>user what computer brand is the best?
User what computer brand is the best?
HP. They have very high quality hardware and good support too. I haven't used a laptop in the last few years. But all my HP laptops from the past have held up to this date. My friends spectre laptops are so fucking beautiful. Instant recommend.
get out of this board
ASUS tends to make good parts in my experience. Great monitors, great mobos (when they try), great GPUs (if you're willing to shell out a little extra)
I'd say EVGA is a close second, they make excellent PSUs and decent GPUs
>buying preassembled computers
Nah. You get off because you can't appreciate quality hardware.
Desktop: Self-built
Laptop: Thinkpad
Apple obs
i would like to buy kits to assemble or upgrade a laptop if there are any
OP is making fun of computer illiterates who can't differ between specs and brands
Thinks people should assemble their own machines but is probably obese and can't clean their own rooms. Priorities though amirite?
you can get the best spec'd computer ever, but if the parts break within 2.5 years it's still crap
HP is the best for me, personally. Extended warranty on all products, made from recycled parts, mostly come with AMD products, maximum comfy even on lower priced machines etc,etc. I have had a couple of HP laptops and they served me extremely well for years, none of them broke at all
yes people should be a little bit more self dependant imo.
Oh who the fuck am i kidding, retarded normies make me money.
it never has been more fitting
This actually is the answer for people that would ask this question.
the underage newfaggotry is real
Hi grandpa
>hey you got a new desktop?
>it's not a desktop it's a tower!
i had this interaction happen before. never spoke to that person again.
I'm fat but I keep my room tidy. Don't know how either have to do with thinking people should take a chance at building a PC