Hey Sup Forums question what phone should I get, my s7 edge broke and i need to get a new phone. Should I get the s8+, wait for the s9 to be released or just get something else entirely
Hey Sup Forums question what phone should I get, my s7 edge broke and i need to get a new phone. Should I get the s8+...
Monitoring thread.
My S7 battery life is shit now. Want to upgrade and keep the S7 to operate my devices like my Drone and Motorized Timelapse dolly.
Get a Doodoo P00 8, cheap cheap
I've got a 2 year old S7 and I'm just waiting for the S9 next month.
No point getting an S8 with it's successor coming out so soon
Im not the one payin for it
stop being a leech sucking your parents dry
Except that when s9 comes, s8 will drop in price.
If there is no significant improvement, I think s8 is more logical. No?
That's exactly what Im thinking
Im paying what i can for the phone and my moms paying the rest
lmao so you are underage
Nah, just a broke college student
that's pretty pathetic
why not get some cheapo phone like those Xiaomis that'll do everything you want it to?
Save up some money for things that are actually useful, not another bi-yearly release toy that'll be obsolete next year?
paying my own way through college
After you upgrade (so no interruption due to lack of phone) you can easily replace your S7 battery and it's a good idea to learn on a secondary phone.
I say buy the S8+ or the S8. Will there really be much difference between the S8 and S9? If my S7 broke I would try to buy the S8 but I would also have no problem buying another S7 if they were out for whatever reason. The Samsung S series are definitely the Cadillac of smart phones.
>awaiting shitstorm of replies
Why do you guys keep doing this to yourselves? Why to you buy phones with shit battery life AND it's non-removable? Do you just love blowing money on shit tech?
Don't really care if it "becomes obsolete next year" cause Ill be keeping this phone till I graduate and then pay for the next phone myself, why don't you discuss the topic instead
Listen to:
Sort yourself out. You don't need a powerful smart phone. You know it, I know it, fucking user knows it.
Stop sucking out money out of your mama.
Get your shit together. Learn a skill. Be great at it. Go out in the world and make a living and lift your head up.
You don't deserve an S8+ or S9 yet.
Good luck on your journey to greatness... or to hell. The choice is yours.
Have you ever held a samsung S7 or newer in your hand? It is fucking perfect.
You can always buy a warranty for your phone
Was thinking about that as well, before my s7 I had the iphone 5s shit lasted me till the battery sucked
Thats why im going to college, to I can get a degree and make my own living, 2 years away from graduating, also my mom walked out on me when i was a kid and I guess feels bad and when I told her my phone broke she said shed get me a new phone, she just got my sis that ridiculous new iphone
just take your s7 to the local shop. don't be wasteful. You can get the screen and battery changed for $200 in most places. support local business and fight consumerism
List all the things that you do on the phone.
Send emails, texts, hotspot, photos, banking, calls, snapchat, bluetooth, word/take notes, listen to music, and idk other normie shit
You can get away with a sub $500 phone. Have you considered OP5T?
but what if he doesn't want his data stolen?
I'd wait for the s9, get that fast new snapdragon 845 son. Most of the rumour websites think it's gonna be released around march, so you wouldn't have to wait TOO long
Then he wouldn't even consider using android at first place.
Get an Xperia, duuh.
Credit card info was stolen from their website and not people's phones. That has now been fixed.
What, in your opinion, is the best ~6" phone on the market right now?