Desktop and mobile

>Battery life

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Dataming thread, nice try CIA. Apparently I have 9 hours left at 25%, my phone is really good


my phone isn't rooted

It doesn't have to be.


2d 20h at 96%

your font rendering gives me a headache

I thought terminal emulator needs phone to be rooted to run?

root is required to modify files on your system partition, so you can run commands inside a terminal emulator that don't do this.


real unix unlike yall andropoors

But can you su ?

Hows that 0MiB RAM working out for you, RAMlet?

if i couldn't, i couldn't even run a terminal emulator in the first place


Too lazy to install the terminal.

On android yes, you can


Just flashed a new room so it's still "learning my usage patterns"


can this be used without termux? it works only on new android versions and im not buying a new phone just for this.


Termux has a package repository, but if you can compile the programs yourself, you only need root and busybox.

New android user. How do I get estimates for my battery?

Battery at 60%, 4 days left.
You kids and your phoneposting

The device estimates time of life based on your recent activities. You didn't get the estimates because you've recently charged your battery.

Faggots still running kernel 3.18

i dont run it