Post a screenshot of your browser right now
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>browsing Sup Forums in a browser
Really happy with the new Firefox desu
I've always been a chromium lad but recently i've been having compatibility issues with certain plugins and I aint got time for that shit so I just use regular FF
not today, NSA
My fucking guy.
i had to unmimimize most of these windows
i have a horrible problem with having shitloads of "read this later" tabs just sitting around forever
This is pure autism.
understandable, have you thought about having a bookmarks folder to dump all "read laters" into?
May as well disable it if you're not using it.
I had no idea this was even included with the new FF release. Thanks
43 best hopelessness images on Pinterest
Has Sup Forums X been shitting itself for anyone else? Seems like it doesn't load half the time with the newest version of Firefox.
The script was updated recently. Not sure if you've got it set to update userscripts automatically. But that might be your problem.
But this whole thing is my browser user?
>phone poster
It's Iridium, not Chrome. Yes I know it's still botnet, but hopefully less botnet(?)
>winshit toddlers with an IQ too low to install a real OS
>browsing Sup Forums
Hey I recognize that pape! You're the guy who has something like a 10px image tiled
user, some of us have jobs.
user, shrink your Tree Style Tabs for fuck sake, it shrinks the tabs as you open more.
turns out it's actually 40x40
Here you go user.
Browserlets BTFO. Qt is God-tier. Praise vim-like keybindings. All hail The-Compiler.
What DE is that user?
Looks bretty nice, might have to try it out some time.
enabling prefetching can cause bypass of ad blockers and higher ram usage.
network.prefetch-next => false
network.dns.disablePrefetch => false
Not using comfy 4ChanX
Fuck it, judge all you want.
>I am the hacker known as Sup Forums
I dualboot, nigger
just works.
too many extensions
don't judge me to hard I peed on my computer and it's full of pee dust
r8 h8 masturb8
Little over half of you are using Firefox. I have to say, it's nice to see so many anons with good taste.
Why does firefox do the shitty scrolling shit with multiple tabs? I have 78 tabs open atm in chrome, they ALL fucking show up. No annoying scrolling.
Firefox extensions are aids, I actually like firefox but can't use it because of the aids tab layout.
I don't know what you mean.
Tabs shrink after a certain quantity and you have a sort of button (or arrows) that let you navigate through all of the open tabs without issue.
I don't want to scroll using arrow buttons. I want them to continue to get smaller and less readable. I'm so used to it I don't need text, I just know what tab is what even if it's a pixel wide, and if I miss by a few I just click over a few or back a few going by memory.
How can firefox justify the atrocity of scrolling tabs or not giving the choice is beyond me.
I'd rather have readability and a scroll than not know what the hell's what, what if I have some porn in a tab and open the wrong one in a room with other people or in class.
I don't know if there's a way to change that because I usually just bookmark 'read later' sites but to each their own I guess.
Keep porn open in another browser instance, hover over tabs to reveal title, or close out of porn and bookmark it for later?
Regardless it's the point firefox doesn't allow you to choose is the problem.
Well, like I pointed out, it's a non-issue for me.
>Using 4chin on a browser
Okay grandpa
Why am I doing this .-.
This screenshot was taken on Arch you stupid nigger.
>I'm 16 and need to act smart. Please acknowledge me.
pls no bully
it's not what it looks like
Why are you zoomed in so much
You blind??
not the prettiest but it's comfy for me
>that font rendering
tried to fix it, can't. works fine under chromium.
is infinality worth trying?
3-й кypc, нo в дyшe дa
>"cтyдeнты - нe шкoлoлo"
the absolute state of Sup Forums
no russian, plase
don't hack my election
>364 tabs
What were you doing? A fap rampage?
>Not using tomorrow
Maybe if you got a job instead of being an anti social nerd you could afford a copy of Windows and a computer capable of running it
>Maybe if you got a job instead of
On this board that's what the "pajeet" insult is on /biz/.
No one asked snowflake
Project more, faggot.
>using tomorrow