Lately, I've been thinking of making the switch to Loonix...

Lately, I've been thinking of making the switch to Loonix. Which distro is best for someone who doesn't code but still knows his way around computers? I just want it to work out of the box. I have some experience with Ubuntu, but I hear they went full retard in the latest versions.

Ubuntu just works and 9 times out of 10 a Linux problem you Google will be an Ubuntu related answer. Easy to use, easy to find support.

Arch is the only answer

Debian + Gnome desktop.
If your wifi doesn't work it's because you have proprietary hardware.

The install will ask you if you want to look for a working driver in the installer.

If you aren't connected to the internet when setting up the installer you need to add the non-free software repo to your apt sources (/etc/apt/sources) and install iwlwifi library (intel wireless)

If you use AMD board you will most likely have a Atheros wifi chipset which "just werks" via the kernel.

Ubuntu installs these proprietary drivers by default without telling you.
Debian doesn't include them unless you wish to.
If this doesn't matter to you just use Ubuntu or Mint.
a good inbetween would be LMDE.

KDE Neon

Don't tempt me.


What's her snapchat?

I second KDE neon, if you want to use KDE. It's based on Ubuntu LTS but has the latest packages from the KDE team.
Second would be Debian with whatever DE you want. As the other user said, it will work "out of the box" unless you have a proprietary wifi card. All you'd need to do is add "non-free" to your sources.list (just duckduckgo how to do it).
I wouldn't really bother with Linux Mint Ubuntu.

She has a dick right?

who the heck is this lady??


Yes OP, I would advise agains using Ubuntu, they've pretty much gone to shit. There is however a distro that is just made to exactly mach your use cases, works out of the box, made for a user just like you. I would tell you more about that distro but why should I help a fucking nigger like you that won't even disclose the source of your webm?

ubuntu I guess, but its environment is utter trash

don't use elementary or mint, they're garbage

debian+XFCE is good, drivers are a little slow to roll out on debian but it's stable. most of everything works out of the box, but you might have to go out of your way for some funky drivers (my wireless drivers are as of yet still proprietary-only, and no compatible open drivers exist, fug u samsung)

larkin love

>larkin love
Ok, how do I unsee this now?


Looks like Larkin Love

Anything with KDE. I'd recommend Antergos KDE or .

Looks like TRAPS IS GAY.
Why not openSUSE? It's German after all.

If you're coming from Windows and have never touched Linux before, these few would be good starting places:

>Zorin OS
It's supposed to be good for users who are new to Linux. Not sure how good support is though. Interface is similar to Windows, modified GNOME. Based on Debian.

It's one of the most common distros and there is boatloads of support for it. It's good for new users and veterans alike. Interface is unique, modified GNOME. LTS version uses Unity. Based on Debian.

Strives to be like Ubuntu in terms of ubiquity, but is a little more technical. Expect to be using the command prompt more often than you would with Ubuntu. Uses XFCE or KDE, I personally recommend KDE. Based on Arch.

Good distro with good support and nice features. A good starting point that's not as easy as Ubuntu but is easier than Manjaro. Interface is GNOME but you can get other desktops such as KDE or LXDE of you want them. Not based on any distro.

Slackware. It is super simple and works out of the box (Minor tweaks optional)

Ubuntu on Windows 10


There is a lot of truth in this. Most help you'll find will be either for Ubuntu or Debian.

Mint is a good one to try or use a fork like Xubuntu that is Ubuntu with stupid shit stripped out.

If you're coming from Windows I'd recommend KDE Neon,

Nope :(


Arch. I don't know any programming at all but installing arch is not that hard.
I'm actually planning to switch to Gentoo when I have some more time.

>tfw found an escort that looks like larkin but isn't as crazy as her

>but isn't as crazy as her
why even bother then

>why even bother then
i won't

who is this pig

Shame she fucks niggers

Don't take this one seriously.
Slackware is a meme.
You're better off using ChromeOS LOL

what, this?

Only retards believe Ubuntu went retard.

Nope. She frequently larps futa with a strap-on though.

This. Regrettably ruined.

Was in your shoes about an year ago, OP. I would suggest Ubuntu as your first try, shit usually works there. From there I've moved to Debian and I still use it to this day. I moved mostly because Ubuntu overheats my laptop from some seriously unknown reason and I like the philosophy behind Debian better. I would also recommend either KDE or Gnome (disregard autistic screeching).

Kubuntu - all the goodies of Ubuntu, none of the GNOME bullshit.

her "daughter breastfeeding" video absolutely never failed to make me hard as a fucking diamond.

What I would give to have that tongue up my bum.

Sup Forums is honestly the best porn board now