Why are GNU/Linux users trannys?
Why are GNU/Linux users trannys?
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Jesus god the state of that fucking thing. I do still think Libreboot is a good idea though.
Low T compared to chad windows users.
I don't know, why are you?
It's a well known fact that traps make for the best computer users
Is Sup Forums a pro tranny board?
T. Brainlet that doesn't get laid from his neofetch screenshots.
Unironically the autism spectrum, since introverted hobbies will concentrate it
But a majority of them are just autogynephiliac men with low self-confidence and literally just got memed into trannydom via peer pressure.
It's one of the consequences of receiving no sexual female attention in their lives.
There's a higher rate of individuals identifying as transgender amongst the autistic spectrum. I am not aware of any current research exploring possible causes to date.
Two words: programming socks.
(( Trannies ))
It seems pretty simple
>be attracted to girls
>too autistic to ever talk to one
>only option is to become your own girl
yeah because the computer is the only place where anyone will actually believe they're female
What happened to him? Drug overdose?
>tfw compiling my own girl
He's a women now.
What difference does it make for you? Mind your own beeswax, we live in a free country and get to be whatever the fuck we want!
Reminder that trannys are awful people.
GNU/Linux is so popular that there are all kinds of people using it around the world. And it gets more popular all the time, making the userbase even more colorful. If you only count Windows 10 users and MacOS users and compare them to GNU/Linux users, you'll understand easier that there's actually a gigantic amount of people using it. All the office workers from China and other places are just inflating the Windows marketshare with their old versions, making GNU/Linux seem smaller in total. Home users have the newest version as they pretty much had no choice but to take it, so it's more accurate to focus on Windows 10 only.
That sounds like they would drop it if they got a girlfriend, since there's no reason to keep doing it. Is that the case?
Shut up idiot, the constraints of biology still apply. I do believe in the freedom of gender expression, though.
>Wear a dress? Fine
>Long hair? Sure buddy
>Makeup? If you say so
>Cut penis off? O-okay
>Me call you she? Die in a fire faggot
technology people (not all, but quite a few) tend to be quite degenerate
A non-binary person who specializes in binary. Gg, wp.
[ ] regular kek
[x] top kek
freedom of gender expression seems more terrible than just doing all of those things convincingly good
>constraints of biology
Cultural values aren't biology, you ignoramus.
It's called the testicles and the uterus. It's called the XX chromosome and XY chromosome. No post modern neo Marxism will ever invalidate these irrefutable facts of life.
Trannies are disgusting and should be gassed, girls with feminine penises are okay
Chromosomes a social construct.
So you're clueless about philosophy as well, not just biology...
Dropping the tough guy act, I am genuinely open to any argument that supports this. Please, for the first time in my life, make a case.
it's fine honestly
I kind of like how many trannies are huge nerds because it puts a spoke in the perception of genders as equal to each other; even when they're girls, guys are STILL more naturally inclined to technology than real girls. All the diversity and inclusion shit is a forced sham from outside the field.
this is my sentiment exactly
Sup Forums have you fucked the local tranny?
I am the local tranny.
I am not familiar with the terms enough to know the difference. Aren't trannies men trying to be women? Isn't that what shemales are? Also are traps different from trannies?
Linux is popular among trannies because often the only men autistic enough to run it are low T betas who have to become the women that they could never talk to IRL. Trannies are mentally ill. Their behavior should not be encouraged.
That tripfag is such an obnoxious one, mostly because he is always so wrong when he is certain he knows his shit. Pure cringe.
Traps actually look like girls with dicks. Trannies are abominations
Nope. We just have a few posters that think unironically traps are not gay and they are autistically loud.
Every board has a few anons like that. Newfags just don't know that most of us meme it and those actual few just think we are serious and repeat after the rest.
Anime and computers make you wish you were a little girl.
This is why all Sup Forums crossboarders should follow the path of manly men and stop browsing Sup Forums.
this I would rather fuck a male-identifying cute femboy than some crazy mentally ill tranny
What I took away: animals can have reproductive systems that do not mirror humans - they can change sex based on hormone presence, inheritly have two sexes, & reproduce based on environmental factors. Human embryos have no sex in early stages of development, and statistically rare ones develop sexual characteristics associated with both genders.
The sticking point for me is humans have no biological mechanism to alter our physiology to transcend and transform our gender. Even the application of science and medicine at best stimulate development of secondary characteristics. When a woman decides she is a man, no biological transformation takes place. There is no sperm. The change is based within the framework of our social constructs.
The transformation is never physiological. The exception are people born with overlapping characteristics, truly transcending binary categorization. The average fruitcake waking up one day and flipping a cognitive switch does not qualify.
T. t440s faggot.
So the difference is how good the end result was? So every tranny would want to be called a trap because it's the highest compliment?
Yep. They're essentially the same thing, like Stacey v. The Other One. Its discerning for quality.
Pls respond