effort.
Notice how KDE/qt apps play nice on Gnome/GTK DE. BUT if you're on KDE you have to use the disgusting GTK filepicker when using GTK apps.
So you're still using GNOME, and by that logic, you agree with me. Thanks.
yes and no
In terms of features and ram usage, Cinnamon and MATE are better than GNOME
Look at Cinnamon. It's literally Gnome with some hard-coded extensions. Why wouldn't you just use Gnome at that point, instead of some half assed spin-off?
GNOME without the Shell or the CSD damages the GNOME(tm) brand image, according to GNOME devs. I'm proud to do my part.
Because GNOME keeps breaking extensions, while Cinnamon Just Werks.
Gnome + Pixel Saver extension it's all that I need.
I've used GNOME for a long time, nearly as long as I've been using Linux. I'm starting to understand why everyone hates the GNOME devs. KDE is starting to look like a viable option. How is Wayland support in KDE?
is Budgie Sup Forums approved?
> fuck off, kevin
No, I'm asking about Solus
>Because GNOME keeps breaking extensions
I'm fairly certain extensions are like browsers extensions, and come from independent sources. Not really much of an issue, just turn off the extension until it gets an update.
*not asking about Solus
>being this cool
Reddit is apple.
I see a bunch of announcements and opinions but no particular controversy or scandal. The CSD initiative doesn't even sound bad at all.
Going to be honest OP, you come off as a spastic who's riled up over not much of anything.
This isn't to say GNOME is any good, but it's nothing to make a series of threads about as though some developer incompetence and bad committee decisions are a Sup Forums tier happening.
They're not. Plus when your extensions break, you're left with the original completely unusable garbage desktop.
OP wants Sup Forums to be as angry as lebbit.
People use extensions to re-add features that GNOME removed. If those features keep getting disabled, and any fix is only temporary, you might as well switch to a fork that doesn't constantly break your shit.
GNOME doesn't care about third party devs, or about users.
t. XFCE dev
>GNOME doesn't care about third party devs, or about users.
And I should care, because it made some faggots cry?
CSD creates all kinds of inconsistencies and further breaks compatibility between DEs.
>Wanting to be walked all over by your DE
Sup Forums has hated Gnome ever since Gnome 3 launched. How new are you?
The distro everyone laughs at picked a DE everyone hates using. Big surprise!
>t. GOME dev
Without the users, you become irrelevant. Please fail to care of enough to let your project die. It'll be good for everyone.
Even they broke GNOME to some extent ecause GNOME continues to fuck over with classic desktop.
>no taskbar
implying you can't make one
>no desktop icons
implying you can't turn them on using the gnome tweak tool
>application menu looks like fucking ipad launcher
and that's a bad thing? you can turn on the application menu using gnome tweaks if you don't like the launcher. the launcher allows you to switch and view windows easily.
you can tell xfce or kde faggots have never used gnome that long when they start spewing nonsense
Show us the 21 comments. I bet they're funny.
>you can do all this shit by fucking around with everything in ways the devs actively try to prevent
>you should want to spend your time fucking around instead of just having stuff that already works
>Without the users, you become irrelevant. Please fail to care of enough to let your project die. It'll be good for everyone.
I doubt that anyone on Sup Forums actually uses gnome, or gay ass kde. Please keep your plebbit drama contained to the faggots on lebbit.
Once again, you Gnome bashers are all teary eyed over a deeper rooted problem that really has nothing to do with Gnome. The root of the issue is Wayland, the side effect is Gnome developers being too arrogant to convey this point. So far I've seen three results caused by Wayland, KDE dropped Xorg getting any new features, Gnome is struggling to juggle Wayland and Xorg, while cutting out unnecessary workloads, and Canonical ditching Wayland in an attempt to avoid bug-fests in Gnome. We're basically at a crossroads where Wayland needs to get it's shit together.
>it's popular so we gotta hate it
Gnome isn't ideal, but at least it got the basics right, like no screen tearing by default and having a suite of coherent applications
>you should want to spend your time fucking around instead of just having stuff that already works
coming from someone who uses xfce or mate or one of other shitty desktop environments that don't come with a working compositor. you have to download compiz or compton to have a tear-free experience
Imagine having to pay bloggers to shill a product you're giving away for free.
>I said lebbit a bunch
>am I cool yet guys?
>upvoted this faggot
They were fine before nVidia released Kepler. Now we need a flipping compositor in order to avoid tearing. That or we eat the stutter with full pipeline compositing.
i don't nvidia and it still screentears. i use intel integrated graphics
No screen tears here on xfce with gtx 1060, or on my laptop with an igpu.
Why don't you just switch to a different DE?
are you sure they don't screentear?
are using the default compositor that came with the desktop environment?
Because I like xfce
I totally agree with this. half the applications included with kde are either dead or broken
>implying you can't turn them on using the gnome tweak tool
lol i can't
then how do you explain my icons in my screenshot
Did you make a file in your home folder called .icons and drop the icon package in there?
I'm actually retarded I meant thumbnail view
Sup Forums is not a hive mind and anyone speaking for the whole of it is an idiot.
Look at me!
Huur, I'm a retarded tripfaggot.
>3rd parties fixing shit that the main devs broke intentionally
>not updating
Nice theme. It would be even nicer on any other GTK desktop, where it doesn't break after every update.
>implying a non-gnome(mate/xfce/enligtenment) user can be this productive
it's a pain in the rear-end to switch between windows with mate and xfce.
can you view all the windows you have open with mate or xfce? no you can't.
looks good
works good
what's the problem?
fuck off attention whore
Yes! I am a tripfaggot! I crave your attention so I'll be as fucking annoying as possible!
Please notice how retarded I am.
Ark and Papirus do indeed rule. Did you know other desktops support them out of the box, no third party hacks required?
its a pain in the ass for non-gnome devs. As an end user i like it but people have to go through excessive ammounts of work to keep up the compatibility, and after all hard work gnome devs might decide to do things that will render this hard work useless.
Cinnamon and KDE have expose, with more configuration options than Gnome.
KDE expose sucks monkey dick