Go to ebay

>go to ebay
>cryptofags selling used 1080s by the assload now that their ship is sinking

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't buy it.

>buying cards that were running at 100% load 24/7

Yeah, never buy nvidia

>bitcoin collapses
>some other currency takes the spot
Seriously who the fuck cares about bitcoin?

I hope these cryptofags are in debt because of electricity bills. :^)

why is this so bad for gpus? cpus that have been used like that work just fine.


It can break when you least expect. GPUs are more complicated than CPUs, but I wouldn't get CPU which run on 100% load 24/7 for a year or so.

And then the next big cryptocurrency crashes with majority of people losing money and the ones who caused it pocketing billions of $.

Investing any serious amount of money in crypto is moronic. Most people who made it big were early investors who invested a mere 1000 and people who manipulated the market.

It's like buying a car with 200k miles on it. It'll crap out on you.

Well yeah don't be the moron. I thought it was common knowledge that bitcoin shit sailed a long time ago, yet all this drama.

They will be in debt after they waste all their savings on meme coins chasing the big gains.



Are there any statistics available of how long GPUs survive 24/7 mining?
Is it like a year? Two years?

>got in at $24
>cashed out at $3k
get fucked cryptocucks, thanks for buying my coins

It's nothing for a gpu and the pcb (excluding capacitors). But the fans will die out on you. Enjoy looking for a replacement.

But biz is full of it. Honestly i considered investing 2000$ in crypto.

If i could turn 2000 into 4000, pull out 2000 and keep 2000 in case it increases it would be great. Anything from that point on would be pure gains.

Or, as you've all probably misheard it as well:

>guy selling used gpu on ebay
>actually admits be mined with it

but why

Normies are literal retards who started mining in 2018. They are getting everything they deserve.

Typical brainlet conclusion.
Cars are subject to aging, which means that with time the probability of a break down grows.
Hardware on the other hand follow a negative exponential distribution, which means that every moment is good as another to break down, it doesn't depend on the amount of time the hardware was on.
You car analogy is wrong, you've the same probability of experiencing a fault as the guy who bought it new.

Jesus crist I fucking hates you all wannabes tech experts.
t. electrical engineer

Of course biz is full of it
Biz was literally created for shill containment
Which industry needs shilling more than crypto?
Cmon user, put two and two

Wew i am glad i dodged the bullet. I only heard about crypto in late 2017 but that is because i am poor and live in a secluded area without any contact with others.

But when i saw crypto i saw a missed chance that is soon to crash so i waited out.

I don't support buying used GPUs but you could just buy an aftermarket cooler (wouldn't be hard if the GPU model is popular)

There are actually several processes where the chip ages. For example en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot-carrier_injection

Nice try minefag I'm not buying your worn out gpus

t.crypto farmer shilling used goods for outrageous price

I bet you're the kind of people going around saying "trust me I build my own pc and I play on steam", learn how electronics really work.
Never mined in my whole life, I think it's ridiculous to waste such an amount of power for futile calculations.

should I start mining now that there will be less competition? I have s 1070 that I don't use for anything

You did well. If you didn't know about cryptomining anytime before 2015 it just wasn't worth it. The signs were all there that it was about to crash and normies ignored them and still hopped on the bandwagon. Now we get to watch them pay for their idiocy.

Statistics tells you that the probability of experiencing fault are the same if you used your card 24/7, only 1 hour a week or you just kept it in the cellophane.
Usage alone isn't a factor.

I think you're triggered because you can't sell your trashed gpus

They realized that wasting thousands of dollars in energy bill for something which worth is literally 0 (zero) is a bad thing.
These low iq trashes are far worse than gaymurz.

I only buy trashed GPUs because I know most have your same mentality and just throws stuff basically free.

>mining GPUs
>running full load 24/7
Mining GPUs actually run 40-60% their max power draw and have their core clock underclocked

and memory overclocked.




nice try pajeet

t. poo in loo

>crypto finally on its deathbed
>still need to wait until retailers get restocked with new cards because online sellers are still price gouging even though the ship is sinking
Fucking Jews

Capacitors only last so long.

>Leds come on but fans do not spin
>had a water block on it and worked great for 6 months
>didn't mine on it, one day it just died
>has a glh cooler on it from my new graphics card and old cooler was damaged
>so fans should be working
>sold as seen no returns
>thanks for looking

>didn't mine on it, one day it just died
Yeah right, fag.

Virtually all capacitors on graphic cards are solid state. Also it isn't something you cannot fix.

like a clockwork.

There is no less competition. Goverments as well as companies have entire factory halls full. In Russia old abandonned powerplants are being used to mine crypto. Normies simply cannot compete.

i feel sorry for the normies that lost everything in that bitconnect scam. those where poor working people that invested their life savings into that shit. all they wanted was a chance to have a piece of the pie.

Maybe they should have actually researched into cryptocurrency before throwing their life savings away.

>You car analogy is wrong,

ill buy one if they offer it to me for $100

OP take down the thread for a couple more hours!!
The normies are still at work/school and I still got some GPUs to offload before this gets out.

what about 250??

Fucking /biz/ shills flooding the board and sliding like motherfuckers

$105 is best i can do pal but dont even think about charging me for shipping

Cryptos aren't any different from stocks now.
BTC are on the stack exchange of NY/Chi after all...

Buy on dips and sell on peaks it's pretty simple.
The didn't notice that back before october it was only $700
We all bought in and sold after jan 1st.
You have to keep riding the wave for a profit.
You can't just buy in at the peak!
Do research over a yearly and monthly span and average it out.

The second cryptos got mainstream and BTC specificially normies act like

I hope you didn't just go on Google searching for something that would validate your thesis; you did read it, right user?
>[...] they set the clock-speed rating of their microprocessor so conservatively that almost every one of their products will continue to operate flawlessly throughout its intended lifetime

The whole point of the paper isn't to tell you that you should throttle down your electronics, rather to help companies push processors close to their limitations.
Wear on electronics is so slow, that you can die before your processor will, with that point in mind you're going to dispose of minyGPU much before it'll actually die from exhaustion.

I searched for the first thing with a car analogy :^)


Seems there's a partial recovery then deep drop every day

>bitcoin dropped like a rocket pointed to the ground
>20k to almost 5k
>muh 3.5% gain
AHAHAHAHAH Are you crypotards so delusional?

>all the others memecoins move exactly like the ultimate memecoin, bitcoin

>But muh bitcoin is rising again, see?

Fucking brainlets that can't read markets, Market volume is almost double from the last 24 hours ago, way more than the difference in bitcoin value at both times. What shows as an apparent healthy market is actually retards buying from other retards that are panic dumping.