C# & Java

If you had to make them your ONLY language for the rest of your (miserable) life.

Which one would you choose?

Not asking which one is better :O

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End miserable life. Actually no wait, I can compile Haskell on the JVM.
I choose Java.


Too bad the only language you know is java, writing proper haskell will be impossible then.

>Write a Java program to compile a Haskell project
>Write a bunch of documents that just happen to be valid haskell programs.
>Use my Java program and profit
You didn't think this question through, did you OP?

tied to microshit vs run everywhere huh...

>just happens to be valid haskell
oh, ok, yeah, totally ;)

You do realize netcore is free right?

ahh fugg I guess C# it is.

c# (.netcore), cleaner code also its not java

Java should be the only answer.

Why are you going to restrict yourself to winshit platform with C#?

Why is this a fucking question on Sup Forums?

Fucking baffoons.

Not realizing C# is multi-platform is a clear sign that you don't know what you're talking about.

I post provocative statements to get corrected and increase my knowledge rather than just looking shit up.

You fell for my bait, thanks for the info.

>thinks that slaying ignorance and making the world a better place will hurt me

>I was only PRETENDING to be retarded, pranked again haha

So, how is .net core? Is it worth learning for web dev?

This is the only correct answer. You can use any Turing-complete programming language to write a compiler/interpreter for literally any other programming language, so your starting language is irrelevant (as long as it's Turing-complete which is pretty much any programming language you can think of).

Java. Unless Microsoft goes balls to the walls insane with dropping money to get multi-billion nationals to change course Java is guaranteed to give me 30 more years of employment easy. And I'm sure someone will revive low/near 0 latency GC JVMs and with future hardware performance won't be an issue

Fantastic, in my opinion. I absolutely love C#. F# is pretty interesting as well.

Nothing is out of place or without a reason in this language. Perfect balance between usability and control. Great with .net core its everywhere now.
Java scares me. The amount of non-implied conventions is staggering and they often contradict each other. But what do I know, I'm just a slav nigger.

C# doesn't stand a chance


proprietary microsoft botnet vs somewhat open source?

java definitely

C#, more aesthetic than java


I could never trust java enough to not make me want to destroy my desk.

I use Java for API code, Csharp for GUI purposes.

The only thing I care is productivity, C# is a clear winner for me.

Does Java have anything comparable like: VS IDE, ReSharper, UWP, Xamarin, Razor MVC, WCF and WPF?


> No resharper
Motherfucker what are you even doing?

Pajeet > slav nigger

>but microshit installed hack into code with invisible symbols
>if its free you are the product
>they stealing your code
>M$ shill get out

c# is open source & cross-platform
>thank you for your (you)
no problem my brainlet frienddo

-has the even more permissive then gpl ,mit license
-open source
-greatest language of all time
-greatest standard library of all time
-gpl licenc
-closed source(theres an open source implementation tho called openjdk)
-use java because its "permissive" licenc ->
get sued for using it.(aka android).

at this point c# is more libre then java.

> C# = Modern language with cool things like NET Native, Bridge.NET, Xamarin, Net Core and Visual Studio.

How can Java even compete?

I'd rather just kill myself.

Are you just talking about the mono projects?

>If you had to make them your ONLY language for the rest of your (miserable) life.
I would rather write a C compiler or python interpreter in Scratch than ever touch Java again

He is talking about mono, they dont want to abmir native is wangblows only

I'mma go with C#. Yes, I might become Microsoft's bitch, but atleast i'll have money, since C# is the future in my country, and I can talk shit about Java.

>greatest standard library
Are you pretending to be retarded? The C# standard library is missing an incredible amount of things

I prefer C# but Java is still the most profitable and I'm only in this for the money so Java.