Why no space x launch thread?
The fucking state of this board..
Why no space x launch thread?
That belongs on /sci/
This keeps getting delayed
it's delayed until 3:10 eastern time now
lets hope for the best. I wanna see that thing fly today.
>That belongs on /sci/
/sci/ ? there's absolutely zero science here.
it's 100% technology applied to consumerisme. this is 100 Sup Forums
Have fun with your CGI.
100,000 people are at / around Kennedy Space Center to watch the launch. What are they going to be looking at if this is CGI?
What am I looking at exactly? Is this thing going to fly?
fly is not the exact term, push itself through air...
Enjoy your rocket arching into the ocean firework show.
the most expensive fireworks show od the 21st century
So, this thing is going to push itself through air?
>Why no space x launch thread?
Because you don't use the fucking catalog
So, when the boosters come back down and land at the Cape, what are people seeing?
i wanna see a motherfuckiing explosion boii
space is cool
What people? Who has saw that?
Apollo 11 Moon Landing, 1969 (colorized)
The people waiting at the Cape. The boosters are flying back there to land. They'll see them come in and land.
Is that a hologram or something? Are they dropped out of a plane and landed there to fake it, or what?
Is this thing going to fly now?
Who are these motherfuckers talking?
Still funny that the discussion of this game is banned from /vg/.
LMAO People are mugs wtf
Wait what?
A toddler penis
Aaaah the feels come back. Trying to land on the mun without mod was so satisfying dude!
why? it's like the best game since portal 2
Why? This game is glorious
all platforms, all year, every year
There used to be a /kspg/, Kerbal Space Program General, on/vg/. The threads was mostly shitposting and literal animal porn. People posting images of their cat's penis and snakes killing animals.
The mods finally had enough. Whenever a /kspg/ thread was created, it auto saged almost immediately.
Some of the shitposters tried to get on /egg/, engineering games general, and shitpost there. Mods started banning and banning again when the shitposters evaded the bans.
Eventually, a few of the shitposters were doxxed so now they stopped last I checked.
Sorry for the shoddy sentence structure and story pacing. It is tedious posting from phone.
>Why? This game is glorious
>why? it's like the best game since portal 2
>Wait what?
>People posting
Final T-zero: 15:45 ET / 20:45 UTC
i hope that stupid rocket fails and crashes on gaylon cucks face
V8>electric memengine
Auto-sequence initiated, target 15:45 ET
V12 > meme8
> pBS
Is there an official Space X stream with commentary and shit?
When's the launch?
seestream here, but not active until about 30 mins before the launch youtube.com
W12 > memeV
W24 > memenotinherentlybalanced
are those eagles "working" like in airports or wild?
omg omg omg
letts gooo boiiissssss
my dicks so hard
gonna fail hard, computer scientist here
it's not doing anything useful anyway
Musk is a dick
2 minutes mother fuckaaasss !!!!!
Here we gooooo
Written with friendly, calming letters
Wow. We live in the future.
>there's absolutely zero science here
>it's 100% technology applied to consumerism
Nice Sup Forums description
> (((center core))) lost signal
The mad man did it holy shit guys
>no water crystals on the car after being exposed to space
This was jaw dropping.
I am speechless
so what happened to the other thing in the sea ? how many dead for them to shut it down so quickly ?
>so what happened to the other thing in the sea ?
99% it drowned but who cares
just curiosity, that's sad when you see the two other ones landing so perfectly
what happened at the ship?
Holy shit that's awesome.
>doubting Musk
Shiggy diggy
why did he (((shut it down))) then !
>implying he actually did something except give money
They should have sent a poet
what happened with the core, Sup Forumsuys? did the madmen land it?
Man I swear I had an orgasm watching this live
Holding out that core worked till proven otherwise. WITH VIDEOS AND NOT TWITS.
All and all we made Q proud today.
Don't know if he meant it blew up or just the signal lost
Who care's if center core even made it? That's 2/3 of the reusable parts recovered on a first ever attempt and that bitch is going to Mars
You know that when they lose signal it's always a core boost turning into a kinetic weapon from space.
The only people who care about the center core not being recovered (potentially since it it's still not confirmed) are the ones who always try and shit on musk and spaceX anyway, they have a pre-conformed bias and act like retards accordingly.
like rocks from the moon
Yeah they will figure it out from the collected data, maybe it was top heavy compared to previous launches or the new side attachments were hard to balance without previous test runs. They obviously saw it coming that's why they sent it to the sea..
he never fails to deliver
Pretty sure musk or one of the engineers basically confirmed the center stage was the least likely to make a successful recovery on this launch.
You're a legit retard, people want to know because they hope the core made it, or at least partially.
I too have read Heinlein books.
Nigger, i never said people don't want to know, read what the fuck I wrote.
I said the only people who care about the center core NOT being recovered are the idiots shitting on SpaceX/Musk.
I want to know too, there is nothing wrong with that, getting hung up on the center core being successfully recovered or NOT however is stupid since the recovery of the center core was never a primary mission objective.
>I've read The Moon is a Strange Mistress and now I think that can happen
Who cares about a literal who on twitter?
WOW that man is retarded
Is it time?