How being unemployed affected my mental health

Do any of you relate to this Sup Forumsuy? I've recently become a NEET since I graduated from college and haven't been able to get any responses for my resume after applying for some time. Any thoughts?

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just give up and neck yourself already

You can't be a NEET is you have education. NEET means "Not in Education, Employment, or Training".

>Become a bartender at a good bar
>Work 5 hours for $120 a day
>Live comfy
>Program apps and do freelance work at home
You can still be lazy and do this.

>You can't a NEET is you have education.
I trust this guy. I think he knows what he's talking about.

If you studied something employable like cs and still can't get a job then you're just not good. Try for something else. Sorry you wasted your money.

I'm introverted and have a slight stutter, I don't think I'll do well in a social setting like that

you're probably not following up, should be able to get something even if the pay is shit

It's past tense vs present tense. You are only NEET if you are "Not in Education Employment or Training" at the given time. You can be a NEET after finishing school or losing a job

If you can't get a job in the field you got a degree in you should get an ordinary job in construction like lots of uneducated immigrants work in

>Working in a bar

Don't listen to this guy, bar work is literally cansur.


lol europoors are pathetic

I'm not even memeing when I say that I make $80/hr

You know almost every common place needs people. Kids these days are massively fucking unreliable and it just takes one degenerate thing to be redflagged and not considered. Weird piercings? Bad or exaggerated clothing (pre-ripped jeans)? Poor eye contact or low vocal strength or stuttering? Hat with a sticker on it? Your resume is in the garbage because you're just some shitlord without a drive or "need" to work (because you can always live at home) so you'll skip work random days and random days you'll just fuck everything up, and in general you'll create drama for being a spoiled shit that's never had to work for anything, with a bogus inflated self worth from social media you really shouldn't have. Just one icon can label you worthless to employ.

You may not get your desired job but almost nobody I know works in the field they got their schooling for, besides nurse/care aids. My gf has a degree in business but is a government secretary for a medical clinic and checks in druggies all day to make sure they're safely killing themselves, and wants to become a park ranger because she fucking hates working at a desk now.

I've only been neet for less than 5 months and my self confidence has absolutely plummeted down the shitter. I just don't know what went wrong.

That's not even that good. Any pajeet in California can make that. I made $600k last year from my app. Not even memeing. And I don't consider it good because I can't even employ a team with it. I could only hire a few pajeets with it and that's just pathetic to me.

Actually its you can't be a NEET if you're currently in education or training or have job/looking for job.

You're also not a neet the above status stays for more than few months.

-t 10 year neet

If you aren't getting interviews, you need to improve your resume.

While I agree that if you can't get a job it means you suck, I don't think just because you're bad at one point in time, you're doomed to be bad forever. You just have to adapt your skillset to the market, and adjust your expectations.

How does he get away with it? HOW

for mental heath the best is avoiding people until you forget you're going crazy and watching a shit ton of anime

Bullshit. Getting help and being sociable are best for mental health. Don't give bad advice on this.

But other people in real life drive me crazy.

I used to think that too until I started vaping weed in my waking hours

Thankfully I'm not a degenerate.

>600k , with an android app
And that's when i knew you were lying

Retard alert

There are such a thing as introversion and extroversion. Most people are in the middle, but there are outliers.

The extreme introverts should not participate in social events any more than they have to. They live happiest living in a secluded area with minimal social contacts.

The extreme extroverts should not be secluded in any given time. They live happiest when they are surrounded by people all the time.

As with the infinite monkey theorem, the nature of human genetics create diverse individuals and sometimes extremes on both ends.

I don't hate people too much. I just hate their interests and what they talk about 99% of the time.

weed isnt for degenerates,

you just need to be yourself as hard as you can, but also go to offices and give firm hadshakes to the managers

t. 6 years (valedictorian) mech eng neet

Yes it is. We'd be better off if all stoners killed themselves.

Degenerates, pls

It makes you one.

>4 years without working hard for Mr. Sheckleberg is having an effect on my brainwashed goy cattle brain

No jobs in women's studies.

OP can be credentialed without being educated.

It's been about 2 years for me out of school being unemployed. Got hurt working construction. Herniated 3 discs and have nerve pain and dmg in my legs that keeps me from moving long periods of time. Fucking depressing. I feel like a mooch half the time at home. But trying to get in shape and doing marketing from a home office kinda been helping me. I still have waaay to much downtime. Hoping to change things this year.

Chances are someone in your family has my app installed on their phone.

Ive only watched a couple of his videos, but he seems like a total piece of shit.

Now you are just making it even more obviously you are lying.

What were you doing 5 months ago and how'd you end up NEET?

SHould have just gotten some shit job somewhere like a janitor or something simple like that.
In a capitalist society, ya always gotta stay employed.

I was a bartender for a year, hated it because of the clientele

Student + Student Tech with cushy privileges.

Rule of thumb:
If you did not get a job offer prior to graduating, you are not the cream of the crop.

If you did not get a job offer within a year of graduation, you are a fuckup, and you have done something wrong.
Consider looking within to find the answers to your problems.
shortcut: everything that has happened to you is your fault.

>SHould have just gotten some shit job somewhere like a janitor or something simple like that.
You simply can't put down you were a janitor when you're applying for a Dev II position at a major software company.

Ad homonem

Read this and stop living in a bubble:

if you pretend to be an "introvert" while in reality you are cowering in fear you really are doing yourself a disservice

fuck that is some awful user experience
who approved that?

You're applying a generalization of an entire generation onto me, senpai.

I'm not you people.

I wasn't raised by a misguided generation to make shitty choices.
My parents were fresh off the boat. No connections, knowing absolutely nothing about how to succeed in America.

I got a full ride to a cheap state college, paid for by the government. No student debt. No extraneous scholarships. Just FAFSA.

I graduated with a useful degree, with real-world application--CS, as you would expect from being here.
I learned within my first year or so that most young people treat college as a daycare. So I got my shit together.

I work for a fortune 500 company and make $100k/year. I got my job offer before graduating.

Thanks for subscribing to my blog, and remember that your poor decisions can only be owned by you.

Well, looks like you're still a young kid living a high life. I was like you and thought exactly like you, wait until you hit 30 and the industry will kick you the curb. If you still made it and turn 40 and they'll take you out back and shoot you.

If the default assumption is everyone is pretending, then there are no genuine people.

I think you're doing some strong projecting here.

Even then, this is a thread about people who can't get jobs in CS, despite this market being the best opportunity to get a job in CS since the dot com bubble.

What we're talking about is the here and now.
If these fuckups can't handle getting a job in what is possibly the easiest market they'll get, what makes you think they can handle 5 or 10 years from now?

Again--I'm not you people. I can handle my own shit.

Sup Forums is not your blog.

Why is he blaming his unemployment for his mental illness? Lets be honest, if you've been here a decade a more you're destined for insanity, I've been here eleven years. Trust me.

>being this much of an insufferable tryhard
Kid, admit you've got lucky. When they say "the market," what they really want are cheap H1-Bs that won't complain and get paid way below market value. I had the same exact lack of compassion as you when I was your age, but looking back I should have been more grateful and thankful for what I had instead of labeling people "idiots" or "lazy." It's more complex than that, but how would you know until you end up in our shoes years down the road? Anyways, have fun with your SDE-I junior position while it lasts.

Pretty sure that guy put that link because he was illustrating issues that 'millennials' in general struggle with, and wasn't implying anything about you. Not sure how you interpreted it that way.

Blaming your failures on mental illness is step numbero uno to remain a NEET. If you can't milk sympathy, your ass is gonna end up on the street. Unfortunate circumstance is the fang the bites your host's neck, you'd be stupid not to use it.

Senpai, I'm already familiar with Silicon Valley's legal slave labor market.
Recessions happen. You don't always get your dream job.
You know what I would have done if I was born in a recession? I'd have become a machinist, a welder, an electrician.
White collar jobs ebb and flow with the market. Blue collar jobs ebb and flow with the generations.

I'm aware of that, but millennial problems have nothing to do with this thread. The fact is, here and now, there are people who are contiguously unemployed and don't know what to do with their lives. That should be more telling to you than anything else. They refuse to compromise, instead maintain a laser focus on that dream life that they've been lied to about since childhood.

I was a NEET for a year.

After reintegrating to society, I had problems talking, remembering names and things people told me, I was constantly tired and had constant panic attacks.

The effects lessen as the months passed, working out has helped a lot.

This guy isn't even Japanese but somehow became a NEET in Japan

And yeah, he does seem like a piece of shit.

Don't know if he deleted them yet but he posted shit about his gf or no one knows if he is lying when he said he got kicked out.

Just a resume will barely do shoot even if you have the degree especially if you don't have work experience. You gotta be doing projects in your spare time and developing a portfolio.

Thanks for sharing, all the best to you fellow user.

Wrong, the only way you are going to be successful is if you blame all of your failures on other people.
This is how Donald Trump won the Presidency.
Being self critical will make you lose in life.
If you blame everything on others, then you will succeed.
Avoid blaming yourself. Blame others always.

Even if it's true android sucks and is only used by 3rd world shitholers you need 1000 impressions just to make .5- 1$ and can only get those if your app is an addictive normie game not an app.

What kind of app is it?

Damn, I've been blown the fuck out
How will I ever recover?

Yeah, also when it comes to "portfolios," your simple todo webapp isn't going to cut it. They're looking for legit contributions to industry-grade OSS projects, but contributing to projects like those takes months, if not a few years, to get ramped up on, plus you gotta deal with the autists who manage that project. It's ridiculous and they expect you to have a portfolio like that right after you get fired/managed out of your job.

stop shilling your shitty channel guy or im going to send some juicy shit to your girlfriend

>yet another kids these days rant
same as it ever was, only these days if you aren't with the in crowd you might as well hang yourself because you'll never find a job anywhere doing anything

it's funny, the only people who i see having this dumb attitude where jobs are everywhere is from people who get handouts from mommy and daddy. never had to deal with the real world because if they fucked up there would be a net to catch them and oh, you need a job? one of my buddies is looking for a stock boy. or their daddy would train them personally and get them a job

guess what,
the world is not a meritocracy
not everyone has rich parents.
not everyone is lucky enough to have access the right people
not everyone can get help
some people who are very smart trip up because of literal bullshit

and you faggots who think you are god's gift to humanity need to accept this. hard work is bullshit, it's a crapshoot out there and you got lucky. accept it, try to give a hand to people like the one in OP's video and move on.

it's hard but if you understand this you will grow as a person and generally be less bitter and jaded because you'll stop judging other people and more importantly, you'll stop lying to yourself

life isn't fair, stop pretending it is

Has anyone here ever had a job you hated so much you just stopped working and hoped that they eventually fired you?

I'm pretty happy. I guess it's only a problem if you're not wealthy.

I haven't been to work since September lol

not sure what to do about taxes though

Every job I've ever had, pretty sure I've been living with undiagnosed autism fore decades now. Absolutely every single aspect of my life seems ten times more difficult than it should be or than it used to be when I was younger, I might be going mad.

>Absolutely every single aspect of my life seems ten times more difficult than it should be or than it used to be when I was younger, I might be going mad.
Brother. Something is fucky here, all my youthful vigor seems to have dissipated, and I'm not even 30 yet, barely 21. What madness is this? I hate it.

>undiagnosed autism
If you had autism, you'd have been diagnosed. You're just a dork.

I graduated nearly 2 years ago, but got sick and haven't had a job since. Luckily I have enough crypto to live off of indefinitely, but that just compounded my lack of motivation to do anything. I have slowly been building a routine to create some sort of order in my life, but I pretty much still feel dead inside. Hopefully getting out and traveling will help me grow up, all my friends are already busy with their careers and/ or married and just being responsible adults in general.

yeah it seems barely anyone is honest with their resume either. i got 2 interviews in a year, while my friends got jobs and they all suggested to lie to a great degree on the resume

Fuck you I'm just trying to help from lived experience. I never got less than an A in my quals, who is the retard now?

Plus I beat my whole private school at least twice

Fuck off.

Imagine for a second if this special snowflake attention whore were a female, would you guys react the same to his pathetic, "poor me and my first world problems!" video?

Fucking hypocrites, this garbage vlog YouTube channel is not techonology and this guy is a huge spoiled faggot, who is in a foreign country being a useless piece of shit. Oh! but his skin is not brown, does that make it ok? is it ok when white people do it?

You must be from Seattle

What a newfag.

If this special snowflake attention whore were a female, she'd have to show her tits or get the fuck out.
Alternatively stop trying to poison STEM with underqualified graduates.

>save up lots of money.
I expected him to say
>and then the bitches.












Funny, I started to go mad in just two months of work. How can you niggas work at least 40hr/week? Do you not do anything on the weekdays? I hate it, but I need money to live.

top job best breachhhhh














iktf hitting 24 soon

>I haven't been able to get any responses after applying
>have you tried McDonalds or something?
>what? you expect me to flip burgers?
no job, no food

No i do not relate to this guy. He leeches off women, staying at their place for free and then cheats on them.

>Clearly a half asian living in Japan