
hugh mungus edition

Other urls found in this thread:


korean pop


who is this fat fuck and why is his face being posted everywhere?

Poor Hugh. He didn't deserve that shit.



some guy who made a joke and got screamed at by a feminist for ''sexual harassment''

looooooooooool imagine being the kind of nonce that gets these

oh my daysssssssss blud

He made a very dumb joke and some fat feminist kicked off and now it's an internet meme.

Alice is more British then Karen desu

>what is google

KYS you fucking neckbeard. FUCKING DO IT NOW CUNT!!

*spins the bottle*
it lands on

>The lads are texting me, asking me to go out tonight for a drink
Could not be FUCKED.

This post is dedicated to Jenna

How will we be celebrating the day lids

Hugh Mungus

Post Jenna webms.

*spins the bottle*
it lands on

Annibyniaeth i Gymru

This place just isn't for me

The 9 BLM uk protestors from the other day are exactly the sort of people you'd expect them to be, all of them are white btw

>1 Oxford graduate organic farmer
>1 film producer, cousin of the famous actors Ralph (played voldemort in Harry Potter) and Joseph fiennes, educated at the highly prestigious westminster school. While at LSE she 'occupied' a uni building demanding free education while blogging about it on the guardian, father is an author and lives in a multi million pound house in London with her husband who was also there
>2 self proclaimed anarchists from the group plane stupid which blocked tunnels at Heathrow in the past, one is an organic farmer and the other a student in brighton
>1 actor who is a green party member and part of a croquet club
>3 people who live on a houseboat together, one member of friends of the earth, one 'community musician' who just got back from the Edinburgh festival, part of a theatre group and recently directed an opera about prostitutes and finally one anti fracking protestor who has perviously locked themselves inside a fire engine as a protest

what did he get deleted for


>when she deleted all of her social media accounts when the whole thing backfired and made a utter fool of herself
she'll forever be known as that annoying crazy abusive feminist cunt as her name and picture is out there for all to see now
embarrassing for her
embarrassing for women
embarrassing for humanity as a whole really


>all the benders defending his gf in the comments

keep standing on my baby toe


he's just in another thread

janny's at the job centre, post TIGHTS

nothing wrong with being a noble farmer

got so smashed i can't remember half the night apart from flashes of colliding with the pavement.


and they've all been arrested for a couple years, yeah?
good good


Wyoming has only 580,000 people living in it.

Marijuana was a mistake

last spin, lads
*spins the bottle*
it lands on

Anyone here not actually want a gf?



space for a lot of refugees


is there many qt yank boys?


brb lol

that sounds beautiful

imagine all of the barratt homes you could build there

aha bender

they aren't noble farmers they're special snowflake '''''''''organic'''''''''''' farmers

I'm fucking ur moms RECTum in any ANGLE

>even wales has 3 million


The population of England in 1066 was about 1 million

*are there

Opinion on the Sidemen? I think they're great.

she did nowt wrong

So, roughly the same amount of people that have shagged your mum??

Nah, £200 fine and a slap on the wrist, not even joking

0 1 6 1 lads

Oi lads, my Wyoming poster finally arrived

yeah but she's the type that will blame people calling her out on being a dipshit as misogyny and sexism

there's no reasoning with them, they know how the world works, end of

one of my favourite webms of all time


Watching a bit of the so called Jeremy Kyle Show

I'm on red-alert lads

the gf keeps saying nothing is wrong when I ask her but she's definitely up to something

glad you enjoy my video

how do i get a british gf when they all hate yanks

>watch the Hugh mungus video
>Woman has an English accent

Fucks sake

he's clearly over 5.4ft

stop being such a yank, dumb bearposter

Thought she was Australian desu



I only take orders from Jenna, sorry.

Just checked and she is in fact English, fucking embarrassing

i can't, it's in my DNA


Then GTFO, fatty

>watching Jeremy Kyle
>working class scum doing nothing but shouting over each other so you can't hear what any of them are saying

Ah yes

Me and the supposed """""""""""""""""""g""""""""""""""""""""f.

Was watching this when I realised I can't wait until it's winter and I can wear jumpers again

It would be nice to have a qt to snuggle with too but I won't get ahead of myself

she's a paki

loving these popular memes


damn, we had like under 100 000 back then

Black science man is my favourite meme.

Need a bf lads

based janny

enjoyed these posts


pls be grill


Am boy

her face isn't level though

>tfw BangTidy is dead
now what

need some sauce on this

99.9% of people's faces are asymmetrical to some small degree

fucking hell even three layers of makeup can't hide her shit skin

Are you cute

Where will Tim go when he gets evicted?

you do realise that it's normal to have slightly asymmetrical eyes right?

You call that """slightly""""???

