How do you keep your passwords secure?

How do you keep your passwords secure?

use the same password as someone famous, like trump, you will never get hacked that way

Store them in your head. That way they have to break open your head to get them.

I do this too

Use 8 asterisks.
If someone cracks it, they probably won't even realize it.

text document on the desktop

With that program. Even on my iPhone.

Numerical variation in the prefix of the password (00-99). Store a physical and digital copy with account denoted by prefix. Body of pass remains the same (sentence+three digit number).

You just posted it.



pencil and paper

If you remember them, they are in danger too...

Cold do simple collision test trought eeg, and you will give them up not even knowing.

the forgot password button

bash script

I save it in a text file in google drive.

>b-but muh google botnet
idiot, i encrypt the passwords with military grade base64 encryption _before_ i upload it to goolag servers. its convenient and secure at the same time

Told them to my big brother. Now, if someone wants my login, they need to defeat him first.

I make a wallpaper with mine so I never have to memorize them.

His clipboard utility doesn't have an encrypted tab.


Apple Keychain

KeePassX. My database is always on Google Drive, and I make local offline and "offsite" backups (at work). To connect to it on Ubuntu, I use gdfuse. To connect to it on my phone, I use KeePass2Android. To connect to it on Windows, I use the regular KeePass application and install Google Drive.

Essentially, what I have is the benefit of the paid "cloud" password managers, except I can trust this more because I know what kind of security/encryption the database has. Also it's free.

Wear them on my body


Syncthings + keepassXC
It's pretty convinient and no botnet required

Pass, I sync it with a git repository on my vps. Syncthing was fine too, but sometimes I'd get conflicts

Encrypted text file on my phone.

>literally giving all your info to big brother

A very layered joke indeed



is bitwarden safe?

I don't tell anyone what they are.

Just Werx™ 4 Me.


Anything other that pencil and paper is literally asking for someone to look them up.

I used to keep passwords in a text document in an encfs folder on a luks encrypted disk.
now I don't use anything, but I suppose pass would be the best option.

I use this for crypto passwords and stuff

Thanks ;)

use your brain to memorize.

I wipe my ass with only the tree of my Mother's ashes.

>being this naive about TLA capabilities

>passwords are always on Google Drive

give it back, sergey

I forget them

>military grade math

They're encrypted, retard. Google would have to know my database password to know my other passwords.

>muh 5-letter alphanum-only password will surely protect all my passwords from borderline-unlimited computing power

>implying Google would use all of their computing resources just to decrypt some random nerd's keepass

>what is dragnet surveillance
>spending 10 compute seconds is oh so much, I'm sure there's no way they'd do that!

username:my first name
password:my last name

i use this login combo for my banking, secure documents and so on.

If my password db has a secure enough of a password it should be fine to put it anywhere?
Like a random git repo?

>base 64


Post your password here and I'll tell you if its secure enough.

nice meme,
100 bits worth according to keepass

Windows: KeePass2
Linux: KeePassXC
LagDroid: KeepPass2Android

You're fine. I would routinely change the master password and rotate individual passwords, but you should be doing that anyway.

>exposing yourself to NFC attacks

this is the only real answer