HEY, YouTube on your phone will play in the background if you press the flag video option.
It works on the chrome at least
HEY, YouTube on your phone will play in the background if you press the flag video option.
It works on the chrome at least
mermaid was a good gaym
Is there any other way?
Install NewPipe.
Uninstall chrome.
What if you’re not on poordroid?
They really want me to get a YouTube Red subscription.
what is happening in this image? did she die?
Dunno what shit version you're running but 1.2 works flawlessly no ads for me
I just bought a YouTube Red subscription for shits and giggles. Logan Paul's exclusive content is kinda fun.
It's Ophelia you uncultured fuck. Yes she's dead, after a ten-minute monologue.
what meme is this? it worked just fine when i used the official youtube app few years ago.
Or you can just launch it in Firefox in desktop mode
>YouTube on your phone
use newpipe faggot
>not using OGYoutube
Plebshitter detected
What anime is this from?
I receive Snapple commercials from time to time. No, really, I do. It has happened more than I would have liked. I almost snappled.
Brave browser can play youtube in the background.
This is what I use. Brave is just the best choice for mobile to begin with
Lucky Patcher
Beito desukana
Youtube plays on the background on firefox.
NewPipe on f-droid
newpipe allows for background player, song repeating, low bitrate options to save data, no ads
Archer; adapted from the works of Dashiell Hammet