What are my chances of getting pussy if I start a band

What are my chances of getting pussy if I start a band.
Also whose side are you on Beatles of led Zeppelin?

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Man I'd let her step on my bro

skrillex is dubstep

Ya and your band will be called Beatles of Les Zepplin

pretty high without even starting a band
And led zeppelin

shes hawt

Who's the semen demon?

being in a band doesn't make you cool at all
it actually makes you lame if you're not popular
it's worse if you play bass, too

What if you play bass and write all the songs and don't play shitty generic rock music?

>What if you play bass
>and write all the songs
no one really knows that, especially cute girls
>and don't play shitty generic rock music?
that's just your opinion. nickelback probably gets lots of pussy (except the bass player, of course) and it goes without saying that no one gives a shit about who writes the songs.

God fucking dammit I want a girlfriend so much. It's not fair for me to not have one all these years, for my whole life.

nice fake unty post

i feel like every other time i read a post by you it's about wanting a gf

What's your name?

I don't want you to really answer, no. I simply want you to think to yourself "Yeah, that's my name; that's me."

Now, how would you feel if some retard over the Internet approached you and said "No, that's not your name. You're a fake."

That's how I feel right now. Shut the fuck up. I don't know what power you think you possess, to come and tell me who the fuck I am and who the fuck I'm not, but you've clearly been misinformed because not only are your accusations false, but you're presenting them to the wrong person. Fortunate for you, I'm in a pleasant mood because of a conversation I'm having in another thread.

Perhaps that says a good deal about the threads you typically contribute to.

Holy shit you're fucking pathetic

Not nearly as pathetic as your insults, though.

Perhaps you ought to try telling me something I don't know, lest you're content to waste your life on the string of futile redundancies that is telling me how fucking pathetic a person I am.

Op here. Thank you all for commenting

show us your tits


Scrimzoola gets all the vagina

how many goddamn times do i need to see this image a day

What the fuck did you just say about me you little god damn inbred retard? I'll have you know I'm advancing quickly in the arts of judo and computer science. You think, because your tucked away "safely" in your little bedroom that you're safe from me? I'm tracking your IP right now.

This is the problem with Sup Forums and with popular music.