Humor me Sup Forums
Humor me Sup Forums
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whats the difference between a PC and a Mac?
The mac gets your work done while the PC ERROR YOUR SYSTEM CRASHED
How will winfags ever recover?
absolutely ebin :DDDDD
>Personal Computer doesn't get Personal Computer viruses
what did they mean by this
not into console wars, but is a macos computer a "personal computer", strictly speaking?
is a linux computer a pc?
Can someone post all those phone number webms please.
i got you senpai
Yes and yes.
Not him but thanks!
At my workplace there are people who would think this is a good idea
aand last one
>PC (windows)
>MAC (not a PC)
>ran on power"PC"
>the state of applel
no dropdown menu?
this is my favorite one
what was the phone number thing about lol
theres two definitions for "PC"
the literal:
Personal computer which means personal ownership.
everything that isnt a mainframe or a cloud (server) owned by someone else is a PC so yes for both are
the other definition of a PC is IBM specification which is what dos/windows/solaris/*bsds/unix's all maintained
ie x86 and the later 64 subset in which both examples everything is a PC
inane ways to enter a phone number
current state of webdev
>PC = Windows
Linux doesn't have this problem. Nice root bugs, faggot.
whats the difference between a PC and a Mac?
One provides hardware abstraction layer and the other is software.
What's the difference between itoddlers and alternative operating system users?
They understand that PC doesn't define just Windows.
didn't save that one, maybe someone can post it
I don't understand the relevance but I love these.
wintoddlers ANNHILATED
>doesn't get pc viruses
yeah it doesn't get much of any pc software
> Would you like to hear a joke about SYN flood attacks?
Yes, you can send me a joke about SYN flood attacks now!
> Would you like to hear a joke about SYN flood attacks?
Yes, you can send me a joke about SYN flood attacks now!
> Would you like to hear a joke about SYN flood attacks?
Yes, you can send me a joke about SYN flood attacks now!
> Would you like to hear a joke about SYN flood attacks?
Yes, you can send me a joke about SYN flood attacks now!
> Would you like to hear a joke about SYN flood attacks?
Yes, you can send me a joke about SYN flood attacks now!
Can someone explain why she’s adding const to everything?
this is becoming a meme
>kees cook
Cause she is CONSTipated from having to shit in the street
Where is Android? It's a google botnet par excellence.
>mfw as a Windows user with no retort
>macs dont crash
You sir have never worked on a mac for any reasonable length of time
It prevents them from being modified at run time.
Jesus Christ I'm laughing hard xDDDDDD
ITT: seething WinPajeets
>not You Will Surely Get the Karkand meme
>I'm a winfag
What is your taste in school uniforms like?
>winfag LITERALLY still mad
lmfao bruh
Shit man, I got destroyed.
Something like pic related
This made me a macfag!
Why does Partha not walk forward?
The kind of work the mac does is too gay for the PC.
But Macs are PCs.
>Pajeets already have 1180 Volta
Truly a world power.
This guy is right.
PC in this context means IBM PC Compatible, not just Personal Computer.
>Resolution 144hz
that's a big clock
wtf I love mac now
>ultra IPS TN display
I enjoy shoving improvised dildos up my asshole. I have several objects to choose from, but my favorite is a pressure washer attachment which feels really nice. I take the attachment(obviously not attached to the pressure washer) then stretch a nitrile glove over the tip for easy clean up. The best part is that I don't clean my ass before playtime. I enjoy shitting while I penetrate myself.
Oh also I meant to say I prefer Windows 10 Pro and Android Oreo
>it's a nes on a chip
It is indeed, though, I like it that way
not in C
Not in a managed language sort of way, and you can still modify it with a pointer, but the compiler will bitch at you for most accidental attempts to modify something marked as const. The goal is to prevent accidental modification, not to stop malicious code from modifying it.
For you
based billy g.
I can barely see the clock, user
>The mac gets your work done while the PC PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD
>Mac asks for password when logging in and again if you touch anything 'protected' in Finder or settings
>Windows asks once on login and then gives you a simple one click yes/no when you do something that needs root
is the cat cooking? who's watching that stove top?
The cat, clearly. He can hop up to check the pot, and turn the knob with his paws.
>>Windows asks once on login and then gives you a simple one click yes/no when you do something that needs root
That's configurable.
And if you think that's bad. You can configure sudo to not ask for a password on Linux as well, and if you can't on a Mac, Macs are broken by design.
>>Mac asks for password when logging in and again if you touch anything 'protected' in Finder or settings
>*enter* *enter* *enter* *enter*
>logged in
the digits should count upwards to the final number while the dial is spinning backwards
that's how this shit works
That's beautiful
>le every possible combination of digits appears in pi because pi is irrational meme
i fucking hate this shit and i wish faggots who didn't understand math but spout incorrect math memes like this would die
mathtard here
is this not how it works?