"Vladimir Putin is a Communist"

>"Vladimir Putin is a Communist"

t. CNN 5 minutes ago


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Is he a communist?

No thoughts?

> "This is EVIL MONSTER!!!!! Good Pindos come and save us!"
a я тaк пoнимaю, чтo вы cчитaeтe ceбя чacтью тaк нaзывaeмoй интeллигeнции (oднo из aгpeгaтных cocтoяний oднoгo вeщecтвa). Hy чтo ж пpoдoлжaйтe мнить ceбя coлью зeмли и пpoтивoпocтaвлять ceбя "быдлy" - флaг вaм в pyки.

>Vladimir Putin is the best president ever and 115% of the population views him favorably

T. Russian tv

Sup Forums exists for a reason.




That americans are somehow getting dumber each decade, you already think left and liberal mean the same thing, and get triggered is someone says Cuba and Soviet Russia are/were conservatives or that Hitler is to the left of Obama and most democrats.

>Soviet Union
It was conservative on social issues because of Stalin but it was never ideologically conservative in terms of philosophy.

The news can say whatever and never actually get punished for their actions.
So naturally you get lies, slander and other fun things.

Also Cuba is not even socially conservative, it has gays etc. So you can't really make a case for it being conservative.

146%, actually.

Levada Center is an independent and respected polling center that shows that Putin's approval is consistently above 75%

Cuba is "socially conservative" like Russia.

Essentially a weird mix of hypocrisy and conservatism.

Better than being a faggot Yankee.

Pew and Gallup are among the most respected independent polling agencies from America and they show an approval rating of >80% as well

Russia is a mix of "socially conservative" and "socially liberal". For example Russia was the first country in the world to legalize abortion under all circumstances and some years ago there were more abotions in Russia than live births.

Fucking Commies did that. Rules on abortion has been gradually tightening over the years. Medvedev and others in the elite are part of a group that wants to ban it completely.

by abortion they meant eugenics

Considering the amount of abortions in Russia nothing's gonna happen since this issue is socially accepted

That is why they are giving more power to the church, they want to change the culture to be in line with their vision.

Accoring to polls 75% of Russians want the church to stay out of politics

Polls don't matter in Russia. Will of the state does.

I hope they won't change the laws on abotion becaue that would be a huge step in the wrong direction.

Already changed some, they changed requirements and banned advertising etc for it. it is moving against abortion. Russian state believes it needs to raise birthrates to protect interests.

typical shit americans say and believe, what do you expect from cnn?

They need to raise birthrates to somehow soften the coming demographic gap. Otherwise we will soon have more pensioners than working people and pension or even social system will collapse.

We need a steady albeit slow growth.

Russia is big and can easily sustain a population of 500 mln or even more.

True. Just interesting how they are trying to do it.


Who is Vladimor Putib?

he's a soviet

Who is Vladimor Putib?

Who is Vladimor Putib?

With all means possible for now: church, limiting abortions, money for second child, young families program and so on.

At least they try to make what the can with the money they have.

Also, the number of kids in orphanages slowly decreasing from year to year. People started adopting more often.

At the work I heard there us initiave to take example from France and some Nordic countries with their social policy towards families and adopt it.

I watched World Order yesterday. wtf i love russia and putin now!


Hey, us in Texas are pretty similar to you guys. Lots of supposed conservatism mixed in with hypocritical degeneracy.

Well, it is more restricted now than under communism.

Under communism it was simply banned.

Well so are 90% of Russians

Hmmm, maybe I'm getting my times wrong. But it definitely became harder to abort in Russia recently.

Not exactly a bad thing

Imagine him trying to strangle you, but being unable to reach your neck, lol.