He will die in your lifetime

He will die in your lifetime

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>mfw I won't die within my own lifetime

Feels good man

Doubtful. I've nibbled on the barrel of a shotgun three times in recent memory.

>tfw this faggot will die in your lifetime


I really doubt that, he seems to be in good health, I on the other hand have failing lungs and no medical care.

>tfw this faggot too

How is this not a meme yet?
Quick, someone shop something stupid on that sticker!

Is he the only major player that actively takes a stance against the Nvidia/Intel bullshit?

He keeps calling GNU/Linux irredeemably and obstinately "Linux" despite showing late up to the party and only contributing the most trivial thing of the whole OS. Just you wait until Hurd is done and all the glory belongs to The Stallman.

>the most trivial

No, the god was/is pajeet, and he accidentally superposition.

Feels bad.
Feels good.

no if i kill myself soon

yeah, amazing how nature works
really makes you think

Let's just wait. GNU will surely deliver...

All Stallman did was write a bunch of shitty tools and shill his communist software license. I wish the Linux kernel could be built with Clang so it could be used entirely without GNU software.

got your back

I made a quick exploitable from

I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone.

>he'll die in our lifetime

He'll die in our lifetime but then again it's a wonder he's still alive.



Is there some kind of /x/ way to make Linus immortal? I dont care if I have to give my life in exchange


make one of his children your waifu or husbando or something and train them well and make sure they inherit the throne

The shotgun in my pants.

Holy shit, I have never been more confused in my life.


depends on your definition of an "instant in time"

Its not the same, they will have to learn everything from scratch
Linus should be immortal



>Linus dies
SJWs immediately take over and ruin Linux as they were just afraid of him
>Linux dies as no one wants anything to do with it and only proprietary systems are available as a backup
>technology reverts back to stone age
Can we get like some iron man suit for Linus so his body is physically safe until we can figure out how to upload consciousness to a computer? I don't trust anyone to be a decent replacement for him. He'll be remembered in history as the sane person who didn't accept any shit in the era of SJWs.

>most trivial thing of the whole OS

>doing actual programming

Don't worry. SJWs in tech tend to be the kind of people who work in tech but don't do anything technical. They do PR, write copy, texture artists etc.

>t. linus torvalds

how's that compiler coming around?

>implying the problem isn't that GCC literally EEE'd the C language
In case you don't know what that means: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish

So they're not allowed to innovate? In that case why have different libraries? Just have the standards organizations make one and force everyone to use it.

He might not be my favorite tech YouTuber, but his channel is okay and it will bum me out when he dies.

Can you name the formidable groundbreaking innovations GCC introduced, user?



>TFW Stallman will be dead before Torvalds

I will not be glad he will be dead
but I will be glad he will be gone

L-linus no

not if I die first.

Not if I kms first.


Who is going to rant at faggots via email?
Who is going to keep Linux from going to shit with leftism invasion?

I'm pretty sure Greg can maintain the kernel just fine if Linus gets offed but after Greg who is there left to keep people in line?

>posix defines OS as a bunch of commands
>faggot makes the commands
>doesn't make the kernel, which is the hardest thing you can possibly attempt to make
>hurr I own the operating system

THIS is the faggot that is going to die within our lifetimes.

>that finn alpha face
>being a cuck



I'll remember him as a generator of endless keks. He fucking blasts retards on mailing lists in the most hilarious manner, I don't know how he does it

I wish there was an archive of his meltdowns


I can't imagine what happen with linux when Linus Torvalds die, maybe it just dead and no more development or lennart poettering will take over and make linux as part in systemd with systemd-kerneld.

minix is better

It's insane just how much Microsoft changed. Not too long ago it was smearing Linux using fake propaganda.

I worry about Poettering because he's with Red Hat but it'd be better than some random SJWs infiltrating it and declaring that pull requests be accepted just to be inclusive.

Systemd is all about Linux anyway. Fuck POSIX

>shitty tool
gas yourself.

too bad they spend more time nowadays sperging out about why nobody wants to shoehorn their name into anything their tools even remotely touched than writing code and documentation for tools

that really does not help make me feel sympathetic.

People die anyway, faggot. Don't be a pussy, nigger.

There's a lot of ppl who are against novidia and jewntel, but linus is the only one with balls to say it.


only true if i don't die before


now if bantz like that ain't worth living for then idk what is hahaha


can't wait until it happens.

>that tooth stain
proof that serious programmers smoke, probably smoke around their computer too even tho it's bad for the computer


>1.01 MB, 800x789)

>tfw you have a unfixable mental illness
I'm sure ill shoot myself before he dies

Hope you get better, user.

I wish I could user but thanks.

> Implying you know me and my health

Im 40, 400lbs, and eat 10 pizzas a week.
No way he'll die before me.

>tooth stain
>this is what Americans actually believe

>SJWs [...] work in tech but don't do anything technical
that didn't prevent them from fucking up so many projects, hell - it even makes it more likely

Not if I kill myself first.

>glad he'll be gone
consult stallmanwasright, you fucking useful idiot

I belief in you!

And yet he will still be a literal who to most people. I will miss him.

I will not be glad he died, but I will br glad he will be gone.

>implying you aren't already dead inside



I mean it's not just the typical "take pills get better" kind of thing. There's literally nothing I can do about it. For me to get better it would require the impossible to be possible.

Make the miracle true


Trying to fix the problem would not end well for me. If I even told you what it was you would be absolutely disgusted probably.

Gods never die

> Doubt

If you're already thinking about offing yourself, what do you have to fear about your reputation on an oriental toaster decoration forum? Especially if you're anonymous here. Just spill it out.

I was really hoping someone would make this while scrolling

he will die in your lifetime ;_;


Linus is a chaddy daddy


make it a bodypillow

Linus you cuck. What is wrong with you.

>the dead inflatable Tux