
what does Sup Forums think about this guy?

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He's a hero that did the wrong thing. He should have given himself up immediately and face the consequences despite the law not protecting contractors who whistleblow. Now normies see him as a Russian spy if they even remember who he is.

>muh russia
>he should have martyed himself with execution
this is retarded

he pulled off some super spy shit though with that plane switcharoo

he was a low-level help desk cuck who over-exaggerated his technical skills and acumen and betrayed his country

>b-but my CEH

Getting some Anime Pussy

Don't be retarded. What Manning did was way worse than him and he wasn't executed. Snowden probably would have gotten around 7 years like the dozen other whistleblowers before him. Manning was a literal fucking traitor who even had a military trial and still wasn't executed.

>lifetime in prison is better than capital punishment.

He wants you to install spyware onto your old phones for the russians

Look at the edgy little child. Thinks he understands punishment. You ain't even a Rodion, so don't go trying to wave your dicklessness about.

He did a great thing by uncovering the illegal surveillance that the NSA is still conducting on US citizens, but fucked it up by handing over other classified information to foreign powers in exchange for amnesty in their countries

He's a hero. While it doesn't look like anything has come of his revelations I get the impression he'll be eventually remembered as the man who set the ball rolling on this whole issue.

You can be a hero without making changes now?

Hip hip hurray!
Hip hip hurray!
Hip hip hurray!

He made the blind see.

There was no chance Snowden would have gotten 30 years for what he did. Snowden's leaks are like previous whistleblowers. Manning was an active personnel and had zero moral high ground.

>handing over other classified information to foreign powers in exchange for amnesty


Harry Porter

He got balls. I'm surprised he hasn't been killed yet, though

Opinion piece, but it's by Bruce Schneier

Also this

He's a qt who actually knows his shit when it comes to netsec

hes an idiot but meant well

quick question, how did the nsa not know that he was in china (doing his interviews with the journalists) after he went missing? Don't you need to buy a plane ticket that has your name? use your passport? how did they lack that kind of information?

Don't forget they talked about executing Manning and he had legitimate mental health defense. What Manning revealed was very minor and limited in scope in comparison to what Snowden revealed

If you can do what Snowden did without becoming a martyr for no reason, why not? This literally retarded "muh russia" shit and you know it.

You're right, Snowden would have been designated an unlawful combatant and tortured to death in gitmo.

I think he should have been given protection.
He did a service to the American people.

Name one (1) whistleblower who was tortured to death in gitmo.

They knew he was on his way to Hong Kong. From there, he went to Russia. They were trying to nail him on charges against leaking classified info and wanted to stop him both from fleeing the US and from fleeing HK, which is why he hopped over so quickly. He left the US right as his revelations were becoming news

name one (1) whistleblower that revealed something as tactically, militarilary and politically important as the FIVE EYES survivalence network. Including stuff like XKeyscore, QUANTUM, PRISM, NSA-TAO and shit like "I hunt sysadmins".

It confirmed everything that every tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist has been talking about since ECHELON. It certainly changed their tactical advantage, it revealed actual methods which is one of the highest military crimes.

Snowden is truly an inspiration to us all. Pic related.
Also everything that he revealed was already public knowledge for anyone that was paying attention.

Do you have any proof of this? You realize he only ended up in Russia because the US nullified his passport right? He couldn't fly out to his planned destination.

AT&T Room 641A is what really revealed it to me

Daniel Ellsberg?

>Daniel Ellsberg?
Doesn't count, not post-9/11.

Yep and that happed years before Snowden, I still have a picture of the door on one of my old HDs.

i don't

He blew it by making the entire discussion about himself, his personal views and feelings, also about the flaming gay reporter Greenwald. It was overly dramatic and anti-American. It detracted from the conversation and ultimately his revelations have done nothing. In the process, he has weakened US national security and emboldened the enemies of the USA which are dictatorships except in name - Russia and China.

The great irony is that Snowden is now a prisoner in Russia with his nuts in a FSB vice grip. It's confirmed that he is their puppet and it's known he's been squeezed for all of the classified information he knows.

Had he shut his mouth like a good little faggot he is, my attention wouldn't be brought into this issue and I wouldn't be this paranoid. Now I spend most of my time fighting against the powa and I can't fucking stop myself. Free me. Free me from this hell. Free me from the botnet hell.

More like Soyden, amirite?

Sup Forums faggot

No premises for arguments faggot.

Where has all that been confirmed? You can't make such big claims without evidence. Also, I'm pretty sure one of the things that comes with being a whistleblower is that you get a lot of attention. People become whistleblowers because they have convictions, not because they're robots.

basically the day Room 641A tinfoil hats were proven right on Sup Forums, and global network correlation attacks were no longer a "theoretical" attack.

snowden is a hero, he should be coming back. the fact that he's in russia, of all places, is a bad look.

He's a good guy who made a lot of sacrifices. His recent revelations might have to be taken with a grain of salt, but the leaks that forced him into hiding was a purely benevolent gesture.

Givec him a break. He's one dude trying to make a difference.

He feared Obama, while Obama released Manning. Seems like Snowden have smaller balls than a trap soldier.

> He left the US right as his revelations were becoming news
He met Greenwald and Poitras in Hong Kong, not America.

A based weeb, an inspiration for us all.

but that's obviously Cedric Diggory/Edward Cullen.

Snowden had good reason to fear Obama, but if he's returned to America, punishment under Trump might be much harsher.

He's an actor.

There's no point in fighting. The sheer amount of data collected means that, unless governments have a particular interest in you, your data will never be looked upon because there's no one available to process it. The Boston massacre was orchestrated on Facebook and the FBI didn't even know.

selling US intelligence secrets out to russia is why hillary lost

He is dead last 1.5 years user.

What's worse? Telling citizens of your country that the government and the military are committing unconstitutional atrocities or actually committing them? Huh?

I wonder if those leaks didn't give govs more power. People now hesitate to even educate themselves in fear of being put on some list.

Your dumb cunt winning this presidency is less important than the stuff he revealed.

obama called him a hacker

probably tru, if I want to know something that could be dangerous knowledge I would probably go to the library kek.

>trained by CIA
>securing sensitive military and gov networks
>hired by NSA, full administration privileges
>managed to get away and whistleblow under their nose
>help desk cuck

the absolute state of Sup Forums tards. Now resume play your anime on your 'minimal debian install' used to open firefox and a video player, careful to not touch anything else or you need to wipe it for the 15th time.


>Name one (1) whistleblower who was tortured to death in gitmo.
I doubt there are any, but come on. They would never release that information if it did happen.

he is a trayter!!!1!1!1!!1!!1
t. American

A hero to the people and a traitor to the evil sect.
Which puts him as a redeemed hero on the good side.

NSA 'we're not really evil look at who we hired' false-flag poster-boy spreading disinformation

otherwise he's pretty cool

Betraying evil is a good and righteous thing.

>They would never release that information if it did happen
If they're a whistleblower, then we'd know about them. If we didn't, then that means they were just taken care of before anything actually came out. The ones who become known became too high profile to just take out like that. Unless you got a list of whistleblowers who have mysteriously disappeared or the like.

I want to blow his whistle if you catch my drift.

> then that means they were just taken care of before anything actually came out
That's actually what Snowden feared, being disappeared without the public knowing what he wanted to reveal. That, and public indifference to his leaks.

Anyone saying this faggot was a hero or a good guy is probably a paid Russian still. Snowden is a traitor. He damaged this country and revealed information that very few Americans actually cared about, and he only benefited our enemies with that information.

The NSA damaged this country.
Blame the criminal, not the witness.

>The NSA damaged this country.
Most retarded thing I've ever heard
>NSA spies on a select few people who are being shady
>uses this information to shut down 49/50 terrorist attacks that would have occurred if they didn't do some snooping
Really sounds like snowden was the """hero""" lad

Edward is a cuck.

>your data will never be looked upon because there's no one available to process it.

Sure, it's all safely stored until the moment it does become interesting, possibly years from now. Same reason why they store all encrypted files - they can't crack them yet, but decades from now (with more computing power) they will.

NSA currently has all the blackmailing dirt they want on every future president, congressman, senator, supreme court judge, or secretary, etc. who still is a teenager/early 20's. They've effectively committed a (future) coup, and nobody seems to care.

>"Oh, this candidate isn't to our liking, time to spread those text messages about the abortion his former girlfriend had when they were teenagers"

>"Oh, this judge is too annoying in rubberstamping our demands, send out those voice recordings of him calling sex lines when his wife was in the hospital"

>illegal mass surveillance of American citizens
>ruining country's reputation through spying on allied nations and industrial espionage
>ruining reputation of manufacturers like CISCO by forcing them to install backdoors
no damage at all....

Well...I agree with something I read a while ago. He just saw some programs and diagrams that were 'too scary' and went full paranoid without knowing really what was all that and of course it was all dated stuff. Just like when your dad's a cop and you steal his gun and go full retard to show it to your friends and then you accidentally shoot yourself on the foot.

this desu

Vietnam war damaged more the reputation of that country than any other info leaked by the hundreds of whistleblowers USA had over the last 50 years

Only because the evil press kept reporting on it!
If everyone kept quiet by about that massive fuck up there would be no damage at all!

Pretty much a hero for at least making the masses aware of surveillance.
(Making the masses aware of anything is an almost insurmountable obstacle to change)

I doubt he will be able to return to the USA tho

Sure, 'nam vets were doing just fine when they came back. No troubles at all, off war and into the regular life like a hand in a velvet glove

him exposing all that shit was good, but the guy seems like a complete faggot with his head shoved way too far up his own ass. he seems like he loves the fame

Can you not see the sarcasm?

>mfw when ppl knew back in the 90s their phones were being tapped and no one blinked an eye
>mfw when 5yrs after watergate no one remembered a thing
>mfw when in Rambo 3 he is fighting with the afgans and 13 years later USA was invading them and no one said a thing

I think he's working for Putin now.

He's a hero.

Not really, and I'm not even american, here the government used to blame the press for everything so..

>fighting with the afghans
He's actually fighting with the Mujahideen

Difference being?

Are you a child that you think the cops follow the law? He would disappear within a week of arriving in the USA.

Too well known to disappear after arriving on US soil. A Missile to the plane bringing him in in the middle of the pacific would do the trick.

They're Islamists with lots of foreign fighters, e.g. Bin Laden?

top kek

That's one poor argument, user.

Trump also turns his crimes on the leakers

This. The person you're replying to is retarded.
>but it's illegal, therefore it's wrong

>moving the goalposts


Trump will bring him home to hero's welcome. Snowden was ringing the alarm bells about memogate back in 2013. Now the Rs see what he was talking about, they will change their mind about him. Patriot act powers won't be renewed again. Snowden will have a brilliant political career ahead of him. He may even end up US president.

They refused to make it a public trial. Why would you do that, unless you already know what the outcome will be? It was a kangaroo court, and they would’ve given him life in jail, or maybe even death.

This is nothing but a word-stew of state talking points and buzzwords. Calling people "anti-American" for questioning the authority of their government is heavily ironic for a country founded through violent rebellion.
And by the way, the vast majority of dictatorships are backed by the US government. The US government also functions as an oligarchy, not a democracy. You have no right to question the moral authority of other countries when you’re overwhelming considered the number one threat to world peace, and you support horrible human rights violators like Saudi Arabia. If you didn’t know, Saudi Arabia beheads people in the public square for dissent and heresy.