If rust is reddit's programming language, what is /ourlang/?
If rust is reddit's programming language, what is /ourlang/?
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rust, because there's almost zero difference between the two sites' userbases at this point
C is for comfy
webdev in common lisp
Unironically python
Rust is not somehow claimed by reddit. Fuck off with your tribal counterculture bullshit
I only identify as a redditor, I never actually visit the sitd but it's ok because I'm transhypertext. My pronouns are re, reeeee, and reeeeeeeeeee. I only use Rust written in Perl.
I have a problem with this thread and do not know how to respond.
I'm the guy in every thread telling everyone to "go back 2 reddit"
I'm also a massive Rust shill to the point where iv forced it at my job and many people have learned because of me and my internal projects.
probably python since it's similar enough
Sup Forums is hilldawg country
True, there is quite a lot of soy here.
Doing God's work, user.
It went Plan 9 C/rc -> Lisp -> Haskell -> nothing.
python and C.
for reddit it is javascript and Rust.
Scheme, but you newfags wouldn't know about it since you never conjured the spirits of the computer with your spells.
>that picture
>t. goon
Sup Forums was hivemind as all fuck back in it's early days and it hasn't changed much aside from what pisses off normies and how the largest boards had outsider political shitters (like goons) shitpost in their preferred media.
so is reddit, kinda his point.
Fortran for Sup Forums
When I was a TA in grad school I had to grade assignments written in Scheme. Ended up dropping out.
Kotlin gets shilled here
Java, C#, C++ all work too.
C and Lisp.
>I'm also a massive Rust shill
>go back 2 reddit
How do you do fellow kids?
>Am I fitting in?
Nice try goon, you're not "gaslighting" over here very well. Isn't it amazing how one mention of Rust brings out the goons and posers?
program g
write(6,*) "Fortran, of course"
end program
Sup Forums doesn't know about programming.
Lisp is already HN retards language.
have you never seen /prog/
Back to HN, faggot.
Never been there, had to google it to even know what you're referring to.
How does he upload multiple images?
Very relevant image, thanks user.
>all the stormfags sperging at your post
>has never read a book on PLT
This post gets the gist of it right -- Sup Forums is full of normalfags with basic bitch politics and attracts more of the same -- but distorts the narrative to suit the author's agenda. The most blatant distortion is failure to acknowledge that all topical boards have always been more or less a hivemind. Moreover, even early Sup Forums had moralfags of both left- and right-wing variety, wannabe PUAs ("Chads"), questionable-quality self-improvement, etc., and that was before Chanology. The "broken people" posting there bullied each other mercilessly to prove the other was more broken. It was not a place of solidarity, but of temporary alliances created to achieve something for the lulz. It felt like a cool scene to be a part of, but this should not be mistaken for "solidarity of broken people." (Some did it even then.)
The defining characteristic of a normalfag can't be that he forces his norms on others, either, because a certain kind of user loves nothing more than to shout "normalfag!" at the slightest provocation, i.e., to enforce anti-normalfag norms. What defines the normalfag is that, first, his norms are conventional and, second, he doesn't realize that his social norms are opinions in his head and not immutable moral laws of the universe. The second point more often than not applies to raging anti-normalfags, making them normalfags' mirror image. What they want is uniformity, just with different norms, which gets misinterpreted as uniqueness. I suspect it applies to the author of the post as well. He claims to be a leftist, and I've seen many leftists choose "fuck society" at every turn, whether it made sense or not, and celebrate brokenness, but only if it's the approved kind.
"No one liked us" is garbage as well. Mid- to late-2000s Sup Forums was a cool and edgy place to be. If anything, people are more ashamed to associate their real identity with this website now.
Rust, /dpt/ is basically Rust General nowadays.
/gee/ is too dumb for C++ so probably C.
It's atechan.
>Sup Forums is full of normalfags with basic bitch politics and attracts more of the same -- but distorts the narrative to suit the author's agenda
That's somewhat true, but not really moreso than on any other discussion platform, Sup Forums is quite obvious and transparent with it's biases overall, since people are less likely to hide their colours on an 'anonymous' imageboard.
Otherwise, I agree with your analysis of the hiveminds in online communities.
A statically typed Erlang sounds fucking awesome. How usable is it right now?
You are a terrible person.
Can you use it outside of TempleOS yet?
it's not Sup Forums
the holy trinity of imperative, functional and meta:
C, Idris, and a Lisp (probably Guile).
>google "PLT programming"
>read the word "theory"
>immediately see giant lambda symbol
yeah no thanks
powerpoint animations and autoshapes.
Let's say I'm a full fledged white supremacist Christian nationalist of the type Sup Forums LARPs. If I used Rust and my ideological views leaked out, would there be consequences? It's not like the compiler will stop working but would I be shut out of the community and not allowed to get technical questions answered even if I never made ideological posts in the community?
Possibly. The trend is towards banning users for things they say and do anywhere, not just your project's platform.
that's a fucking retarded baity question and you know the answer is that very little if anything will happen
this is the biggest moralfag redditpost I've seen in a while
Why would you want to?
ah rust, the official language of soyboys everywhere
Hi Op, i'm a rust shill, does that make me a normalfag?
Rust has a very restrictive Code of Conduct. People have been banned from similar communities for ideological views not aligned with that community even when those viewers were never expressed in the community. Would the male Rust developer who wears dresses while giving lectures at conferences have me banned from attending a Rust seminar because someone told him I don't support trans privileges?
>linear types viable for the first time in history
I'd do the same but I think its because we're brainlets.
>If rust is reddit's programming language,
Evaluates to false
c+ equality
I hate redditors but you guys are worse
>SJW community
C when you feel autistic and like concise smart bit magic tier code
Java when you just need to do some shit
hello Joe.
BANCSTAR language
This, nothing useful comes from it.
the only correct answer is CakeML
To compile HolyC viruses to attack CIA niggers computers
>a subset of Standard ML
That's not a lot of programming language.
Not in Rust
ya, but provably correct, bro.
unironically Java
8-bit ASM and COBOL for more advanced systems
This. Also,
>even if I wasn't a leftist
Sup Forums's still retarded, but the goon in the image REALLY missed the mark on why.