Is there a tech bubble?
Is there a tech bubble?
more like a financial bubble
Those companies have more influence on actual human interaction than any other companies or governments in the world.
Yes and it along with many other bubbles are about to blow. It will be worse than 2008 because no one learn their lesson, changed a dam thing and behavior got worse and the schemes more aplenty .. A decade of actual healing/progress and innovation was squandered to perpetuate bubbles to shift 2008 forward. Now comes the moment of realization with nothing to show for 10 years of technological 'progress' that destroyed and socially decayed socialization... aka liberal retardation. I guess we'll have our tide challenge videos, dancing with the stars, confused gender youth, instagram photos, tweets, facebook posts, etc.
high tech is cancer
Do you happen to have any suggested reading for this shit?
10/10. Someone who gets it and doesn't scream "BUT DA JOBS R BACK!"
There is always a bubble, you retard. Only the size is different.
God yes, I hope there is. Maybe all the normies will fuck off of the tech sector if it bursts.
this... sadly
once computers stopped being used primarily for work society started down a slippery slope. sure, a certain amount of playtime is fine, but the truth is that 99% of people who use computers regularly have no idea how they work/no intention of doing work with them.
computers are basically just time-wasting machines now.
you sound like virgins
Computers have just replaced TV and movies for normies.
How different is it really?
No different from television.
weird, because i really don't care what i sound like too much on Sup Forums. and whether or not i am a virgin doesn't mean my point is any less valid
yeah, i was just about to samefag defending this hole in my argument, but i would at least try and make the argument that with television the more intelligent people (people who were in charge of network tv stations) could at least inject SOME amount of intelligence into the medium. giving people the ability to have instant social gratification while they simultaneously indulge themselves in absolutely retarded media is certainly a lot worse. I'm not saying that tv (or even pop-literature for that matter) were great, but giving your average retard the ability to actually produce garbage and flood the masses with it is what's really hurt us.
Are you guys this young? 2008 financial crisis. Watch :
> margin call
> Wolf of wallstreet
> Too big to fail
> wallstreet : money never sleeps
There are also pbs specials. This is recent history.
2001 was the tech bubble collapse. Tons of documentaries on that .. Dumb shit companies like dog food delivery/etc. Same crap you see now.
The sad thing is you can get a free stanford level education in almost anything now on prominent websites yet people are even more fucking uneducated. Tech is a tool. There are tons of resources online to educate the shit out of yourself and do something productive yet this retarded ass society uses it to broadcast eating tide pockets instead. It's freedom w/o accountability and consequence. In 2018, you should be able to publicly call a large swath of people lazy dumb fucks but you can't state this because it will hurt people's feelings. Yet, these same people will spend 4-6 hours watching absolute garbage and claim its society that's holding them back. I dunno man.. tech can be used for good or bad. I'm shocked sometimes on how even the most positive technology can turn to shit in the hands of dumb fucks.
God, I hate to Sup Forums it up, but have you seen the garbage the media pushes now in terms of degeneracy?
Cultural Marxism is real and it's brought to you by the long march through the institutions. Fucking Sup Forums advocates for monogamous marriages and raising children nowadays, for God's sake.
I'd rather consume my media peer to peer and socially, so at least there can be discourse and selection, rather than being a captive audience of the powers that be.
What website is in the pic?
Agreed, it's sad that even on Sup Forums a lot of people can't see the forest through the trees. We're just experiencing some weird second-wave of tech integration hype that's just as retarded as it was the first time it came around, the only issue is that now a lot of the these technologies have come to a certain level of maturity and the implementation isn't what's holding them back from hitting the market anymore. What scares me is the level of automation that people are willing to let into their lives, shit like Google Home, electronic locks, Siri etc etc etc. We're now dealing with a group of people who don't just want this stuff, they expected... hell, they've integrated it into their own lives wherever they can for no reason other than some perceived idea of "convenience".
Computers, in my mind, are the closest humanity has ever gotten to approaching the concept of "magic" (read the intro to SICP and you'll know what I mean), and if the cautionary tales of the past have any warnings to heed, it's usually something along the lines of "when everyone has access to magic, shit gets fucking retarded, very quickly".
In regards to the TV thing that both were talking about, another point I'd like to bring up is that TVs were made almost entirely for play, but in the case of computers, a bunch of people have worked really hard for the last 50 years to make them more accessible to retards.
Cultural Marxism is a thing, I agree, but you also have to understand that the people pushing this shit are only successful in doing so because the average person is so easily persuaded by the idea of things being made marginally easier for them (at the cost of their privacy/intelligence) and have basically always been that way. In effect, I don't actually think that it's as much to blame as the flaws of humanity are.
You're not wrong in most points.
Moral of the story: half of the population is below average and we cater to the lowest common denominator.
If you told a Stasi agent the kinds of miraculous smart bugs we'd be putting into our homes in 2018, he'd have laughed and thought you were a kook.
Some of these companies seem to do jack shit but are valued in the billions.
Uber has a large valuation than FedEx for example, yet all uber is an easy to replicate app and they still manage to lose money even skirting the law in several places (lets be real, it IS a taxi company)
Twitter has a bot problem, is spending money faster than it makes yet its valued at nearly 20B , thats half of what Ford stock is worth.
Snapchat is roughly in the same boat, only their first to market momentum is keeping both alive at this point Facebook has the resources and time to wear them both out (or just buy them)
maybe the pinnacle of it was the retarded Juicero, how many tens of millions of sunk into that shit all because investors got drunk off of potential subscription revenue.
>There are better finance related threads on Sup Forums than on /biz/
Please help us get rid of the retarded coiners.
>Cultural Marxism is a thing
I think you mean cultural capitalism, comrade.
As completely retarded as the juicero was, there was recently a company that launched a tortilla chip maker that made a shit you not... one large chip per packet.
Honestly, I really don't care about the slaughter of the native Americans, but I think that on some level, North Americans will be cursed with the same issue that they introduced to the natives: exposure to technology that is beyond their cultural level of appreciation. Think about it, when the Europeans landed in America, they were basically able to destroy the natives from the inside-out by just introducing them to alcohol and guns. America, in it's cultural infancy isn't actually able to hold on to any tradition with the explosion of new technologies that are ever-presently able to displace a firm moral foundation. America just mindlessly goes along with any technological advance because they don't have a concrete culture of their own, but most other places in the world have a strong cultural identity to fall back on when new technology comes out.
>cultural marxism
the true mark of the brainlet
Flatev? Wasn't that older than juicero
>That will eventually retail for $437 with the pods costing around 79 cents each.
I know, lets reverse the economy of scale and make shit expensive again !
Internet speeds and hardware have been pretty good for quite a while, but still not long enough for us to fully realize the power that tech has given us.
People get caught up in so much stupid shit nowadays like you said (guess that's true for us too, still on Sup Forums), so much political and social bullshit that doesn't go anywhere. I don't think that's ever gonna change.
ITT: morally bankrupt Sup Forums brainlets angry that they can't project on others in public forums without being called out on it
If you really gave a shit about the way society was going, you'd get a real education and start doing actual research into it, writing books, and giving articulate public speeches. Instead you just want to screech at trannies on twitter and share memes about gay chemtrail frogs while pretending you're fighting for something meaningful rather than being the same empty holier-than-thou faggots as the neoliberal morons you criticize for not giving you a safe space everywhere you go.
Looks like everything was in a bubble.
Guys the world is ending and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. I'm incredibly lucky and blessed to have a good enough job to support my family.
I'm self taught with no degree and I'm doing help desk. They're going to move me into development since I'm self taught. I'll eventually get my degree but with the way the world is going its pointless to try and hoard wealth. The Satanic false Jews run everything through their banking system.
Idk how much time we have left. I'm 30. Will I live to see 40? Will I get to build my house?
What does it matter? If my family and I die we can't take it with us.
Just enjoy the time you have. Live for today. Solve the problems of today. Try to be a better you tomorrow.
But above all give your life to Jesus Christ. I don't care that you hate me or mock me. Without God you have nothing.
There's a general stock market bubble and a crypto bubble (which is currently bursting hard) and also gold and silver and oil bubbles.
And there is a tech bubble though it's fair to say that Google and Facebook, specially facebook, are advertisement bubbles. Those are usually viewed as "technology" companies but they are not, that's not their business. It really isn't. They use technology to sell advertisements.
a search engine is technology
cashing out on ads should be looked more like a means of exchange, a currency
Most startups seem to have no way to make enough money for how much they spend on salaries and such. Their only hope is to sell off to another company.
I wish people would stop using paid digital distribution, especially for games.
I spent my entire history class today listening to the retarded middle-aged professor playing the role of SJW. In the Sociology hall, the wall is filled with propaganda. There's nothing ridiculous about questioning the people at Google and Twitter for deleting Wikileaks tweets while promoting MSM cancer as "verified facts"
Vic/XIV, Nikkei and futures suggest a collapse is coming. ftse down 10% since high. It's not good.
Sitting this one out.
some poltards do a metric ton of research though.
>is technology
Many things are technology. I was at the grocery store yesterday and at the cash registry they were using a barcode scanner - technology - to scan the items and the digital cash registry - more technology - calculated the amount I had to pay and I used a debit card - even more technology - to pay for these items.
It's still a grocery store. Yes, they use technology - just like a lot of other companies. They sell groceries, that's their business model, that's what they do.
Facebook sells advertisements. Google sells advertisements. That's what they do.
Uber is also considered a "technology company" but they are a taxi company. They use a slave-labor like system to deliver taxi services. Yes, I know they have an app. They are still a taxi company.
AMD and Intel are actual technology companies. They make CPUs, that's their product. A CPU really is technology.
> What scares me is the level of automation that people are willing to let into their lives
Oh man, that's a whole other topic. Even EFF and EEtimes and other prominent tech consortiums warned and dam near sat on street corners years ago about this shit only to be laughed at and marginalized. Now consumer who have become absolute dumb fucks dam near shove these botnots into real technologists faces as if we, the people who make money developing it, wanted to hold them back from technological power... Dude, I make a quarter of a million dollars making this shit. You don't even see silicon valley's finest w/ this shit in their house. If the cook refuses to eat their own cooking that should tell you something. But people are this crazed man. You really stop and think sometimes has the whole world gone fucking mad. The most broke dumbest fucks want even more conveniences to turn their brains off. You sit there going over requirements/spec docs like are you fucking kidding me... But they want it man. Then you get the user data from telemetry and you're blown the fuck out by how the product is getting used.
> but in the case of computers, a bunch of people have worked really hard for the last 50 years to make them more accessible to retards.
Exactly. If you told the pioneers in the 70s and 80s who dreamed big and prayed one day everyday people would have access to the same computer power as corporations and then we'd be in utopia.. if you told them and showed them this is what has become of it.. fuck dude, I bet some would have burned all their work immediately.
> Cultural Marxism
Here's the thing about that... Look at bitcoin for example. Everyone complains about wallstreet and how they're vile animals but when you give the average fuck the power to be just like them look what they chose. They do the same shit wallstreet does. You give these fucking retards access to a stanford education for free they watch worldstar
Shouting "hurff durff retard" at people you don't like isn't questioning something, it's just being an impolite, childish ape that deserves to be silenced.
Some do, but most just collect charts and any other visual data (because they're too stupid/inattentive to crack a book open) that they can twist/manipulate to fit their agenda.
>Look at bitcoin for example
There is a rather interesting CFTC document from 2015 regarding Bitfinex where it comes out that 90% of the fiat money flow there was institutional.
You've got a lot of good points, you're just wrong on that minor one; it's not your average guy running that show.
You haven't travelled recently if that's your sentiment. The whole world has went made and followed the western model and is no different. Roastie culture is present all over even in India w/ strict cultural arranged marriages. People are frivolous as hell. Materialistic. Culture is seen as a barrier to success. Morals a barrier to success. Religion and knowledge of old a barrier to living life. The catholic church is a fucking joke. Arabs are animals even though they claim religion is their cornerstone. The middle east niggers are slaughtering each other. European countries are decimating their cultural heritage to import savage desert niggers to solve their birth-rate/economic issues. Britain is a fucking joke. Russia will do anything to get their economy back in order. Chinks are literally killing themselves to raise their economy. Japs balance sheets are blown to shit and no one even wants to have kids anymore. South America is descending into chaos. Mexico is a shit show. Everyone's knee deep in mindless consumption/capitalism on every single place on the planet. Everyone's becoming increasingly morally bankrupt for a slice of the pie. The mind disease is everywhere... which is why the ponzi scheme collapse will reach everywhere...
And fall back on what? Every place has become a liberal shithole that has forgotten its roots. Philosophy.. higher minded thinking. Most leadership are absolute retards reflected on the retards that voted them in. What's the fallback? Everything was destroyed enroute to economic success...even the dam environment we need to survive .. worldwide.
We live in a time when this sarcastic religious post makes more actual sense than most of other nihilistic, albeit smart and funny, proposals.
The tech has been here since early 2000s. People and society's will just wasn't. It was starting to get there and then it's like we fell out of that timeline .... People were starting to come together then all of a sudden racial segregation and muh race pride. Muh roots that I don't have anymore as an american. If you calm down a second and listen at Trumps address to the nation, it was like a man pleading with a country that has gone mad to simply calm the fuck down and get their shit together. Were the leaders of the world. Everyone's following and were acting like fucking crazed morons.
Honestly, you have to call a spade a spade about this liberal bullshit. Liberal means to give and go w/o any fucking direction.. just start handing shit out and doing whatever crazy shit pops in your head. Are people shocked at the results of such a social policy? Liberalism is not progressive.. It's shotgunning life and seeing if you hit something. Conserve means to have lived life.. tried shit and ultimately concluding on what works and why and conserving what is value and not wasting on things that aren't. You can progress while conserving by systematically evaluating new pastures and roads. But you see, this slows the pace and society wanted insane leaps .. so we said fuck it and now were paying for that... so much shit wasted. So many delusional dumbasses and in a 'free' country no ability to reign back in the mass of fucktards because you can't even politically give an honest account of the state of things without someone calling for your job or your post... It's like a fucking animal house/Orwell 1984... and the oppressors are the populous drowning out all reason and sensibility. No fucking adults at the wheel... and then when you get one the fucking children call him a racist and engage in treason to try to remove him...
The fuck..
Start downloading all of vargs videos like I have and keep his advice close because he already has a head start at the gigantic global collapse thats about to happen
The first step involves admitting you have a problem. The next one involves finding out and researching what that problem is. Most on here, aside from the ignorant racism (which sadly is do to anger related to general occurrences no adult wants to admit). I'm a based black user and I'll admit to the fucking retard cultural issues a number of blacks have. I'll name the corruption/societal abuse problems monied whites have. We used to have real leaders who did this. America was prominent and powerful then because we pulled the retarded fucking kids of our country up and commanded them to be adults.
Most anons have achieved the first two steps. They picked memes as a way of conveying their point. I don't think people appreciate this medium and its power and I'm not about to detail what exactly that is. But it is very effective and powerful. What you have in the broader world however is a bunch of empowered liberals who've weaponized every single fucking thing in society to the point where you can't battle them on their terms. Speak the fuck out like they do and you're going to lose your job. Write a fucking book and no e-retailer will put it up for sale. Give an articulate public speech and the whole world comes down on you. So, memes and anonymity are it my friend.. Even then they're coming after that.
Higher education has been taken over. Video games. Sci-fi. Sociology. Corporations/Professional world. Markets. Technology....
And w/ all of that you take a shit on the last outpost that people have to communicate freely? Da fuq is wrong w/ you? Are you blind?
>But above all give your life to Jesus Christ
I don't worship a foreign desert kike. If you ever bothered to look at how Chr*stianity replaced all of Europes native religions way back you'll know that they are just as bad or even worse than the jews
Things end to begin again. New religions forms. New belief systems. New revisions of history. People LARP as though its been this way since the beginning until they dig up the bones and records and become aware of the truth. Then by then the earth goes through another cataclysmic that resets things all over again. Jesus Christ is a mistranslated pagan/esoteric story about the laws of nature that govern the universe (the living word of god .. the fucking rules which govern God's creation). The tale/story didn't begin with a christian revision. It didn't begin with a jewish revision. It didn't begin with some fucking towel head's 3rd wave revision. Asians have their story, Nordes have theirs. Native Americans have theres. Egyptians have theres. North south east and west and it all was the same fucking story. No one claimed to have the indivisible truth because God's (El/Ra/Odin) was higher than that and above comprehension. Yet, just like with technology, absolute shit is fed to the masses instead of the deeper truths and then we descend into the madness we have. The crazed childish Abrahamic religions war with each other of the same fucking god and roast the planet. Others descend into degenerate chaos w/ no direction or deeper connection to their underlying lives because all you fucks want to do is preach some shit level revision of a deeper universal story. So fuck right off man. I'll let you on a little secret btw, you don't get off this easy. You'll be back to suffer some more if this is your concluding remarks heading into the end.
>Facebook sells advertisements. Google sells advertisements
>AMD and Intel are actual technology companies
Ehh this is an over simplistic view of what technology is. Think about the scale that both google and facebook operate at. Zetabytes of data, billions of queries a day, billions of users across the globe, etc. These are massive problems that require impressive feats that require the creation of specialized software and hardware systems, which are technology. But in the end, its all to sell ads
A lot of tech works this way in the valley. VC funding/angel investing/and startups center not on building a viable and profitable business... They function on multiple rounds of higher valuation (hot potato) until they either get a big corp to buy it out or IPO to a bunch of plebs. Most of the innovation is bullshit. Anyone in the know will also tell you that payroll is padded with PhDs and celeb hires to juice the valuation. They don't do fuck all day to day but twindle their thumbs and write research papers that no one reads that are rehashes of work from the 70s. Meanwhile, some poor fuck research engineer has to slam together some hacked code base to demo to plebs to attract attention to the company's main business... ads and other bullshit. I'm thoroughly convinced most people haven't spent a single day in silicon valley tech. If they did, their mouth would drop on the ground from the shit that is normal here that has fuck all to do w/ innovation/technological progress and more to do w/ scamming dumbasses.
Exactly.. absolutely blowing apart the commenters post about following some conventional line to change the world when all such lines have been locked down, censored, and steered towards liberal bullshit.
This will be worse than 2008... and just like 2008 no one is going to believe that until its far too late and far too severe. Meanwhile, every step of the way we could have prevented it yet due to greed and idiocy we kept putting out the day of reckoning until it became a systemic problem. At that point, you're most likely going to hear the war drums start beating to give the world one last bang before we head off the edge.
t. indo-european invader
we don't even know what native European religions were like thanks to you retarded sheep fuckers
I know exactly who runs the exchanges.. GDAX related.. Coinbase is ex goldman/blackrock. All of the exchanges and where the real money is made is ran by ex wallstreeters. You need a hellavuh lot of licenses and backing to do it and that comes from wallstreet. The inside joke was exporting the capex costs to plebs (insert coinfag miners). The next joke was centered on having no transparency or regulation regarding illegal practices like market making/price fixing. The next was that the majority of the low entries are from wallstreet and they had the dominate share of the coin holdings before plebs got baited in. The next step was baiting the plebs into ever insanely increasing price coins that had no tangible value... The whales and insiders have been selling off to the plebs/idiots for years. Once they cleared exposure, they then turned on the leveraged options trading/futures and secondary markets in December and structured it so they can get max payouts w/ least exposure. Then after they cleared their longs to plebs and bought puts, they fucking pulled it on them making money on the uptick and the downtick w/ no prosecution for precise price fixing updown. And the kicker is, once it all falls to zero they don't even have any fucking capital equipment to liquidate as they got dumbass plebs to shoulder it for them. They literally can turn the lights off and go the fuck home and never have their names tied to any of the wallets.
It's the biggest fucking scam that has ever occured and greedy ass plebs fell for it.
So that's what I mean by bitcoin. Wallstreet said to the average pleb : Here's your chance to either have moral conviction or be a greedy fuck who doesn't care about society just like us and plebs all around the world bit because they're just like wallstreet when given the chance. What they didn't know is it was just another goddamn scan.
Screencap this for the eventual documentary on how it went down
>Wolves of Mainstreet : Plebs never eat
There’s some pearls of wisdom to be had in here but you guys really need to get out more.
The 2008 crisis has fuck all to do with tech companies.
How can I short the tech industry?
>computers are basically just time-wasting machines now.
The entire first world basically runs on computers dummy
Dumb money chases dumb ideas on an epic scale. Finance/Technology. I guess you dont work in tech because all of the brokers left wallstreet and came out to silicon valley to engage the new gold/finance : Data brokering. It all is the same shit because its all the same goddamn people. They just peddle different shit :
^and this is what the majority of tech is centered on
So will software development be a dead career choice any time soon?
Alright then. Can you give me the tools to understand the universal religion?
>cultural capitalism
Hey look, /lgbt/ decided to enter the thread! Let's all point and laugh.
Go back in time before the jews->christians->muslims.. Read about the history of religion. Read about the stories. Read about the allegorical meaning. Read about the the similarities. Read about the way stories were rewritten. Read about where Christmas came from. Read about where Easter came from. Read about where the 'cross' came from as a symbol. Read about dam near all the symbols in Abrahamic religions and trace them back to their origin and then realize there was an origin before that and before that.. and a deluge and a clean slate.. then a build up.. then a deluge. We've been here for a while user. recorded history proves enough for you to question how someone could in the middle of recorded history claim to have an original story when the language they use is 1000s of years old and not even an original one.
Find Christianity in the evolutionary tree. You're in the middle of time and its nothing more than a retelling of the stories that came before it... and those stories a retelling of even older ones.
All things being the same, I'm not here to attack the fundamental story being told whether its 5000 years old.. Whether its Odin/God/Jesus/Laws of nature.. I'm just saying that its all the same fucking shit with a lot of man made garbage thrown on.. A lot of inconvenient shit left out. See beyond man's lies and see God's immutable and timeless truth. Good speed
>OP pic
those /biz/ pink wojaks are becoming too abstract for me
"same fucking shit with a lot of man made garbage thrown on".
Pretty much religion
wew lad.. Don't go full retard and take the atheist people. You're missing the point.. but that's fine.
Yep, and the world is ending and humanity is coming to its end. So it was 10000 years ago, so it will be 10/20/30/40000 years from now.
Don't say bubble like it's a bad thing, nigger.
Buy gold, commodities, insurances. The classic things.
Or, you know. Go to a brokerage and short them
Is there a software to make graphical charts like this? Seems very useful
This is America's gift to the world, greedy capitalism.
Think about it, almost any good that came out of the US was noncapitalistic in nature: arts, space (NASA), general science… but all those were ruined by capitalistic greed down the road.
The eternal Anglo strikes again user.
Britannia Rule!
Look the other way. Nothing to see here.
>sad thing is you can get a free stanford level education in almost anything now on prominent websites yet people are even more fucking uneducated
some peeps get more edumanticaded than they'd be 20 years ago
some less
>what is paradox of choice
This is a good view.
accodring to some non-pajeets in quora, that chart's pretty garbage
Somebody at google knows it's coming. Just look at the way they just slashed into YouTube payouts.
you CAN get educated, but without that piece of paper at the end, its fucking worthless.
makes sense tho
getting that piece of paper is a better filter than being able to fool some clueless HRdroid into thinking you know shit
companies gon optimize their hiring process any way they can, as long as it's not illegal (or the benefits outweigh the costs)
>with nothing to show for 10 years of technological 'progress'
Please let this be bait.
no because they actually have earnings and profits unlike the dotcom bubble. the stock is only having a small correction because people are switching to other sectors.
I have traveled recently, and that's actually how I formed this opinion. Japan only adopts technology that fits into their culture, and they still do things in a very "Japanese" way. I was amazed by the freshness of everything while I was there, everything is locally grown, locally owned, and done traditionally as possible. Sure the Japs have some modern American conveniences that they've allowed themselves, but not to the point of losing who they are. They only import what they absolutely can't produce themselves.
And in Japan specifically, low birth rates shouldn't even be that much of an issue other than being an economic burden. If you believe that the Malthusian Trap is real then obviously lower birthrates are in fact a solution to a much larger problem that tends to rear its ugly head every few centuries. What's wrong with having less people, but having a higher ratio of well-educated/smart people? I'd argue the reason that we're in this mess right now is because too many stupid people are having stupid kids.
Abe vehemently disagrees with you
and the Japs are not the only ones behaving like that. Other countries keep their own shit, yes they go nuts for some of the mindless crap that Americans fall but as usual Americans make crap to kill their country that is also unsustainable on other places. You can see fads and stupid things like Juicero that would never work on other places, it's a scam that needs Americans to work.
On the other hand you can see a process or product that because of not being sustainable (materials, money or even know how) gets adopted but adapted and in some cases improved just because of the idiosyncrasies of the country adapting that.
As easy as it is to blame the US for a lot of what's going on today they are like a petri dish of cultures and you can come up with some cool new ideas but you have to remember that it will also have the burden of all the baggage those cultures bring with them, all at the same time. It's not a surprise that they are failing so hard when shit goes sideways.
>isolate yourself in your pessimistic echo chamber
>wonder why everything is so shitty
.COM 3.0 here we go motherfuckers
Shame I work in this industry
piss poor banter mate. How about you come up with a sound argument as to why you think cultural marxism is a real phenomenon and not just a buzzword to describe nu-liberals and SJW's
Piece of paper doesn't mean shit.
I got my first web dev job 93 days after teaching myself from scratch since I was tired of working manual labor. I'm a data scientist now and not having that piece of paper hasn't been a problem.
College is for those that lack the willpower to teach them self.
Why would you argue that it isn't? Everywhere you look in the states right now more and more people advocate for the dissolution of individual cultures, and for the great "melting pot" of America. A nameless, faceless, amorphous blob devoid of any specific cultural identity. Not a classless society, but one without culture.
>being this clueless
nigga just because you got lucky with your first IT job, don't mean everyone else will
thinking HR cunts don't use the piece of paper as a filter for peeps without previous professional experience is the height of naivety
not saying you can't do shit without said piece of paper, but thinking you won't have to compensate for the lack of it is delusional
consumer goods
>College is for those that lack the willpower to teach them self.
this is what cslets actually believe
who could be behind this post?
>graduated to "Data Scientist: Person who is worse at statistics than any statistician & worse at software engineering than any software engineer."
gee guess you're the perfect unbiased guy to ask about the worth of learning actual CS/SWE
best post
the stock just got corrected