who's happy that this piece of shit is down? finally our GPU prices will be in fucking peace.
Who's happy that this piece of shit is down? finally our GPU prices will be in fucking peace
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Why are gaymer manchildren so fucking dumb?
You do realize this price is not going to go down, right? Why the fuck should any manufacturer reduce the price while people are buying cards regardless? This is the new price standard, and it will only go higher.
this looks to me like a downwards trend.. what caused it?
the blockchain became too big?
>gaymer manchildren
user fucking face it. YOU are a LONELYMANCHILD who programs in your little shitty linux distro that doesnt even have support for anything.
btw, prices will go down. people will stop fucking mining because IT'S retarded as fucking HELL.
You should direct your voodoo magic to eth, as it is the thing that people mine with GPUs.
this, also second market cards gonna be cheap if those bitcoin miners try to sell their equipment..
too bad I already have a good gpu lol..
I need a non spectreable CPU though..
China apparently banned it.
isn't bitcoin like the main thing? like people mine other cryptocurrencies just to buy more bitcoin?
chinks finally did something useful
Bitcoin is just too hard to mine with GPUs now.
The electricity costs are higher than what you get with the bitcoin mining.
Even ASIC is getting out of reach.
People cash out on bitcoin, you can mine eth on a GPU any more
-It's inflated by speculators, and the speculation indicates increasing regulation/outright banning
-idiots are realising that there isn't anywhere you can really spend it, making it a meme currency
-FOMO idiots are all panicking now that the free money isn't coming
Retailers are jacking prices up, not manufacturers.
And retailers will have to lower prices if they're to compete with the overflow of used GPUs on ebay.
you know that the prices are like that because the retailers can't supply enough to fill the demand right? the cards are not more expensive on the factory
It became too big in like 2012. This was never an issue though because nobody was interested in cryptocurrency. Everybody joined for a ponzi scheme.
>autistic gaymer NEET on mental breakdown
kek, like clockwork. No wonder you can't afford a fucking GPU on your NEETbux.
I fucking knew it. I should have joined the ponzi scheme too in the right time. I could have gotten in at $400 ffs..
well, now I have to wait for the next ponzi to get rich
Give it a couple of months and I'll be able to build a quad 1080 ti SLI for a 100$
>not manufacturers.
Source on this?
I could have gotten in at $15 but didn't.
Banned in China, banned in India, US wants it to become regulated
Pretty much only some places in Europe accept jt and once US gets to regulated it will effectively be kill
Ill never let the gamers get my gpus.
That's what I'm thinking as well. No way the manufacturers will let the end-point resellers to get most of the profit.
top fucking kek user, I go to college, and me being me I could afford it more than you. I just won't pay 1.5K on a 1080ti. fucking dip shit.
Burn them
>I posted it again xD
They still sell MSRP on their website but good luck even getting one currently until the craze all phases out and when
Kills themselves over Monopoly money the gpus will go to the government. So it will take some time until we get regular MSRP prices.
What are miners such assholes?
They're the real manchildren, those are the same people who use their moms electricity while mining off a single gpu whilst ricing their desktop and arguing on Linux forums about terminology
Struck a nerve, didn't I?
>I go to college
Come back when(/if) you graduate and get a fucking job, crybaby millennial. Until then stick to your manchild games that mommy brought you.
you fucking bought it user? hahahs what a retard..
>"wawawwa manchild gaymers i wunt muh gpus!!!"
pic related of user
"Free" money makes people retard.
Why do you think there are so many richass SJWs?
>I go to college, and me being me I could
I see you like fantasy games
anons just mad his shitcoins are dying, I feel so sorry for you user. DO YOU WANT A FUCKING COOKIE NIGGER?
Keep crying, NEET cuck LMAO. GPU prices aren't going to go down.
they fucking are.
Keep dreaming. NEETs that aren't able to afford a GPU are never to afford a GPU. Blaming on miners won't help.
1; retards are going to stop buying gpus.
2; gpu demand will go down.
3; miners are going to start selling their gpus for super cheap since they already stressed the fuck out of it.
4; the gpu economy WILL go back to it's place.
well user, got college in a few, nice discussing with you. cya.