Works on ABP :^)
Other urls found in this thread:
brainlet here how do i make it work
post the aite user so we can all laugh at how retarded it is.
It's not retarded just... gay
>visit site and block malware ads
>site starts blocking you for blocking ads
>block site blocking you
Instead of just visiting another site you brainlets waste time on this crap.
disabling javascript fixes this
Does it work if you block javascript altogether so they can't see that you're using adblock, or it just see if the ads servers are connecting, and if not BTFO you?
Haven't come across this shit yet.
Just get the adblock blocker blocker
This is the current flavor if you want to stay away from anti adblocks.
This shit is literally a div you can delete and it shows the content underneath it. Literally nothing
>not convenient
If you're visiting sites like this regularly enough for this to be a problem you're doing something wrong. I come across something like this once every few months, F12->element picker->delete takes 10 seconds
What kind of site has it after all? I haven't seen it once.
lmao, are you new?
there's 3rd party filters you can enable for this if you're too brainlet to use element picker.
I can't remember right now since I haven't seen one in ages, but it's probably either shady piracy sites I'd find when searching for niche shit or really shitty "news" sites I'd get linked to by normies.
I'm pretty sure I've seen some that actually don't load the content unless you disable the adblocker, meaning inspect element can'd do shit. Hence my disdain for this "new" thingy.
No, it doesn't. It doesn't matter if you block scripts in uMatrix or in uBlock. There's an attack via DOM as well.
It won't block you instantaneously.
Syntax is the same, and that won't work. Also, I feel pity for you for using ABP. A cosmetic filter would be enough but the div is randomized. It would be easier to disable DOM storage on a per-site basis.
No, there aren't. Also, the div is randomized. It will work for a while and for you only.
>There's an attack via DOM as well.
>Ability to remove DOM elements from a source document before it is parsed by the browser. The platform must support an extension API to modify the response body on the fly. Currently only Firefox 57+ allows this.
disabling inline javascript werks for me :^)
>It would be easier to disable DOM storage on a per-site basis.
You can do this with WebAPI Manager (block HTML: Web Storage)
I'm on Firefox 59. And I'm using uBlock Origin 1.15.0.
It's blockable, yet the div is randomized. I'm unable to block DOM only on a per-site basis. Something like^#babasbmsgx
may work, albeit I don't know if the parent div is randomized as well.
No, it won't be enough. Detection doesn't happen with js only, and it's delayed.
Thanks, I'll give a look at this.
Maybe the DOM thing in Ublock 1.15 will work? If we go through the source CSS/HTML we might find some links to whatever is randomizing the div.
It's enough on the site I visit :^)
I waited for the popup to appear but it didn't come back
what are you hiding
ok fine whatever this is the site:
Now that I've given a look at this, it's nice but it's not effective in blocking this, while uBlock Origin can filter DOM effectively. Maybe it's an incompatibility between uBlock/uMatrix and this. Anyway it doesn't seem to block anything in this case, its log are empty, even if set in "block all" mode for the given domain and despite a reassuring count of the blocked APIs in its interface.
also werks when I disable/block the inline script.
In some cases like this where you can't see anything in logger, go to ublock whitelist and commented out everything on there and refresh the website. This trick work for this website.
>he doesn't use nano defender with ubo
>No, there aren't. Also, the div is randomized. It will work for a while and for you only.
How does that prevent you deleting it from Inspect Element?
It won't prevent you from deleting again and again. If it's randomized, you may have to block it more than once. Unless the parent DOM blocking is enough
>It won't prevent you from deleting again and again
And if you read my original post, I clearly mentioned that if you really have to delete it "again and again" then you're doing something wrong.
>b-but every website will use it!
No they won't. This shit has been around for fucking years and it's still only found on the most low-tier websites - even adfly links more often than not just werk with ublock. Compare this with e.g. coinhive - within a couple of months, it was being used everywhere up to and including youtube, because it's unnoticeable unless you monitor your CPU usage. Point being, if this shit was going to spread, it would have done so ages ago, but it didn't and it's never doing to; so it's piss easy to avoid - just don't go to retarded websites.
If ads become too intrusive at any point, the website will end up losing most of its visitors one way or another.
By the way, nagging users who may have some adblock in place is only detrimental to publishers
>I clearly mentioned that if you really have to delete it "again and again" then you're doing something wrong.
Mmmh no? That's how a div randomizer would work. Unless the parent DOM blocking isn't random, something you'd have learned reading my post.
>every website will use it
Never argued about that. I find pretty impractical and possibly counter-productive for most website to pair ye olde and simple fuckadblock.js with DOM attacks. This is also a more generic and political discussion.
>Mmmh no?
Mmmh yes? How often do you actually go on these websites? What do you need there?
>div randomizer
You keep repeating that but it's completely irrelevant because I'm talking about manually deleting the div through Inspect Element. Which I stated at least twice. What's wrong with your reading comprehension?
stupid frogposter
>AniDB's new server requires less than $200/month but having ads won't be nearly enough. Donations got them $1200 in less that a month.
>MangaDex stated that ads are last resort after donations, currently selling seedboxes is profitable enough.
Why the fuck do all the obnoxious ad networks with irrelevant content even exist?
>no u
>How often do you actually go on these websites? What do you need there?
Not your business and not a technical argument. At all.
>manually deleting a random div each time
A similar workaround (if we even want to refer to it as a workaround) is technically the least user-friendly and the least automated thing to do. And you keep stating it, even if it's clearly off topic.
>reading comprehension
You should have one to judge one.
>not a technical argument.
Never said it was. I'm arguing that a technical solution is not necessary at all.
Mangadex has ads?
>criticizes others for wasting time
>makes useless posts on an anonymous image board
No and neither donations.
It works fine here. I use ver 1.14.24 on Safari.
Also, holy shit what the fuck is that site? Fucking disgusting.
OP is a faggot, and nu-Sup Forums is gay, but you can write a filter for this and it's all good.
>B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-butt rape me senpai it's randomized!111!!!!
Works on my pi-hole
soon blockadblocblockadblockingadblockblockingadblockblockerblocksadblockadblocker
>if I keep reiterating something unrelated it will become a valid point
and we were discussing a technical solution, instead. Policies, laws, habits are totally unrelated.
We can't even tell so far how often the DOM attack is paired with the .js protection and no one has investigated so far if it's a predictable string (chances are it isn't, and since it's constantly updated targeting \w{20} would be defused instantly if they switch to 15 or 21), but yeah, jumping in a thread and saying "regex111!!" without bothering to read anything makes you so rad and cool, isn't it.
I've seen other sites using this kind of """protection""" but right now I don't remember any.
Congratulations, you're using Opera on Windows. Here's your proprietary cookie. Read the thread ffs.
On that disabling inline scripts seem enough.
>On that disabling inline scripts seem enough.
I haven't done anything on either of these sites. It just werks.
>I didn't read the thread yet I can submit comments
>thread about complaining that something doesn't work
>actually it just werks
This entire thread is worthless trash that's not worth reading. Probably it's a bait or something.
Virtually all local news sites use it now.
>AB Adblock
>BA BlockAdblock
Next we'll have...
>send content in response to a GET request
>get upset when the requester looks at it
>No, I didn't read a single thing and even if I'm affected by this as well I've ADHD so I won't ever figure it out
Your precious contribution has been registered already, 'bye
I didn't do anything and I'm not affected. That means you DID something and it broke your ad blocker. Sup Forums is not your tech support.
>disable javascript
always the correct answer
>extension api
That's also javascript. Conclusion:
disable javascript
>and we were discussing a technical solution, instead.
Except we never were. My very first post stated that I didn't think a technical solution was relevant or necessary.
Disabling javascript is not enough. Moreover, I've investigated that addon and isn't helpful at all.
You are affected, but you don't know it since you're a retard. Stop spamming already.
>You are affected
Prove it.
>we never were
We were, and you weren't invited. Welcome to Sup Forums, a technology-related board by the way.
Read the thread.
>Read the thread
Lots of wankery about nothing. 0(zero) examples of a working adblock blocker.
>Doesn't link
>No proof
>Thinks he can stop the javascript disabled checkbox
checked and rekt
needs moar smuganimegirl.jpg
It worked against me.
uBO has 1st party scripts blocked/3rd party scripts+frames. uMatrix has everything but css and images blocked.
None of my filters caught anything.
disable javascript
see add blocking box after 10 seconds
view source on dialog
text-align:center;color:#fff;background:#fff;visibility: visible; -webkit-animation: fadein 10s;-moz-animation: fadein 10s;-ms-animation: fadein 10s;-o-animation: fadein 10s;animation: fadein 10s;
someone doesn't understand what google does to the page rank of sites that bait and switch with easily detected css
doing that is website suicide
no wonder I never heard about this until the Sup Forumsshill came along
>ublock origin with literally default settings blocks blockadblock on their site
the ironing
>We were, and you weren't invited.
You literally replied to me, giving me a (You)
what are some sites to test if my anti-adblock-blocker works?
>no wonder I never heard about this until the Sup Forumsshill came along
faggot developer comes here every once in a while to check if someone can fuck with his blocker, it's pretty obvious since he fixes the bug soon after
>Block ads
>Ads retaliate by blocking you
Give it 15-20 seconds. Its delayed but something will pop up. Default ubo doesnt block it.
Ad buyers pay for views
Ad blockers block ads
Ad blocker blocker blocks viewers
this is winning?
what a maroon
what an ignaranamous
Lol. It's pretty obvious now. What a faggot. Do any sites worth using actually use this? Seems like a good way to run your site into the ground.
It's not a blocker. It's CSS. Author could accomplish the same thing with the simple tag. But instead, this rube decides to use the one way gauranteed to get huge search rank penalties. What a fucking idiot!? lololol
>default ubo doesnt block it
Sadly the parent DIV is not static. [A-Za-z0-9]{30} may catch it at dom with the ^# trick introduced in 1.15.0
I can screenshot the same, but it's timed, try again scrolling and waiting a couple of minutes. Oh, wait, you are a faggot and I just spoon-fed you, how wrong of me.
The only other explanation would be: you're having some custom subscription in uBO.
Because AniDB has a community flowing with goodwill. The insane OCD-tier information they store is community driven and the community wants to keep it alive.
It's no wonder they would fund it.
>me demand proof!
>proof is in the thread, user
>me demand proof proof proof!
>read the thread
>reading is for faggots! werks here!
hold on I got it, please try this
>and waiting a couple of minutes
Waited 5 minutes, nothing changed.
Crashing this dumb thread with no survivors.
Then show us your subscriptions and uBO version.
You are retarded. You simply do not use websites that employ such scum tactics.
Default everything.
fuck that
websites that don't let me see their content are websites I don't visit
99.999% of the case the content (or similar) is hosted elsewhere as well.
>my uBO version is Default everything.
Didn't know about that version. Anyway, you're lying.
You would like that
Wouldn't you adblockblock guy?
no soup for you
there are a few larger center-right news sites that have ad blocker blockers in place, like Salon or The Atlantic, and a few of the slimier hackintosh sites, but
>worth using
>>my uBO version is Default everything.
"hurr, I'll pretend being retarded, durr"
ublock doesn't try to work around proof of concept sites
The "Adblock Warning Removal List" is already integrated in uBlock Origin. The additional NanoBase.txt and NanoTimer.txt don't really make it worth it.
see ,
>The additional NanoBase.txt and NanoTimer.txt don't really make it worth it.
That's precisely what makes it worth it. And their additional 3 filters.
the div is only randomized with js enabled, and if it is, bab-defuser.js disables it
I dont get any anti-adblocker on Salon or The Atlantic using umatrix and ubo with scripts disabled.
what's the problem?
lmao what is this bullshit?
noted, trying^#babasbmsgx
Absolute horseshite. The fact that they're targeting something like Brave marks them as nuts already