Since recently I really like to listen to the noise on the radio, between stations.
Does anyone else do this?
Since recently I really like to listen to the noise on the radio, between stations.
Does anyone else do this?
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never tried, but will later tonight, thanks
I like this youtube guy who uses radio static to contact the dead.
Yup. It's fun to use AM radio to try to find a religious station that doesn't come in well. Sounds like a Godspeed or Silver Mt Zion intro.
Here's link.
Mortis the wizard. Uses radio static to talk to demons,
Yes I used to take LSD and drive my car around to rural locations where multiple stations are on the cusp of interference with each other and record it to cassette. Sometimes it's up to 5 different stations all bubbling up and over each other with static. It's kind of like using a car as an instutment
I had a tv channel at home that showed some channel all distorted with static along with a random mixture of colors.
this was before tumblr played out the whole glitch art thing, and me and my friends loved being high listening to music and watching that channel
going "ooo" whenever something really cool happened to flash by
>not driving on acid
There was one summer where I was just putting drops over liquid L in my eyes and my tolerance for tabs was through the roof. I could drive without any issue
John cage did
Shamelessly self-advertising my music that does exactly this. I couldn't find any music that did exactly this (aside from a couple of John Cage tracks and the odd YouTube video) so I wanted to try it out.
what's the point of "making" that "music"? one of the major points of it is that it's not "made" by anyone so you're not sucking their "creative" phallus
also check out Bull of Heaven
This is pretty cool man. What is your method to go about creating these recordings. I really like FM
I agree that the best I've heard of radio static isn't recorded. It seems to "contain" it when it's recorded. However, the reason I put it on an album is to show that radio can be an instrument, a creative outlet in and of itself. Aside from the occasional person on Sup Forums that says they enjoy radio static, nobody utilizes radio as a medium of musical interest aside from listening to broadcasted music. It helps people listen to things they might not have recognized as music, just like all noise. On that note, one could say there's no reason to commit any noise to an album.
Thanks, bruv. I record live and use the entire broadcast spectrum, pieces of news, music, pure static, and whatever else in-between. I'm working on a couple other projects with the same basic theme of finding musical qualities in that which isn't viewed typically as musical.
>tfw I did this with my shortwave radio and made an album using the recordings
nigga I'm one step ahead of y4reoe34
someone already did it though
you do realize that there's a whole genre about noise etc. right?
i'd say check out Merzbow etc., but you probably already have?
Well, no shit. But the argument that it's pointless to commit static to a recorded album could be (and is) applied to the genre as a whole.
I knew it wasn't an original idea. People have been doing this in one variation or another for decades, and certainly before this release. In general, though, I don't care for this one. (I'm not big on black metal, and there's not a great deal of variation.
But that isn't a black metal album I posted. Did you even listen to it ?
so what is the point that you are trying to make? what is the point of your recorded noise? why would anyone listen to that instead of their own found noise?
I just listened to his recordings and enjoyed it. How is this so hard for you to comprehend? Zorn did an album years ago that was just the a record players needle rubbing the black spaces of a vinyl, picking up minute crackling ambience
probably samefag
also not an answer to the question
you guys would love this