Where do you get your work done? Are you a hipster faggot who goes to Starbucks? Are you a lonely neckbeard who sits in his room all day and codes?
Where do you get your work done? Are you a hipster faggot who goes to Starbucks...
Panera is pretty comfy
Might as well go to chipotle. That food is so burnt we could extract coal from it.
I go to the office to work. What company lets you work at Starbucks?
Where do you work on your side projects
You can rent a small office for like $300/mo.
>working outside of work
also you can just do other things at work
I don't leave my basement.
I usually work at a strip club
Your employer can claim they own your side project if you use any employer-provided resource (laptop, work office, office supply, etc.).
one of several locations becaue ADHD:
>my room (my office too technically)
>the computer lab at my uni
>the cafateria at my uni
>the local strip club
>your mom :^)
I'm at home with Starbucks
When I have free time at work.
I work in an office. For my side projects, usually at home. I'd like to go to a coffee shop but I really don't feel like leaving the house
Not every Panera is run by niggers. Move to an actually livable part of the country, where people don't burn food constantly.
Only if it's at least tangentially related to what your actual job is. They can't claim ownership of random shit you partially worked on at work any more than they can claim ownership of emails you read on their computer.
I get my work done at work?
There are a bunch of shithole states (e.g. Texas) in the U.S. where the employer can legally own your personal project that you worked on your own time if they hide a clause in your employment contract. EA is famous for doing this and actually trying to enforce it by taking former Austin,TX-based employees to court.
>if they hide a clause in your employment contract
Employee's fault for not reading the contract in its entirety.
>Where do you get your work done?
Out in the construction site
At work of course, easy to work on projects when your in the boonies and have 2 customers a hour.
In most states, such clause is illegal to begin with, so if the employer tried to enforce it, the judge would just toss the case in the pre-trial phase. Amazon does this to their former employees just so that people who quit for a better position at another company would be out a few thousand dollars to hire a lawyer to file a brief saying Amazon's claim isn't legal to begin with, but that's the full extent of what Amazon can do under Washington state laws.
EA can literally ruin a former Texas-based employee's life and own all of his intellectual property thanks to Texas employment laws.
>can't have a cigarette with my coffee
>implying neckbeards actually write code/software rather than bitch about their favorite Arch distro or not-so-known anime waifu
Code in the office, administrative at "home office" in my favorite pub.
As I step up the career ladder I get to spend more time in the pub.
um no they can't
>tfw live in a proper country
I work at coffee shops sometimes. It's nice to get away from my home where I get distracted easily, and I drive around town a lot anyway.
I'm the administrator of a tutoring center in my University. Most of my job is just meeting various people.
I built a retropie that I mounted under my desk and play games when I don't have anything else to do. I'm making 80k playing super Mario world, bruvs
Wherever I can wank off.