/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
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Try autistici or aktivix.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

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I can find my fucking mirrorlist when installing arch. I don't like DLing at 5kbs.
Ive tried curl -o /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist archlinux.org/mirrorlist/all/
That hasn't worked, says there is no such file or directory
I've tried cd /ect/pacman.d and i also get a no such file or directory error.
pls help

here's my mirrorlist generator, it uses HTTPS only and ranks them based on their speed
root@pika ~ # cat .bin/mirrorlist-generate :(
echo "Fetching new sorted mirrorlist..."
curl -s -L "archlinux.org/mirrorlist/?country=all&protocol=https&use_mirror_status=on" 2>&1 | sed 's/^.//' > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
cat /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist | head -n 10
if [ -a /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.pacnew ]; then
echo "Removing mirrorlist.pacnew..."
rm /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.pacnew
exit 0

You can add it as a hook to pacman-mirrorlist in pacman configs

Is it true that amd is shit for linux? A friend is selling me the one on the right for 40 bucks or maybe less and I only play some occasional cs go. I can dualboot too if its not enough for gayms but I want to know if its good enough for simple linux usage.

AMD is better than NVIDIA for open source drivers
you have a choice of amdgpu, video-ati (open source) or catalylst (proprietary)
never used catalyst. amdgpu is newer and works ok- here's what you'd get with that card

I'm lost. Im still in the initial installation terminal, booted from a usb. See wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installation_guide mirrors section

>"Packages to be installed must be downloaded from mirror servers, which are defined in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist. On the live system, all mirrors are enabled"

how did I fuck up so that I dont have any mirrors?

I've been using mint for the past 6 months and have decided to dive into arch, to try LARBS.

to note i dont even have the directory in which they are stored

just use this part of the command
curl -s -L "archlinux.org/mirrorlist/?country=all&protocol=https&use_mirror_status=on" 2>&1 | sed 's/^.//' > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Are open source drivers difficult to install? I only use linux for latex and Im not really good at technology. Also how good are these drivrs compared to the propietary ones?

then restart. all formatting you've done will remain

no, your distribution should install them automatically. xf86-video-ati would be the right one for your card.
based on the feature list it should be decently comparable to windows but who knows. if I wanted to play a video game I would emulate windows and pass the GPU through like a hardcore autist

I still get a no such file or directory: /ect/pacman.d/mirrorlist error

I used that command word for word

Ill probably dualboot windows since I like to play overwatch sometimes and from what I know wine doesnt support it.

install pacman-mirrorlist
You had to have deleted it fucking around cause its part of the fucking iso

but how do you install the mirrorlist without a mirror to get it from?

imma redownload and install the iso on my usb

how do I move files out of this, or give it more space? I thought tmpfs was RAM?

Delete some stuff from /tmp?
What did you put in there?
Tmp is at most 50% ram
Reboot and it'll be gone :)

I was trying to install CLion, I've never had this problem before.

Yeah I re downloaded it and still the fuckin error
>no such file or directory: /ect/pacman.d

Is it a problem with mounting the drives? Partitioning? cause I have a swap and a root, I think I've mounted them correctly.

Is this a typo or are you incorrectly looking in "/ect?

I just loaded up the latest iso(2018.02.01). And booted it in a vm. I was able to install it from memory. I had no issues with mirrorlist


not a typo, why where should I be looking?

go to a mirror in your browser, download the mirrorlist package, and run "pacman -U mirrorlist.tar.pkg"

"/ect" does not exist in the standard linux filesystem structure. You are looking for "/etc"
type this
cd /etc/pacman.d && ls

You should see "mirrorlist" after you type the above command

ahahahahahahahahahahaha yeet

maybe im too much of a brainlet to use arch

Here, take this, it's DANGEROUS to go alone

man hier
explains the gnu plus linux dir structures.

Its frozen twice

I've reinstalled like 4 times

Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

do you have access to a progress bar diagnostic tool? you can get them at any hardware store, they're must have for tinkering

5 times
Rewrote to USB from ISO too
I have access to rope

>I have access to rope
close enough
try pressing ALT+F2, or ALT+F3
then try pressing cat /var/log/messages

Keyboard is frozen too
Mouse is not but I can't click anything

not going to be able to trouble shoot it then

Well guess I'm trying debian again
Maybe antergos, have t tried it yet

I can't change the shell in ubuntu 17.10, I installed tweaks, extensions etc, but it just doesn't work. It is virtualbox however, so could that be a problem?

maybe you need to install shells?
gnome-shell is the default. what do you mean by "shell"?

this ubuntu has the gnome shell version 3.26.2
so i tried installing some themes for gnome, but none of them work properly
this is where i got them gnome-look.org/browse/cat/134/ord/top/

Can anyone please help me design this? I'm on XFCE. I'm a beginner as well. Thanks.

Install ranger, mpd, ncmpcpp, a tiling wm, pywal, htop

Is there anyway to see what video driver a process is using (Arch Linux)?

I suspect that Stellaris is running on Intel drivers because I get horrible stuttering even in the menu and its consuming 99% of my processor (basically I think it's ignoring my GPU and using my CPU for graphics processing).

However, its process tree traces back to kdeinit5, my kde shell is supposed to be running on nvidia drivers.

I've run this game on native linux flawlessly on the same machine before, the only think that's changed is I installed a better GPU, but the old one gives the same problems now.

tl;dr: Anyway to see what drivers my shell and my processes are running on?

Hey man. Can you please tell me how to do it in a more beginner oriented way?

Alright to update my X is definitely using the nvidia drivers.

Must be another fuckup.

The sticky mentions using Linux Mint as a good babby starter distro, but should I just go with Debian given the recent Linux Mint security breaches and such (as noted by the sticky)?

I'm about to ditch windows for good, and linux mint seemed like a good option to start with. I was going to go with ubuntu, but I heard that they have some sort of backdoor / data sharing with amazon. Can y'all recommend the most secure and efficient setup for a beginner?

In Debian the nvidia drivers comes with some tool like nvidia-smi which the gram usage of a process.

Manjaro or Xubuntu is good. Mint looks a bit dated imo. Get XFCE if you're interested in customizing. Get KDE if you want a rich desktop experience. Get GNOME if you're an ultra normie fag. Who wants the worst desktop environment ever.

Gnome 3 and unity are obscure abominations. You better get MATE if you're a normie.
t. normie.

Try the unixporn wiki .

You add a single mirror manually.

Not the person you quoted, but would you recommend lxde if you want something light on resources? Or is there a better de that serves the same purpose?

Where did you put them?

I haven't tried lxde. But XFCE is plently light as well. Plus heavily customisable.

Thank you!

I just checked the output and it's definitely not running any processes on my gpu.

Well fuck...I guess it actually is running on my intel drives, I have no idea how to force a process to run on nvidia though...let's hope the google gods are kind today.

Using AMD on my Linux laptop, with E2 and R2 integrated graphics and i never had a problem.

There's a laptop brand called 'Linux'?

Its a window manager design, you would need to do a lot of hacky shit in order to make Xfce look like that, but other than that, it is just terminal and terminal programs, nothing spectacular. Try installing bspwm or i3 to get that

Mint is completely ok and any security breaches they claim it has is like 3 years old. Mont community knows what they are doing

Your data on that is literally years old. Go with Mint, it was my first distro and i love it to death, even with the fact i am on Slackware now

No, my laptop just runs linux, because that needs to be mentioned, since most run Windows. My laptop is HP

I see. How do I get that sick green purple UI? Any themes?

Anyone experienced with Docker? I connected Docker to IntelliJ. It's containers with nginx, php, postgres etc. I got 404 file error not found at localhost. In the logs there is something about permission denied. Any ideas? On the Windows it works. I added my user to docker group already.

Because I was left with no reply from last thread:
The saga of fucked chromium continues:
>wont play some youtube videos (always the same)
>won't play video/gifs on facebook or twitter
>will play video/gifs on Sup Forums
>HTML5 completely supported
>incognito didnt resolve the issue
>turning off extensions didnt resolve the issue
>backing up and deleting the config file as suggeste din last thread resolved the issue
What do I do now? Restore the backup or chuck it to the wind and just restart, log back into my googlemailaccount for my extensions and bookmarks or would that jus bork it again?

it is literally just a custom color scheme in the .config file of said WM

Install codecs

Turns out my opengl isn't working either.

Arch isn't using my GPU at all.

I'll try uninstalling the proprietary drivers.

If no one hears from me again it's because I was too retarded to fix my PC.

Or just don't use an autistic distro and use something sensible along the lines of Ubuntu

Oh. Got it.

What's your reaction speed Sup Forums? Best I got was 227ms. No cheating.
printf '\033cGet ready..'
countdown="$(shuf -i 1-10 -n1)"
sleep "${countdown}"
before_time="$(date +'%s.%N')"
printf '\e[?5h'
read -rs
printf '\e[?5l'
after_time="$(date +'%s.%N')"
total_time="$(echo "${after_time}" - "${before_time}" | bc)"
printf '\033cIt took you %.3f seconds to react\n' "${total_time}"

Why is wayland showing scaling artifacts (or whatever I should call them?).
If I resize a window, the content are first stretched to fill the new size, then after like 0.2s scale back to normal.
It's not a major issue, but looks like shit
Could this be a driver issue?

- Go to terminal.sexy
- Adjust colors until they look slick to you
- Export the config for your terminal. echo $TERM to find out what terminal you are running. If it's your distro's standard terminal you might just take .Xresources, put the contents in ~/.Xresources and see if it works

There are no WM colors that are green/purple. As far as I see the only WM colors are the window borders and they are grey

Things are on UTF8 compatibility...
You know how to fix it ?

if your gnulinus is so good then how come there is less than 1% of steam users that are actually using it?

Silly question but is there anything like a real-time news ticker type thing for Linux? I want to use my laptop set up next to my computer on a shelf as a news aggregate device (for lack of a better word) that gets news and weather and all that (along with police scanning and alerts if possible) and I'm wondering if such a thing already exists.

I'm not exactly sure how to describe what I want either, so apologies for that.

>If I resize a window, the content are first stretched to fill the new size, then after like 0.2s scale back to normal.
that'll be your toolkit filling space before it fills it properly, wayland doesn't handle what is drawn inside of windows
in X, X draws in the yet-unfilled space during resizing, to be overwritten by the client

Not everyone is a manchild

ps. there's not really any good way to avoid some kind of artifact, it's either let the window resize freely and let the client catch up, or only update the window size when the client's ready
the latter will made resizing feel sluggish, for most people, a split second of incorrect contents is less of a problem than sluggish reaction from dragging a window edge/corner

make your own active socket program that pipes news onto the screen

I believe it is actually called Tickr

Does anyone know where I can buy a physical copy of SICP online? I'm Scottish and a lot of prices seems to be > £30 but the wiki said you can pick up the first edition for cheaper online?

I'll check this out first then if it doesn't satisfy my needs I'll do Thanks, guys.

why would you want an outdated physical copy?

Yesterday I upgraded from debian jessie to stretch. After rebooting the fan went crazy. It goes to max speed and never stops. htop shows normal cpu load. When I boot the old kernel everything works just fine. I remember having the same problem a while ago after a kernel upgrade (I think I used Arch at the time. New kernel is 4.9.0-5, oldkernel is 3.16.0-5. Any ideas?

What non-flat themes I can get for KDE?
I don't like Breeze.

What did debian mean by this

Literally nothing to worry about

No, it isn't booting.
>Super block mount time in the future

Is this serious?

Can I PLEASE get some help here?

its parsing errors, it is looking for things that can but don't have to be there, it is literally nothing. With linux, you cant run a kernel that big without *some* threathening looking errors, but if it boots, and works, it is fine

Are you getting a typeable blackscreen or are you kicked into tty1?

I can't type anything


install lcodecs man

Boot into a live CD/USB and reset its time. It is a conflict between your BIOS time (you can fix that by resetting it by removing the CMOS battery for half an hour) or you can do hacky things to Debian. Your choice.

to add, it is a systemd problem with its journaling problem. You can just fix that by changing a few lines and work around systemd-journal or journalctl. Again, best bet is a live CD

>reset its time
How? Also, would it possibly be because of Windows dualboot

I'm on a live USB right now

Oh that explains it... tell me the specifics, did you install Debian or Windows first? MBR or GPT scheme?

so I tried to install gentoo last night, but somehow the file permissions got fucked. If I log in as root from booting of the hdd I'm not really root. If I want to be root I have to boot off the install cd and chroot into the install. Does someone know how I can fix this? I've tried using usermod and chmod but neither worked.

Windows first, MBR