Give it to me straight, Sup Forums
Give it to me straight, Sup Forums
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since you're about to install antergos you could opt for gnome since their version is pretty comfy.
base or openbox
Anything but Gnome. The Gnome devs are cancer.
Kde is the only option here
Base, then install open box or i3
KDE man, no discussion.
Base then install SDDM along with KDE
Depends, do you like having a working filepicker?
Doesn't everyone just use kde and then move along? Don't be an (((outlier))).
Jesus fucking crist you'd like to zoom a little more in?
If you can't even take screenshot you don't meet the age requirement for this site, get out
Hijacking this thread
Recently installed antergos with xfce but it takes too much ram and I wanted to try openbox instead and installed it but I can't get it to start it in the login screen.
It's easy to get on the #letshategnome Sup Forums bandwagon but it's still less bloated than KDE/Plasma.
how does antergos xfce look ootb? I tried it but it was just stock for some reason
Neither, install Lumina:
>use more RAM
>less bloated
Man, you can’t even get animations over 30fps with Gnome while hitting 60fps with KDE is par for the course
base and then whatever WM you like
Yeah, it has no features, so it's not bloated. It still consumes more resources than KDE, though.
>anyone who disagrees with me is reddit
Your screen sucks senpai
Windoze X LGBT slave here.
Why not just click "Openbox" then? What's the difference?
I'm not sure what the distro is, but sometimes they will add in their own dependencies to open box. For example in the antergos installer picking open box will also install other programs like conky and nitrogen (wallpaper thing), and since they are dependencies of open box you cannot uninstall them.
Of course, if the distro just installs open box and nothing else then there's no problem, but since I don't know what distro was in the OP I can't recommend just picking open box.
Thank you, user. It explains a lot.
openbox is bloated trash.
fluxbox, icewm, jwm all are more fully featured and consume less resources
this, but you can't go wrong with xfce
Xfce best grill.
There's nothing straight about Sup Forums. What did you think the Sup Forums stood for?
GNOME did nothing wrong.
This is the correct answer.
I bet that you actually have a Reddit account though.
Hurdurr gnome devs made me cry
What am I looking at here?
Xfce-4ever. Lightweight and comfy. as. hell.
A pure expression of freedom
What does Sup Forums thinks of Deepin ?
More like deepin ur mom amirite
definitely not gnome in that case
Mate master race
Xfce is the patrician choice
base + awesomewm
before the gtk3 rewrite you would have been right.