I made a decent terminal color palette and thought I should share it's glory with ya feel free to copy

I made a decent terminal color palette and thought I should share it's glory with ya feel free to copy


post your .xresources nigger

You fucked up the green. Darker is lighter.

And the yellow.

Who the fuck cares about your terminal pride flag?
Is this why they say autists are on the spectrum?

the one REEEEing like a fucking chimp about this is the autist in this case you numbnuts

I'm colorblind and what is this

no one has the time to pick the colors out one by one. if you want people to use them post their codes.
give it a faggy name too


Here's mine.

i use solarized dark and its good enough for me


it is.
Post the .xresources

What package is this?

I done made it. Colour picker is a good widget.


just use Tango

i like the way solarized looks, but when i actually try to use it, the lack of contrast kills me


I tried for uniform lightness and saturation while sticking to the standard hues.


pic related

Way too fucking bright. Why the fuck should I use this when its barely better than fucking stock?

base16-tomorrow is absolutely perfect