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Meanwhile, the U.S. dollar has been plummeting the same way for decades





Ahaha I can't wait for the absolute deluge of burnt out shit cards flooding the market at 90% MSRP pricing just for desperate gamer manchildren to buy them them all up.

There's no way to lose with crypto unless you did the retarded thing and bought in during the peak.

I for one won't be buying a used card. No resale value for miners from me

Enjoy your sloppy seconds from miners.

70 years ago you could eat out at restaurants every day in San Francisco for a week on $1 and tipping 4cents would make the waiter really happy

Today, you get a greasy McDouble for that dollar.

mcdouble is $1.70 now
the price went up for everything after they did that new dollar menu scam, everything except the mcchicken [spoiler]which is still the best fast food sandwich unironically[/spoiler]

that would only be $10 in the 50s

the only real danger of failure with modern gpus that are running in mining stations 24/7 are blown capacitors in the future. If you're unable to fix something as simple as that then I feel sorry for you. Gaming is actually worse on the gpu compared to most of the controlled settings the miners use their cards in (undervolted, good air circulation). I still would never buy a used gpu though. Only acceptable PC components to buy used in my honest opinion is the CPU and in some cases RAM.

I'm not concerned about the reliability of a used card. It's a matter of principle.

I feel the same way, bro. But if I see a 1080ti going for something like 25 dollars in my area I probably won't be able to resist.

Let us all do our duty and swear tol NOT purchase a used card from these mining farms.

Let these cunts rot with their depreciated hardware and crashing cryptocurrency. You reading this, fuckers? No bailouts for you. I hope you didn't get out in time. The only way out of your crippling debt and vanishing net worth is to jump, slit, or hang. Swing your life away. Do it, fuckers.

given the current price of bitcoin, their ROI just got kicked back to more than 1 years time.

hopefully i'll be able to SLI my 1080ti with another one for roughly two hundred bucks. at that point i wont even care if the 2nd card shits itself

I've said about 4 times on this website the price is going to tank to a level between $3400 and $5700, with a nominal recovery to 10k by years end if there is no government involvement.

Sli is useless

Fresh off the oven

I'm compiling all of the butthurt nocoiner's gloating to rub it in their face when crypto recovers in a month or two. People aren't going to pass up ways to make money.

you are correct pal. but at that price, i dont even give a fuck.

does this mean ill be able to buy a gpu sometime this century?

We'll be waiting

screencapped to rub it in your face when buttcoin gets abandoned for another CC

Ponzi schemes are the oldest trick in the book and you guys fell for it. Your aggressive posts are a way to cope with the embarrassment, but really the best thing for you to do right now is to stop posting, because all these posts do is embarrass yourselves even more.

>dumb animetards in a nutshell

>not going all in on VEN
nocoiners just like being poor, don't they?
I sold off in December because this isn't my first January dip.



Well I'm glad I invested in gold, silver, firearms,and librebooted thinkpads instead of memecoins

The /gkpol/ combo I see.

My £21k down to 6k. Meh. I should have sold.

It'll return, but China just banned all blockchain sites on net abroad so... Eh.

>economy up
>bitcoin down
Explain this, cryptoniggers.

>economy up

It's too early to bury it, bitfinex will once again save it with tether emission. Normies should be milked for more.


$0.000000000001 per bitcoin.
> Muh satosh

I cashed out as it fell. I put in like $5k a long while back and got out over $50k. Would've been a lot more if I'd cashed out a week ago, but still not bad.

Never mined either -- my GPU's for gaming and programming projects only. I just invested what I could afford when it looked promising.

That's the smallest part of a bitcoin you can have. The smallest possible value per bitcoin is zero -- that would be nobody at all buying so you can't find anyone to sell them to for any price.

Congress meets tomorrow to discuss shitcoin.
If you don't think the coincidental crashing of equity markets wasn't meant to coincide w/ the crash of coins you're delusional. The same people run both exchanges.

Now they're going to claim coinfags are a fundamental threat to financial/equity markets. What happens next will be nothing short of spectacular. They're going to make back door handshakes w/ the alphabet agencies who have tons of tolls available to crash and compromise every one of these stupid ass insecure hackathon level shit shows and then you're going to see the laws change over night .. And then you can kiss this $10k by end of the year pipe dream goodbye. All of this shit is going to zero. They opened up futures/options trading in December to ensure it does while you stupid fucks got baited into all time high purchases.

Now, they're gonna pull it w/ no survivors.
Kiss your hopeful asses goodbye

You didn't catch the joke i see. I'm guessing no coinfag did either w/ so many significant figures beyond the decimal place.

It's more like a hybrid of CIA surveillance (blockchain) and money laundering (darkweb markets) mixed with a simple Pump and Dump scam, but sure, it could be a ponzi as well if we knew the full structure of the network

1btc = 1btc

pls let it die already

>it's not a scam buy the dip goyim

while these faggots are crying because muh internetbucks are worthless, i think i'm gonna go buy a 1070 since now there's gonna be a fuckton of them on the used market.

You also miss the point. The money in crypto comes from other people, so by definition, half of the money that people make comes from other people who 'invested'.
So there is a way to lose from crypto, and that's to be the (approximately) 50% of the people who lost money.

now you're getting it


The value of all fiat currencies became zero in the end as well.

>good air circulation

Someone post the chink mining array

Thanks guys, enjoying buying shit from the US recently

IK the picture is a rooster, fuck off.

how can linux using mudshits even stand the fact that their operation system was written by a jew?

They're running a Jewish OS on a CPU architecture pioneered by Jews, in a system standard created by Americans. It's enemy work all the way down. Using another American OS wouldn't make things any better apart from spying on them more.

Proper Islamic computer when?

>worth of bitcoin changes
>sites change the amount of bitcoin they require for payments to match the cost in dollars
>worth of dollar changes
>burger is still $1

Everyone who is smart in crypto investing knows that bitcoin is dead. Coins with better technology and absurdly high transaction fees have killed it.

The child will boast not knowing I'm buying this dip. Ether all the way. By the hoo, kill yourself quickly, honja!

At least wait for the dip to end before buying.

It's time to buy faggot, goldfag shills have no clue how crypto works

>Not holding and playing the long game.
Same thing happened a couple years back when it was approaching 1k. Only good thing to come out of this is hopefully GPU prices will plummet, but I somehow think it's wishful thinking.

Only South Africa making money in this crash

Finally. Soon I'll be able to use Bitcoins as payment, without having to hurry like a maniac, again.

>Sup Forums is against blockchain tech because muh games
Well im out. This place is dead.

>something with a speculative market cap 1/2000th the gross world product
>not anywhere close to real cash value
>at it's peak
>threat to fiscal solvency

Pretty ludicrous to think that crypto will be bant outright. It's more likely pressure will be put on markets to legitimize their transactions, insofar as converting to cash is concerned, so that appropriate taxes can be levied on what is almost practically effortless profit. In this respect, legitimizing the currency, it can be opened up to trade on larger global markets.

So yes the speculative value will drop to match the real value more closely, and the free ride is basically over.
Tough luck, not even 1% of 1% were ever going to (cash out enough to) get rich enough to retire young.

Supporting the rampant speculation of buttcoins because of "blockchain tech" makes as much sense as supporting paper dollars because you're really into cloth slurry.

>retards who don't understand what crypto even is pretending this is the end of it
oh no it fell to only $6000 when it was originally worth less than $1!
The only people cucked by this are mom and pop investors who thought they'd get rich buy actually buying in at $14k.
People will continue to trade with crypto and newer curencies will dethrone BTC.
Just because your anime doll costs 0.02272 bitcoin now instead of 0.01071 doesn't change you're spending the equivalent of $150 USD.

>he doesnt know what blockchain is
I hear the new call of duty is coming out soon

>worth of dollar changes
>burger now 1.70
Google "purchasing power of the dollar" and revitalize your hatred of the jews

What is your problem with gamers? They are entitled to GPUs more than you are.

no they aren't. Your toys are entitled to whoever will buy them, your mom isn't going to convince me to share the toys.

No one ever makes money from crypto.

except everyone who bought before November 2017 made BANK.
Laughing at your life.

It looks like someone hasn't gotten the memo. Gamers are better people than you. They are entitled to their GPUs more than you.

you have to be really dumb...

>he thinks I just buy on buzzwords
>he thinks I haven't been completely immersed in the tech since it saw the light of day

this. Have you seen the new blood in the crypto market? People bought ripple at 3$ because it was "cheap" and they thought it could hit 1k like bitcoin. That's the average person you're trading against.

I could hit random buttons and still make money on crypto half the time its so fucking easy.

No they didn't. They're all selling at stop loss points right now and only making back their initial investments. With crypto, you don't make money. You see a number on a screen change around and that's it.

You. Haven't. Made. Any. Profit.

I don't care about your buzzwords, or you experience, or your quads. No one in this thread is against the technology of blockchains, they're against the idiotic /biz/ speculation and rampant lunacy surrounding the coins. The bubble will burst, the market will return to normal, and maybe then the cryptocurrencies can actually go back to be currency and not ridiculously speculated "investments."

>making back initial investments
you mean 2-3x since November. Like double or triple or even quadruple in a month if you bought during the China Ban? Do that in any other market. If you go back to the beginning of 2017 you see a nice couple THOUSAND PERCENT rise. Yeah I made no money, whatever helps you sleep knowing you're WILLINGLY MISSING OUT ON THE LAST BOAT TO CRYPTO. Lmaoing at your life. Stay in denial salty nocoiners. See you next ATH. Be sure to tell me about how this is a scam once we hit 20k again, knowing you could have bought now and made money.

>the same way
lol nope

>come to grocery in the morning
>come back same day in the afternoon
>prices are marked up from the morning

That's how much Bitcoin is plummeting.

lmfao, i told people to sell at 16k, and not invest afterwards

faggots got what they deserved

Over long periods, sure that changes.
Over short periods, nope.

Your currency can drop (or rise) in worth against global currencies considerably without affecting how much your cash is worth in daily life.

>One. Fucking. Month
Zoom out. Bet you won't, pussy. Here ill let you do some math. I bought 3 years ago.
I should go dig up some old posts at 250$ a coin to jerk off to. God it feels good being smarter than everyone on this board.

>expecting a brand new technology to be stable as the most used currency in the world
the more bitcoin gains adoption, the more stable it becomes. If the US dollar was used by only 1 million people out of 8 billion it would fluctuate like crazy.
Besides I can just take advantage of the swings for my own gain.

fuck off

Show us your wallet, until then you're a LARPing faggot and should neck yourself.

how do i edit a post

That's cool and all but nobody gives a flying fuck about the worth of any of your guys' portfolios.

How much, how often, and how reliably can you cash out, in meaningful numbers with regard to the portfolio size.
If I needed $25,000 in a week can I do that.

Can I do that every month without fail.

>please provide some kind of proof

Is it time to buy?

Show us your wallet then, faggot.

>you haven't made profit!!!!!
>yes I have
ahahahahaha thanks for cheering me up buddy. Wew laddy. Didn't know you'd STILL be salty about crypto even when it's crashing. Emotional thinkers to the boot.

LOL fuck off. Crypto is back to below November levels. Your ponzi scheme is collapsing around you. Go ahead and hold as the scheme drains everything from you.

Enjoy working at McDonalds.

Typical response when asked a legitimate question about the state of transferring out of the market.

Anyone else want to play my game?

yes. buying when it is low is usually smarter then waiting for it to hit 20k again.
McDonalds? I've already retired. Why would I invest anything I could lose? I actually never have to work a day in my life again. But crypto isn't the reason for that, it was more of a side thing.
My personal withdraw limit on the exchange I was using was about 100k a week. or 10% of my total portfolio. But that's only assuming you're moving it out of one exchange. Also assuming you're doing it by legal means (which you're fucking stupid if you actually pay crypto taxes).

>the more bitcoin gains adoption, the more stable it becomes
And that's what's happening.

Bitcoin is currently horrendously overvalued and is correcting itself. That means a lot of people are going to lose a lot of money but if it is going to have a future it is going to find a stable position.

I'm just worried that it'll drop even more.

This just in
>Currency exchange rates change over time

on 2nd thought wait until it breaks 6k again and watch it VERY carefully. it could go lower.
Either way you'll be fine if you're buying under 8k. Buying "now" in a general sense is a good idea, maybe not necessarily at this second though.