/Depressed General/

Hey guys. I feel depressed and anxious for no reason. I'm on the verge of breaking down. Music for this feel?

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Elliot smith. Also you should try meditating user. It never sounds like what you wanna do but it helps to try.

who /isolated/ here?



I don't think I'm depressed anymore but it feels terrible, I was a lot more comfortable hating everything than I am now and my anxiety has heightened because of it. Any advice or am I just pretending? OP listen to Mount Eerie - Dawn

>depressed and anxious
i've never gotten this. to me they seem like opposite ends of the spectrum. anyway, what the fuck do i know.
don't listen to sad music, listen to this! youtube.com/watch?v=Sl7B_7h2-OM
literally aoty :)

I just feel really anxious then when I was sitting waiting for my bus I got this feeling of dread and just sadness that came over me. I just wanted to curl up and cry. I have some bad anxiety problems but depression hasn't been an issue since I was younger.

Finally a general I can relate to. Anyways, this album always manages to push me over the edge and breakdown. So give it a try op and you might feel better afterwards.



revisited this album yesterday and these two back to back are incredible.

also it's cliché but there are few things as emotionally charged -- positive and negative -- as gy!be. I've been paying more attention to their rhythm section and it's incredible (especially on this and dead flag blues)

I stay home alone all day and my laptop is dead. I play old gamecube games and feel nothing
not depressed though, just nothing

can't forget nick drake, king of melancholy. not sadness or depression just... slow, sluggish, apathetic nothing

and elliott smith as well, clementine and satellite to it for me

then when you really want to kill yourself, velvet underground s/t.
>the prince of stories who walks right by me

i'm really unhappy and i spent the entire day walking through rooms and refreshing webpages without reading them

I can't believe no one on Sup Forums feels shitty

Walk outside

Just walk without a clear route/destination point. Today was an incredibly nice day and that's what I did.

i feel you

You sound like a fag
Bet you listen to ITAOTS all the time


that works sometimes late at night, mostly not worth the effort. i hope you saw something cool

This never fails to make me tear up when I feel alone and in need of some human connection


>I bet you listen to [Sup Forumscore]

I believe I have a bingo.


This album never did anything for me desu. What do you see in it?

i feel the same way. but literally all this music is for faggots

i mean i am a faggot but like to pretend im better than this white guy sad rock/ folk even tho maybe i am its target demographic and can relate to it better than just about anybody

Be glad that you can't relate to it then

you need something cathartic m8

well I mean, unless you want to feel worse. do you want to feel worse m8?


getting a sudden feeling of dread has something to do with anxiety?

I get that shit all the time... I always thought I was just a bitch...


Idk, I haven't experienced anything like it in a long time. I just felt like curling up and crying. :/

