
> seller
> 89 dollars per month

>пpoфcoюзниe внoc
Looks like your profsoyuz doesnt to its job.

night guard


What does it say?

Ya programmist, menya ne obmanesh.

It means, that a marketer is supposed to pay to the shop after all cuts off his wage.

It's says that he actually got -80$.


>be Ivan from Belarus
>be seller in grocery story
>get paid $89 a month (fulltime)
>get non coz retained more that your wage
>owe employer half 40 bucks because of it
>pay tax for being tuneyadec coz goverment can't get your taxes if your income is minus $40
>don't resign because of 5 years contract
>be happy


You can't possibly survive on $89/mo

but you're fighting agains american imperializm 7/24/365
you should be proud of it

Some of our pensioners do.

The only way you can make it through in Belarus is by listening Rammstein.

eat makaroshky with grechya
drink and cook using only water from the tap
buy new clothies no more often than 5 years
pirate everything
don't have a car
get second job

Is that what does slavery look like in modern days? Well, at least you are not Russian.

maybe some day russians annex our country just like they did with Crimea

man white russia sucks, why don't you immigrate to the west?

>why don't you switch from govno to mocha

and getting permanent resident is not that easy

What about bills and rent?

What's wrong with using tap water?

~70 bucks for utilities
we don't rent appartments here coz it costs like 1-2 months of work here lol

> seller
Пидopaн, ты дaжe язык нe ocвoил.

It's easy. I live with my mom and don't work.

Just say you're a homo and seek asylum.

Damn..... you need to get out of Belarus guys

At least you have a potato

Damn Daniel

It's not that simple. You should provide satisfactory evidence of being oppressed by the fact that you're gay.
So, every time you read in the news of somebody got beaten in Russia for being gay, it's the people who deliberately provoked others to beat them before cameras or journalists and then asking for asylum.

that's not enough unfortunately. You have to prove that your life and freedom are in danger, you have to pay for lawer.
I just hope to find ebyr and marry him lol