Muslims and Russians want to stop this

>Muslims and Russians want to stop this

How can you be against this?

They don't know boys love is the purest.

The Quran describes boys who look like pearls in heaven. They only serve your will.

sudan that's a rare flag here


Kill yourself faggots

Quran has cutebois?

I am using a proxy, Sudan has never been known to post here

Muslims do a lot of this on the low

Muslims will never admit it though


What happened to the doctor?

No its me but I am fooling around

I am hoping to cultivate a "sophisticated humour" reputation like the Aussies

My condition is going terminal

Ill miss you bro


You'll live a long prosperous life and remember the Sudanese idiot when you're an old fact

I'm not gonna make it bro


Fuck off, you mentally ill freak.

You absolutely will... I need to leave now, see you another time

Pidoraha triggered

Wont produce baby

i don't think so op. just today some brown man asked me i want to be his "friend".

There were openly gay Muslim poets like Abu Nawas, his poems are full of sexual references to his lovers and the caliphs and the men he lusted after during his lifetime

Good, the planet is already overpopulated.

Nah we need more white people.

>Islamic golden age
When Muslims were further away from Islam.

But don't you want more Westerners in the world?
Shithole countries like Nigeria have fertility rate at 7 whereas developed countries like Germany and Japan have extremely low rates and they're full of old people
If all Western women are feminists and all Western men are either gay SJWs or MGTOW who don't want anything to do with women and those who do want anything to do with women produce 1 child & 3 cats max, there will be no west

>we need more white people
Fuck you, you already plague three continents.

Africans are stone gae tier, it's not a good example of humna behaviour
We just should stop helping them

We should have genocided way WAY more.

This, Muslims are closet fags anyway.