CloverOS mentioned at Gentoo FOSDEM

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cloveros ain't gentoo, so no, botnet.

who is gary?

He's here! We must eradicate him!

So it's majoran for gentoo, also named after a weed.


proud of you fellas

It's a Gentoo image that has PORTAGE_BINHOST="" in the /etc/portage/make.conf and packages built with CFLAGS="-Ofast -mmmx -mssse3 -pipe -funroll-loops -flto=8 -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-strip-mine -ftree-loop-distribution" Gentoo is hands down the best Linux distro and CloverOS only makes this perfection easier to achieve.

i made this image in 20 fucking 14
it's amazing that clover is even still a thing

anyone remember tox?

Can you tl;dr me on tox? I found out about it independently and then suddenly I'm hearing stuff about Sup Forums having built it.

You're like a baby
Watch this

Encrypted p2p "Skype replacement" created by Sup Forums users after some reports of remote code execution from Skype, and the whole Edward Snowden debacle.
The protocol is pretty robust and powerful, but all the clients sucked ass

As a client dev, I got to reluctantly agree

What client did you work on?
And we're you in that massive private group chat back in the day?

no, what you're referring to is ricebowl

cloveros was a merge from ricebowl

I'd rather not say, and yeah I was in all the super sikrit clubs I suppose.

ricebowl was a fork of lo/g/os from 2015
the first conception of cloveros was in 2014

>Inb4 antox alpha build

I'll get started on the wallpapers

Tox needs a secure login server.
and ditch so many version. use qTox as main

I can neither confirm nor deny, but no.

there used to be generals all the time about it.

Ricebowl was before lo/g/os for sure. Its first base was on *BSD from that pony fag. But then we decided on gentoo then finally arch

lo/g/os was just arch

Lo/g/is was a essentially a script for arch, and was the start of RiceDB, who's devs bailed to ricebowl, and did nothing.

Finished the logo yet?