
Hi i3 gurus.

How elaborate is your bar config file?

Show us all your talent!

If their is anything i see that i like i shall add to my own.

semen demon

>not having a i5 or i7
lol fucking poorfag

who is this gamete gladiator

gonad groper

i use xfce like a normal linux user

sperm worm


ball gobbler


is this the same bitch? fugly tattoo is showing

too bad she's fat

dick destroyer

fatty cunt w/ a fishmouth

foreskin flogger

what's her name?

>still would smash


i3 window manager you fucking fag.
>using exclusively windows on Sup Forums
go fuck yourself normie

>falling for bait that obvious

issa a joke
>inb4 I was only joking xDDD

Lillias White


I fucking love b8 m8

I run polybar, so quite.

You should try pywal (if you aren't running it). It changes your color scheme to fit the wallpaper.

>running Intel chips newer than Core2Duo

3D is pig disgusting.

miyu a best

Kinda looks like Gwendolyn Gay from iFixit


Shit in my mouth, baby.

stop posting fucking lewds

this is a blue board

Im using conky for my i3 bar at the moment. Its pretty cool, and super configurable. Its worth trying.

>Has transparency on

Moshi-moshi, retard desu?

Whats wrong with either of those things?

I think he is mentioning the fact you have transparency on whilst running the battery down

blue means lewd

Fair enough.

Lillias white

No SwayWM users?

Is she thicc or fat?

>thread asking for i3 configs
>everyone falling in love with ugly fat 3dpd in OP
every fucking time

I have i3-8350k and it's literally same as i5-7600k

get rid of i3bar op. It's not that customizable. Use polybar if you want something simple to configure or lift a lemonbar config from someone


doesn't matter, I'd nut inside her all day

Try to post images relevant to topic next time, then?

I'm using a simple i3bar

gay is qter

>unironically running the no-custom-screenshotter display manager
ayy shiggy diggy


>$ apt-cache search polybar

yeah right

Are you implying I'm the OP? I'm not, I just thought I could find interesting stuff itt and expected Sup Forums to not get so easily derailed by an irrelevant image.

>thread starts with 3dpd thot
>expecting it to not get derailed
it's like you're new here

What's the dark blue on this chart supposed to be?

>too bad she's fat
I don't understand.

What advantages does i3 have over openbox? How easy is it to rice and remain practical. I want simple, yet practical rice.

nice trips. she seemed thicc but then you see her instagram

i3 tiles openbox stacks but both can do either
i3 is easier to configure but that does not mean openbox is difficult

I use i3blocks just because I wanted some shit centered. Will share screenshot at night.

>get rid of i3bar op. It's not that customizable.

Fuck she is soooooo hot

Why do they call it cellulite?
Should be celluheavy.

xmonad is better :^)

>arch linux
bloat distro
bloat wm, use dwm
bloated shell, use mksh
>i3bar icons for ricing
just fucking bloat

how did you make gaps between windows?

bloat is those potato chips you gargle all day and that fat ass sitting in the basement shitposting non-stop
