Tfw no weird depressed gf to smoke cigarettes and watch jim jarmusch films with

>tfw no weird depressed gf to smoke cigarettes and watch jim jarmusch films with

Music for this feeling?

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw no nerdy boyfriend who reads and listens to lou reed

>tfw content enjoying my media by myself
>tfw you could be enjoying those films right now instead of pining over some woman


Tfw eating a white choclate kitkat and i dont even like regular kitkat

no, southern usa

how far southern?

south central

>Im grill btw
Surely you guys won't fall for this...

>having depression

i never said i was a girl...
...but i am.


Girls like this simply don't exist anymore. The internet and modern social networking makes it a nigh-possibility.

If a man is alone, he's perceived with contempt.
If a woman is alone, she's perceived with sympathy. Social media serves to extrapolate this discrepancy, which is why girls are so prone to boast about their "mental afflictions" on the internet, because they know such boasts will provoke others and they'll garner the attention they crave.

Before the proliferation of the modern internet, back in the 80's and 90's, when we were a comparatively much more isolated society, one could find girls that resembled Allison to an extent. Now, though, they simply can't exist.

Extremely relevant song:

sew edgy

*makes it a nigh-impossibility

Why would you want to be in a relationship with someone who's depressed ? There would be nothing good about that at all.

Seung-Hoi notes that for those like us, the suffering becomes tremendously more tolerable if we've someone to suffer with.

you probably have a facebook and twitter fuckin hypocrite

I suppose that is a good point. Having someone else who was going through the same thing as me really would have helped when I was depressed.

>tfw got a weird depressed gf
>tfw she abused me, never had sex with me and continues to attack me
>tfw it isn't worth it

>you probably
Do you understand how weightless of a fucking statement this is? Do you? No, of course you fucking don't.

I mean really, I "probably" participate in the social media that I just blatantly took a shit on? Based on what? With what is this tremendous accusation founded, or are you so fucking eager to type, satisfy the captcha, hit submit and feel as though you've contributed something substantial to the present dialogue that intellectual integrity just means jack fucking shit to you?

You don't know SHIT about me. N O T H I N G.
>you probably have a facebook and twitter
And you probably have a retarded sister. And you probably write with your left hand. And your favorite drink is probably prune juice. Those statements all have integrity and weight equal to your previous fucking accusation.

Jesus fucking christ. I don't know what's wrong with the people on this board sometimes.

Why does she "attack" you? are you a huge beta? If she doesn't have sex and abuses you leave her or something. Don't be so desperate that you would lose your dignity for the possibility of sex.

You're butthurt. That was a stupid comment, but was it really worth flipping out about?

If my "flipping out" serves to remove even a single retard from the dialogue, then yes, it's absolutely worth it.

>You're butthurt
I'm frustrated that I've to deal with people like this, yes. That's also completely irrelevant. He's an idiot, and by introducing a subject of such irrelevancy, you're acting like an idiot.

calm down retard

if you cared so much you wouldn't be posting with a tripcode, you're obviously narcissistic and starving for attention which makes you no different from the girls you can't fuck

Oh wait you're a tripfag. That explains everything.

If you never had a 14 year old gf in high school and went on a road trip with her family to mardis gras and licked her feet in back of an antique shop you don't know what the FUCK life is about

>she will never be my gf
let me die

Chamber of Reflection - Mac Demarco

I Was All Over Her - Salvia Palth

Blue Boy - Mac Demarco

Pink Rabbits - The National


Ah, yes. Instead of holding retards accountable for their shitty contributions and telling them to stop fucking posting, you blame the people who take a stand! Yeah, we're "spergs," and "retards."

It's no surprise that this board is in the midst of such an intellectual plunge. You people are afraid to recognize a retard for what he is and tell him to shut the fuck up. You're a bunch of castrated, pathetic little shits.

I present a unique brand of contribution to this board that absolutely warrants a tripcode.

>'retort' consists of nothing relevant, just one or several ad hominem(s) in an attempt to obscure the attacker's apparent lack of anything of intellectual weight to say
In my previous post, I said you were acting like a retard. Now you simply are one.

>smoke cigarettes and watch jim jarmusch films with
best be skipping to sex, but we all know that's what you're doing anyway, so yeah...

>I have a gf
>we don't have sex
>she's not feminine and submissive so probably not good wife material


why are you doing that to yourself

>tfw no qt gf that's into punk and hardcore with tattoos and short hair that's into riding bikes and mopeds.

that post is essentially reddit's version of Sup Forums

look on tumblr thats the majority of its users

Don't go near girls with tats

Just don't man, they stink down there and they probably do drugs

>they probably do drugs
I'd date a girl that'd smoke weed with me and laugh at each others farts.

>girls can be so disgusting as to not even shower and wash their vaginas, with such degenerate hobbies as drug abuse
>yet they're still presented with an array of potential male suitors and make their selection at their whim

The modern male existence is one of innumerable injustices.

Are you actually this autistic or this satire

A short summary:
>I'm such a nice guy. Why don't I have a girlfriend?

Dude, you wouldn't get high with a girl? Come on now.

Daily reminder to filter all tripfaggots. This is an anonymous website, how much of an attention-whore do you have to be to announce your presence every time you post?

you're saying that even depressed "antisocial" girls these days attention whore on social media and find people to be with

you could have said this better by saying "any western girl who isn't morbidly obese, retarded or deformed still has a line of dudes vying for her attention and company online and in real life, no matter how "sad" she is. Due to male thirst and social media in the current year"

unless you're looking for wife material this is a good thing because a girl wrapped up in her own flaws is less likely to focus on your flaws, test you and dump your ass. Social retards on here think you can get more intimacy more easily from a depressed girl because she's less likely to reject you if she's constantly withdrawn and easy to tease.

Thanks for proving that anyone who does drugs is a complete idiot with no direction in life. Seriously, get some priorities and integrity, old sport

Every. Fucking. Time.

I'm so fucking tired of this shit. If my opinions are so goddamn wrong, why don't you tell me WHY they're wrong, and then I'll stop posting my goddamn wrong opinions. Jesus. I'm so fucking tired of bullshit replies like this. Yes I am goddamn mad, as any man would be after reading this shit ad nauseum while no one even offers up an alternative.

If my posts are so obviously wrong, then fucking challenge and refute them. It shouldn't be fucking difficult.

That's not at all what I said. Are you retarded?

I was referring to heinous fact that girls can ignore the most elementary of grooming and washing and still get to choose their pick of a male suitor. Can you fucking read? In the above reply I prompted you to elaborate and explain why I'm wrong, but according to your most recent reply you can't even goddamn read so it's not too surprising that you didn't offer a rebuttal.

Goddamn you people are stupid.

I feel sorry for unty, I've got stoned with girls countless times. It's rad.

>Thanks for proving that anyone who does drugs is a complete idiot with no direction in life. Seriously, get some priorities and integrity, old sport

>tfw cop blocked and squad blocked

That THC has clearly impaired you're cognitive ability, or pray not, you never held that much capacity for thinking from birth.

>Falling for the marriage meme
Absolutely disgusting
> a girl wrapped up in her own flaws is less likely to focus on your flaws, test you and dump your ass.
LMAO yoiu'd be suprised
They'll focus on their own, and yours (a lot), and possibly still dumb your dumb ass for trying.

i don't think every girl is an sjw
also no to the other things

Dude, go outside, find weed, find a girl and smoke with her. Girls are chill as fuck to smoke with.

Look, stop trying so hard on an anonymous Cambodian potato farming forum.

Any dude could do the most elementary of grooming and washing and get the girl they want, unless they're like pic related
Unless they have the personality of a dirty sock.

wow you know so much about women, tell me more

I'm totally not against drug use, but just stop dude. You sound like you're 14

brandon you're drunk. go to bed

I already have. There was a girl named Heather. You know what she did? She just sat there staring blankly. You know why? She was an idiot. She just used marijuana to completely turned her brain off. Just goes to show how weak her mind was. Also, she had the clap.

I'm done hanging around the drug crowds , they are unreliable people that should be treated like dirt to be swept from the rugs of counter culture

>an sjw
Neat. At no point did that post mention SJW's.
>no to the other things
Neat. I post an opinion, load it with substantiating details, and you later respond saying you disagree, while posting no substantiating details of your own - just a simple "no."

Neat. Tell me: what the fuck made you think this post was worth hitting the submit button for? What are you trying to achieve with it?

Your disagreement presents nothing for me to refute, because you didn't say anything, so you're not facilitating discussion. You're really NOT DOING ANYTHING with this post.

I've only smoked once and it made me ansty as fuck

Never again

Ciggos are comforting but they're gross smelling and too expensive.
Also they have no benefits, so that's that.

I had a depressed girlfriend. I loved her, she was great, broke up with her two months ago because it's way too much to fucking deal with. These girls need therapy first and foremost.

Yeah bud, because I'm sure you have so many girlfriends, am I right?

>any dude could do the most elementary of grooming and washing and get the girl they want
Neat, but I'm talking about how girls can ignore the most elementary of grooming and washing and still get the guy they want, so that's not really relevant, at all.

no, but you don't know shit about women.

No what they need is to stay busy, find a hobby, have a personality.

The things that women are into today just take the brain and rescale it to the size of a peanut

People with depression need for others to understand and support them. That way they can mirror the help you've given.
"You are not alone in this. I’m here for you." helps

Okay, then what don't I know?

Yeah it goes both ways you inbred autismo

>stay busy, find a hobby, have a personality.
The girl I was with had all of those things. When you need to stay busy all the time because any moment of self-reflection is going to set you into a fit of self-harm, you need to get that therapy. Maybe even hospitalization.
I agree with you, but I'm not sure if we're talking on the same scale of depression here.

you are really loathsome and i feel sad for you

You're thinking of it all wrong, tell them to get over it, if you're texting her, send that to her, wait a few hours, she will get mad and most likely send a few angry texts wanting you explain your reasoning. This puts you into the power position.

No it absolutely does not go both ways. The average guy can not go out in public, unwashed, ungroomed, dirty and smelling and get the girl of his choosing.

I mean, giving this but a few seconds of honest, objective logical thought you can determine that to be bullshit. We just established that the average girl can ignore all elementary grooming and still get the guy of her choice. The girl's not going to choose the guy that looks like he can't afford a bar of soap.

I mean, I don't actually go out and harm myself but there are times where I think about ripping out my eyeballs or ripping out my throat but it's never enacted upon.
I do have bad depression but I keep it to myself, sort of like grooming a dog's overgrown coat.

> tell them to get over it
If you do this, you'd probably get dumped immediately.\
>she will get mad and most likely send a few angry texts wanting you explain your reasoning
She probably won't answer and then just dump you with a snap of the fingers.
>This puts you into the power position.
Unty you're so stupid

>if i am so wrong why does no one tell me why im wrong
it sure reads as "i am a baby who cannot think for myself about why the shit i write on Sup Forums bother people"

>They'll focus on their own, and yours (a lot), and possibly still dumb your dumb ass for trying.
Nice generalization.

> The average guy can not go out in public, unwashed, ungroomed, dirty and smelling and get the girl of his choosing.
[Citation needed]
>objective logical thought
Oh the irony
>The girl's not going to choose the guy that looks like he can't afford a bar of soap.
She's going to chose the guy that actually uses a bar of soap

It's not fun to date depressed, emotionally unstable girls. I dated one for a year, and it was the most emotionally exhausting, regretful relationship i've ever been in. I really liked her too, but she had daddy issues and put me through hell, always breaking up and getting back together with me, the hospital trips, having to worry about if she's going to harm herself again. Just do yourself a favor and stay away from these types of girls, it's not worth it, no matter how much you think you can change them.

I'm just saying that people will focus on their own flaws, and their partner's, and want to grow with them. Spiritually, emotionally, whatever, if you don't focus on your own flaws and try to change for the better, you could get dumped.
I mean, wanting to change someone is a lot different than being with someone that wants to change
You'll be tested wither way, boy or girl.
I'm just saying people have their limits.

>youd probably get dumped immediately

Then why does it work every single time for me, without fail? Have you ever considered sometimes women just want to be told the hard truth?

Or perhaps I am just better looking than you and women will forgive what I say, for I am such a brute

>she had daddy Issues

That's what you're girlfriend called me while I was fucking her lol.

I understand quite well. I present the objective truth that posters on this board try to obscure with apathy and more music than any healthy individual ought to consume, but simultaneously I expect that if you're going to tell me that I'm wrong, or accuse me of having some mental affliction you'd at least offer some sort of substantiation to your opinion, so I can at least do something with it.

>citation needed
>she's going to chose the guy that actually uses a bar of soap
Yes. Exactly. That's my entire fucking point.

Are you honestly so dense that you can't realize that you just presented my argument? WE just established that this aesthetically average, though ill-groomed and washed, girl is choosing the guy that uses the bar of soap, NOT the average guy that ignores his grooming and washing.

You literally just argued for me and don't realize it.

>I mean, I don't actually go out and harm myself but there are times where I think about ripping out my eyeballs or ripping out my throat but it's never enacted upon.
>I do have bad depression but I keep it to myself, sort of like grooming a dog's overgrown coat.
you are a male, most males with depression (me included) have more of a tendency to suppress their feeling all the way until they pop violently

women, in my personal experience and I know a whole lot of seriously depressed girls who cut themselves and whatnot, they operate much more impulsively than dudes and empathy usually is more of a temporary treatment than one that truly permanently helps.
this. a depressed gf will usually cause your whole life to be centred on her, she won't even do it on purpose but you'll still suffer

There's a difference between depression and being emotionally unstable.
You can't fix people's depression, unfortunately. You can't rescue them.
. It’s not up to you to fix the problem, nor can you.
>You’re not to blame for your loved one’s depression or responsible for his or her happiness (or lack thereof). Ultimately, recovery is in the hands of the depressed person.

>Then why does it work every single time for me, without fail?
Okay, whatever you say.... : )
>Have you ever considered sometimes women just want to be told the hard truth?
Yeah, they want a normal, decent truth with nobility and finesse.
Not autistic tier "turths" where you blurt pout whatever you pull out of your asshole
>Or perhaps I am just better looking than you and women will forgive what I say, for I am such a brute
You're so silly, Unty.

I don't let my depression explode on people because that's an asshole move, but I let myself ventilate if I'm suppressing.

>a depressed gf will usually cause your whole life to be centred on her
Aww that's so sad
Like you can't help her sadness so you feel bad

Did you ever even have a gf with depression? I mean one that cuts herself and calls you 5 times a day crying, and is completely emotionally dependent on you. Not one who posts black and white selfies on Instagram with a sad face.

also, sadness =/= depression

Its not just pulling something out of your asshole.

Depression is just something that weak people latch onto to justify their lack of ambition.

People really should just get over it

>sadness =/= depression
Yep, and neither is crying 5 times a day, actually.

>objective truth
>mental affliction
i just think you are a man-baby who is unable to relate to anyone. specially women, on pretty much any degree, much like most people on here who say the sorry sad shit you've been saying on this thread

Are you arguing that she wasn't depressed? She was psychiatrically diagnosed with major depression and boderline personality disorder
anyone who self-diagnoses himself as depressed is probably an attention whore

having a depressed girlfriend is fucking miserable

>Did you ever even have a gf with depression?
I have depression and my gf knows about it
She's had to take meds in the past, too, but I really don't think she understands, or at least tries to
>completely emotionally dependent on you
Oh god that's not supposed to happen
People are responsible for their own emotions in relationships
That sucks for both parties

I agree with the sadness not being depression, too

>i just think you are a man-baby who is unable to relate to anyone. specially women, on pretty much any degree
Neat. I acknowledge your string of ad hominems yet don't understand how they're related in any fashion to my post .

Seriously, more and more it's looking like you've simply nothing to fucking say, so rather than waste your time typing excessive, unrelated approximations of my afflictions and wasting my time, as I'm obligated to read them, just stop posting until you've something worth contributing.

I don't know her. According to you, though, crying five times a day and cutting are symptoms of depression, and they're not, by which I mean you can look up the symptoms of clinical depression and you will find things such as "a lack of feeling," and "fatigue," but you definitely won't find crying 5 times a day, because that sort of emotion is the antithesis of depression.

>she was psychiatrically diagnosed with major depression
It's a sad state, but professional diagnoses for diseases like depression are of little weight anymore. Media and the public have debased the condition to the point where it's akin with feeling down because you watched a sad movie. Diagnoses of depressive disorder are handed out like candy on fucking halloween night.

>>completely emotionally dependent on you
>Oh god that's not supposed to happen
>People are responsible for their own emotions in relationships
>That sucks for both parties


just say NO

oh wait, i think i see what you mean. are you talking about girls that are like
>bruh school is giving me anxiety, and i have depression n stuff
in which case, yeah that is annoying. don't see how alone men are viewed with contempt though

>the average guy that ignores his grooming and washing
i don't think we agree what "average" means

>ad hominems
oh my god i sincerely hope you are joking
if you want one of your problems explicitly stated, here it goes: you use latin expressions on Sup Forums and i hope you understand by yourself how ridiculous it is

No, I'm referring to almost every girl in existence, even those with legitimate mental disorders.

I'm not saying that the average man doesn't groom, you retard. The scenario is meant to perfectly mirror the other; both the man and woman are aesthetically average, and both are ill-groomed and washed.

Ad hominem isn't an obscure term. I'd expect that everyone ought to have it drilled into their memories by the time that they graduate high school.

Not my fault that you're exceptionally retarded.

>tfw want to listen to james blake or dg new album
>tfw roommate isnt home and need help moving couches i got from a friend into suite
>tfw internet at new place is choppy
james blake or dg for best album of jnco de mayo?