
muh heritage edition

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k plop

was 30 seconds late to the punch and it wont let me delete for some reason

korean pop


Good post




Not seeing any nudes


is /epl/ snail lad here?
Post pics of your snail friend




repost x

no mates
no hobbies
no skills
no future
no gf
shit job

what's my next move? without killing myself if possible

REALLY makes you think

Given up for the night, will try gain tomorrow

watching some rubbish about pokeys in channel 5

play vidya all day
watch anime alld ay
neck yourself round about ~30-35 when life gets boring

my plan tbqh

no it doesn't you idiot

Did some maths in the last /brit/ thread

Posts with images get on average one (You) per post

Posts without images get in average 0.64 (You)s per post

>apprentice tradesman
>learn to code online and build a portfoilio

Hit the gym and start eating right in the meantime

Makes me think the artist is a retard

Pretty nice

Join the Army as infantry

Honestly lads how do you diagnose depression?

I mean really on the whole I feel alright most of the time, but I never have any motivation for anything. Is that classed as depression or just being lazy?

Makes me think how amazing it is that people can perform such mental gymnastics.

Just ended it with my gf, going out tomorrow to pull a slag like pic related

Can you even do that anymore? Back in school everyone who had no hope would just join, loads went to Afghanistan.

I thought they tightened up requirements.

But posts with memes get triple

start lifting weights

Nice one you cunt

This is why your gf stopped loving you

I'm in the same position only I don't even have a job.
I'm trying to teach myself music and languages. You might as well pick something to start as well, try to start to fix those problems and you could end up with a hobby, skill and job in one if you get good enough.

Reminder Charles Manson predicted all of this.
>In the months leading up to the Tate/LaBianca murders in August 1969, Charles Manson often spoke to the members of his "Family" about Helter Skelter, an apocalyptic war arising from racial tensions between blacks and whites.
>In its final form, which was reached by mid-February 1969, the scenario had Manson as not only the war's ultimate beneficiary but its musical cause. He and the Family would create an album with songs whose messages concerning the war would be as subtle as those he had heard in songs of the Beatles. More than merely foretell the conflict, this would trigger it; for, in instructing "the young love",America's white youth, to join the Family, it would draw the young, white female hippies out of San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury.

>Black men, thus deprived of the white women whom the political changes of the 1960s had made sexually available to them, would be without an outlet for their frustrations and would lash out in violent crimes against whites. A resultant murderous rampage against blacks by frightened whites would then be exploited by militant blacks to provoke an internecine war of near-extermination between racist and non-racist whites over blacks' treatment. Then the militant blacks would arise to sneakily finish off the few whites they would know to have survived; indeed, they would kill off all non-blacks.

skewing your statistics


on the night bus

Nihilism, drugs, then a slow slide into hedonistic degeneracy.

t. been there done that

Im currently in the process of joining the infantry, they'll litterally take anyone.

She never loved me and vice versa, our relationship was based on convenience



tips and tricks?

Want to meet a skinny virgin 18 year old and fuck her in her first year dorm. Want to tag along to all her Freshers fun and so on as she goes thomrough years two and three, slowly gaining weight and becoming a mature woman. With my graduate job I can afford to spoil her, take her round the world on dirty weekends. Get her pregnant shortly after graduation, quick ceremony with a few family but in a cool unusual venue.
What do you think lads? Sound nice?

Haha cats can't talk

Flag checks out

... I am the silenced singer ...

t. virgin

Don't get shot

Does this apply to you?

>I think of it as normie limbo. It's when you're too self aware of being weird, and it ends up eating away at you and stops you from doing things you might enjoy.

>True normies don't give a fuck, true neckbeards don't give a fuck. But people like me are stuck in the middle where you just can't suspend embarrassment properly. Plus, this place has made it worse by making me even more aware of things that are embarrassing.


think i spoke to you the other day about wanking to trannies

rate my gf lads

i posted it yankboy learn to read

she's probably sucked over 50 dicks

tried to make a troll thread on /lgbt/ and ended up having an enlightening conversation

M8 no advice is needed, just fill in the stuff online and before you know it they'll give you an initial interview.

How do I become better at public speaking/ interviews lads? Every time I have one I drop buckets of spaghetti and sweat like hell.

I don't know

I finished GCSEs in 2012 and it was the same deal as you. The people who had no chance joined as infantry, and a few smart lads left after 6th form to join as officers

need a gf with that perfect amount of fat on her

how fit do you have to be to join up?
i look skinnyfat but couldn't jog for more than 5 minutes without getting a stitch desu.
i'd be willing to go /fit/ though.

You gay mate?


honestly I'd turn anyone in this thread into fucking fish batter in a split second

literally no ass

Sounds very improbable that you'll stay with an easy slag for that many years

Hope you're doing STEM or you'll never find a decent wife tbqh

hence why I said slag

got a great joke i just made up, going to post it in a minute

does that female happen to have a penis?

Just be yourself.

In reality though practice. There are acting classes you can sign up for, they can help some people.

I might be a useless miserable cunt, but speaking in front of people feels fine to me, it's weird.

>find 2 frogs on my doorstep last night
>see this in the news tonight


Don't think so lad

I unironically squatted 405 lb for reps the other day

fuck off yank

only when I'm playing WoW

It sounds like me
I'd rather spend a night on Sup Forums or playing mu gæyms than going out and being a normie, but normies enjoy me

the joke is that you think anyone cares

business idea: enslave slags

MUST watch

You did indeed. Fetlife is a good jump off for when you just don't give a fuck anymore.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

you must be taking the mickey
no one seriously finds literal hogs like that attractive

same girl

r9k I guess?

When you do the PDA, which is the first little assessment they get you to do, you gotta do a 1.5 mile run and depending on what your going in for depends on the time you need. Infantry is in 12.30 but then royal arty it jumps to 13.30 and some of the support jobs are even like 14.30

Wish I were liked by people.

All I am when I'm out with people is hyper aware of how much people can't stand me. Don't blame them.

Jesus Christ lad I've read about your 405 squat like 5 times, kindly fuck off

>literal hogs
She's not even fat though

*whisks you into a froth*
get fucked you fucking flour

Nah, /r9k/ are far too far gone to function in normal society even slightly.

Terrible gimmick

Not a bad idea that, thanks

>True normies don't give a fuck, true neckbeards don't give a fuck. But people like me are stuck in the middle where you just can't suspend embarrassment properly
Used to be me til I went to uni
you just need to force yourself to engage socially

Yeah it does. I'd like ro stay with a skinny girl for a year and aee if I can make her fatt.

which board?

Already seen it, it's funny but Sam Hyde is a mess of a man who will end up an heroing

didnt apply myself

now im here

makes u think

Can't tell if my bow legs are visible or not with my bow legs

Who do I ask


I want a gf who wears very revealing bikinis to busy beaches and pools

I thought people didn't like me, but when I started 6th form I found a lot of the normies actually liked me despite being a bit odd

with my slim jeans*

decided i'm going to transition tbqh
i could pass as a girl but nobody would want me anyway because I have loads of scars on my lower abdomen from 2 surgeries I had as a kid
still i'd be a lot happier that way

been speaking to a tranny over skype for over 3 years

any way to fix my bow legs? does it require surgery?

Don't see what's funny honestly