/hpg/ - Headphone General

How to request purchase advice: pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

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I'd have nothing against licking her feets.

I've finally found the harmonic distortion holy grail! Boatloads of harmonic distortion from Valhalla 2 with the Aeons. Amazing.

>Boatloads of harmonic distortion

how much did you spend on headphones recently wtf
also post your setup user

Idol garbage here.
What's your net worth like, user?

Into the trash you go. It's your home now.

What do you think is under the Neso?
Too much, but I also sold a bunch of shit.

Everything sounds like a blurry gooey mess coming out of the valhalla ... so this is the power of audiophoolery, not bad.

you could be joining us with stax shitposting but here you are losing money like a hooker with a meth habit
>What do you think is under the Neso?
t-tell me, what is under the neso?



Wanna sniff that foot.

Nice finest headphones in the history of the universe, IT.

so those are the beautiful fingers of a STAX owner

They were HD600s!

put it back

I wish I had headphones that could upgrade themselves in the time it takes from their case to go from half open to fully open like you.

Your favorite (or most hated) headphone brand turned into a high-school girl in Japan. What is she like?

>Tries to be "hip" but fails
>Pretty mediocre, but has redeeming qualities

>Transfer student from Germany, princess-type
>Most popular in school
>Has a dark side to her


>t. Dynacuck

>STAX chan
>is a futa
>has erectile dysfunction
>likes rollercoasters


>is a futa
are you implying STAX is a qt trap? even better

I fucking love that kaname doujin

>audioscience review
>As noted, I have the Magni 3 and will measure it soon. Just overwhelmed with a lot of products to test including the BiFrost Multibit that is on short-term loan.

magni 3 measurements incoming

Any measurements for the non-multi bifrost?

that isn't what a futa is

god fucking YES, finally the schiit shills will die out once amir measures this fucking piece of trash
us, STAX owners will then take HD600 shills out of this thread, so neo-/hpg/ can start

While you guys have been sissy slapfighting over Staxes no normal person ITT will ever buy, something more interesting came up in the world of headphone dorkery. Yet another Schiit DAC measures fucking terribly!


Bonus hilarity: Some other idiot on SBAF got nearly the same awful measurements (pic related) but everyone fondles Schiit's nuts because they're too dumb to parse the info

Who's right though?

both have cocks larger than you so I don't see where the distinction lies really
>Staxes no normal person ITT will ever buy
let me get this right, are you saying that stax is /ourheadphone/ because it is normie proof?

SBAF dude fucking tested it with a Wyrd USB power isolator ($100) to gloss over the jitter. sine wave still crap

Speaking of Wyrd, I just bought one. Hopefully it eliminates the awful hum issues I get whenever I use USB.

Can't let you do that, Canucklehead.

Is there a substancial difference between balanced and unbalanced cables?

Canucklehead can't afford STAX

you and which army?

am not canucklehead and if you were looking hard enough you'd find my reddit account in seconds

Yes. One has 4 wires and one has 3.

Just get spdif out of your board with one of these.

His jobuds bought him one. Don't you have jobuds to buy you Stax after you get them off?

My mobo has SPDIF which I am using right now, but I can't get 32 bit output with that and that greatly triggers my autism.


What kindo of jewery is this? These cables don't go for lower than 40 dollars and offer nothing

I put HM5 pads on my HD 205s cause I was bored

Just get a cheap powered hub with a regulated wall wart. Does the same thing for a fraction of the price. I'm even using the one built into my monitor to solve the same problem with my bifrost. Works perfect and no more motherboard noise.

I have one of those and it didn't work. Anything touching my desktop's USB input instantly gets awful hum cancer.

>he actually has a bifrost
let me guess you own HD600

Around $50
>Type of headphone
>Open or Closed
Preferably closed, but the ZS6 that I was looking at are mildly open(?). If the "open" part of them isn't too bad, open is fine. I just need the people around me in public to not hear it, as to be respectful.
>Comfort level
As comfortable as can be afforded, but I can sacrifice comfort for quality.
>Sound signature
Idk, but I listen to mostly Death Metal, Black Metal, etc. and prefer a rather slight U in the EQ.
>Past headphones
KZ ZST (also Beyerdynamic DT770, but those are less-relevant).

Sorry for the repost, but I would like some advice since my DT770 rec came from here and I love them.

Balanced means you drive each side of the headphone individually like a speaker. Single sided shares a common negative. You only use a balanced cable if your amp is true balanced. Otherwise it does literally nothing except moving the single negative point from the headphones to the amp jack.

We've passed T-30m. Are you ready, Anons?

Interesting note, idol music (female vocals) is actually one of the genres which is most revealing of audio gear. So the retards who hate on us for listening to idolshit with our kilobuck headphones can fuck right off.

Video stream is up.
I've been giving small hints to people for a long time, and you had to go and say it aloud.

probably because a lot of audio gear has piss poor vocal tonality and sucked out upper mids

>idol music (female vocals)
MSR7 is king.

stop posting pig

Idol music is low-fi garbage, though. It is too poorly mastered to be even considered revealing of anything, besides that the audio engineer behind the music is a crippling autist.

HD600 has excellent vocal tonality and upper mids.


You're objectively wrong though. It's been proven thanks to SCIENCE.

Where does it say that "Idol music" is a revealing genre, though ?
"Female Pop Rock" is too broad of a term (Idol music is hardly rock), and pseudo-science is irrelevant if you don't point out sources and the actual science.
HD600 has excellent garbage tonality, fits in the trash just fine.
Imagine listening to music on something that isn't even an electrostatic.

>buying estat
>not even listening to idol music
so much wasted potential...

What are some good cheapish (sub $50) earbuds?
Normally I'd use headphones but I've got some long dentist appointments coming up and headphones are too obtrusive for me to use there.

I didn't say that I wasn't listening to idol music though, but that objectively it's very badly mastered like a lot of music nowadays.


Bad mastering doesn't necessarily mean it isn't revealing of audio equipment.

can you believe some people actually believe this is real?

KSC-75. Neither earbuds nor full sized on-ears. Instead they are clip-ons and they're frigging awesome. Also won't be as much of a pain as IEM while you are lying around and opening your jaw wide.

post the chinkiest DACs u got

Reccomend a good preamp for me

no deal, canadian

Why don't try /r/headphones, canucklehead.

rip head band

$93,480 in my savings account :^)
I spent $10k on audio gear in the last 8 months 8)
I should probably insure this stuff.

First of all don't assume my nationality and secondly the average headphone ussr doesn't know what a preamp is. Asking there would be pointless.

extreme loudness and compression

Christ. You're spending way too much relative to net worth.

audio is one of the more safe purchases yo can make, it depreciates at a snails pace

Cute fingers maki user!

Schiit shills on suicide watch!

Looking for neutral headphones with the best sound stage and imaging. HD800s?

I asked yesterday but some Staxtards were saying the HD800 weren't neutral.

Sure, but did he need to spend 10k on audio gear over just 8 months? :X
To me it looks like he needs help.

HD800 actually isn't neutral though. Neither are STAX or the HD600 but the HD800 is less neutral than both.

And the STAX-chads who told you this were right. Best imaging is found on ear-speakers like the L700 or the SR-009.
And the L300LE being esentially an L700 for half the price, you'd be a damn retard for getting the HD800 which you'll need to EQ because of it's treble peak.
Bright headphones aren't neutral, period.

Im looking for a pair of earphones that can store music. but not truly wireless ones
$100 but willing to go higher
USA of America
>Type of headphone
>Comfort level


Isn't this the site that says turning on game mode in win10 improves sound or something along those lines?

I should had waited another day or just left this place for a month till this hot new meme calms down.

Didn't even mention the HD600 and you're already talking about it.

this amirm guy is well known to fuckup measurements. I don’t have much confidence in his measurements

You asked about neutrality, so common "neutral" headphones were mentioned. Why is this a suprise?

Anybody know where I can get some quality earbuds?
My budget is anything under $200

Stating the HD800 isn't neutral is pretty much as shitty a shitpost you can get, champ.

Saying any headphone is "neutral" is a shitty shitpost. You don't even know what neutral is, kiddo.

imagine his hand wrapped around you stroking you off with the other on the electrostat amp as he adjust the volume up. it would be wonderful

westone um pro 10s


He's too poor to have ever heard speakers.

HD800 isn't neutral. STAX aren't neutral. HD600 are.

>t.sbaf shills

Come again. Even in inaudible ranges of frenquencies a STAX has less roll-off than your poorfag dynacuck headphone.