What language do i learn after C?

What language do i learn after C?

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x86 assembly




good programmers learn from high to low level
only webfags go higher level after c
learn how to encode/decode x86 opcodes while you learn assembly
it's not as hard as it first looks, you'll be a russian in no time


>good programmers learn from high to low level
>only webfags go higher level after c

chipsets are designed and implemented using HDLs, organized and analyzed with high level functional constructs

where is your god now


Whatever you need to make something actually useful. Want to build an emulator? assembly. Want to make a website? some sort of framework or just php. Want to make a mobile app? Swift and java or just javascript

My suggestions:
> A scripting language: Python or Ruby
> a systems (manually managed) language with more abstractions: C++ or Rust
> An assembly language
> A type safe / FP language: Ocaml or Haskell
> Something OO GC'd static normie-tier, like Java or C#
> Something really esoteric, like a theorem prover

>this is a good quick overview of opcodes, ignore the rootkit part for now

>amd dev manuals

>intel dev manuals

Common Lisp

hmm strange that I'm starting to see Toradora pop up a lot lately, given it was released ~10 years ago. I recently finished rewatching it too.

of course they design them that way, it would be retarded not to
what exactly is your point?

>cars are designed with CAD or something
>why are you using a steering wheel to control it?

Russian blyat

there's no reason to write assembly, especially in a clusterfuck like modern x86/IA64, without bootstrapping a compiler from it

>why are you using a steering wheel to control it?

self driving cars outperform human ones

3rding this

no reason? here's one: debugging
inb4 you show your hand as a pleb and say you don't need to debug your compiled code

hit yourself on the head until you forget all about buffer overflow: the language
then learn haskell




unironically Sup Forums likes to shit on it but knowing C++ well will get you actual real non-meme jobs.
It's not the shiniest language by a long shot but it's pretty much everywhere, especially in native desktop applications.

C++ (which means D)

C++ and D are separate languages though

Rust-lang is a toy, a beautiful bauble for minds addicted to a certain kind of complexity. Rust isn't about producing production code, Rust is about producing Rust. Scratching that itch.
The time and energy spent on Rust won't ever be justified in terms of productive bug-free software, when compared against some other simpler language or approach.

>tfw you realize that Firefox, OpenDNS, and Tor use Rust

>production code

C++, x86 assembly, C# and Golang are all you'll ever need. Prove me wrong

They go great together.
