What's the easiest/most subtle way to damage a PS4 HDD?

What's the easiest/most subtle way to damage a PS4 HDD?

Use it.

Rubber panel beating mallet. Remove hard drive, give it a few good whacks, no marks left, drive is fucked.

easiest: gasoline, car battery, and jumper cable
most subtle: subject it to constant read-write ops

>What's the easiest/most subtle way to damage a PS4 HDD?

Surprised nobody has said this yet

Yell at it

Put a large speaker on or close by it. Vibration + Magnetic fields due to no shielding will fuck some shit up.

You can also mess with its velocidensity timings.

poor lemonade into the hard drive
for old times sake


Blast it with piss.

Rub a magnet near the platter or abuse polarity.

install anything from Bethesda

shake it and throw it around. then shake it more and finally mash it against a table repeatedly for 30 seconds.

Swap Seagate HDD to it.


This. Your dustpee will make sure everything gets destroyed

When harddisk is vehemently writing something (update/instaling) vehemently shake with PS4, you dont even need to demont it.
I once kicked my tower by accident when it was instaling AvP3 and disk was fucked forever.

this and checked

Remove it and hammer it.

>most subtle way
Give it back, Jamal

Don't joke around with stuff like that, it's how my cousin died.

too much heat or too much vibration
don't put it next to a subwoofer and make sure it has plenty of airflow

do chinks look at random Western thots and think "OMG so kawaii" like the azn fever spammers here do?