>install OpenBSD on chinkpad for UNIX points
>have ethernet connection for internets at first so no probs
>want it to get internet on the go so first try to find connection editor in Lumina
>try searching for a GUI connection editor package
>try installing 2 other DE to get that one tool
>still nothing
>almost panic but calmed self and got hands dirty with working with wpa_supplicant and ifconfig
>have no fucking clue what I am doing
>search the internet for hours trying to find instructions for connecting to a wpa2 enterprise network
>fucking finally find something on an obscure website
>the author literally is in the same boat and lays all the instructions down
>follow the instructions and get a connection after quite a few hit/misses
>can't fucking ping google or query the repo
I do like the OpenBSD meme, but this is fucking ridiculous. Before I get shit from fanboys, I understand that it could have easily been user error. I really tried and failed.
OpenBSD 6.2 Wifi
Paid Chinese gov't shill pls leave.
Might as well apply myself long enough to try this out as well. ty for the tech support.
I don't think OpenBSD supports wpa2 Enterprise yet. Sorry senpai.
Anyhow in general you need to use the /etc/hostname. files for config and /etc/netstart to fire up the interface
> wpa_supplicant
WTF nigger? OpenBSD doesn't need that mess.
man ifconfig
man dhclient
It's literally two fucking commands using programs from the base system.
You never need to google anything OpenBSD because the included documentation is actually good. If there is a problem you still can't solve after RTFM, ask the appropriate mailing list.
This better be a fucking troll.
It literally takes one or two lines in a config file to get wireless working under OpenBSD:
Not trolling.
Use wiconfig
If you are serious you need to learn da wae of OpenBSD. Maybe get the OpenBSD book, or just read the FAQ.
It's not perfect but if there is one thing it does well, it's configuration. No need to the insane stuff that you see in Linux. Generally you have simple config files in /etc and that's it. They tend to follow the same syntax.
Tried. It looks like the tool only supports entering in password authentication. My network requires a username and a password.
>No need to the insane stuff that you see in Linux
>No need to the insane
I don't see what a cherry picked driver bug has to do with basic system configuration
Keep it up senpai! This is how you CAN'T evangelize more users to your beloved *nix.
It wasn't a driver bug, he was just missing a firmware and couldn't download it. Copying it form a USP zip diskette fixed the issue.
This isn't a religion, user. Nevertheless, a cursory stackoverflow.com search would bring up scores of Linux wi-fi problems, so stop being an asshole little wiener.
>This isn't a religion
I'm not convinced. genkernels don't have to dealth with this kind of shit and Linux (and FreeBSD, thanks to the modules) aren't this retarded.
I don't give a flying fuck if you use it or not
Wow, that sounds terribly difficult. OpenBSD BTFO
Still it's pushed here, like it's the best thing since the sliced bread. Even arch fags isn't this desperate.
>Not freeBSD
Found your problem
>FreeBSD as a desktop OS
Not even the devs do that