Other urls found in this thread:


>networking terminology
more hardware what with the IDE controller + predecessors but yeah sure!

also pedophiles
>forks child processes with pipes

I'm just glad we no longer call it a RAPE array

daisy chaining is literally rape

>or demands evidence that this harms black people
Why would it though. Wasn't it in reference to a sexual fetish, and not actually buying black people from arab muslims type of slavery?

stop negating POC's experiences or even asking if they have those experiences, shitlord

what about a JBON array? Is that term still used?

>some rando nutcase with a couple dozen readers

Why do I care?

>works at Google

It's called master/slave because the slaves do everything the master says and have no choice. If they don't do what the master says, they're considered malfunctioning.

It's a solid analogy. I don't care if you want to call it leader/follower or whatever else, as long as it is intuitive enough that it does not require explanation.

What comes next? "Android" is too male, it should be changed to Android||Gynoid, or, as I started to call it recently, Android+Gynoid.

Uhhh, did she marry a white guy?

>If you say X I will BLOCK YOU!
It's cute that women think their relational aggression tactics will work online. 2007 was a mistake

I'm sad that shitlprd got appropriated by and associated with SJW. I really like that insult.

Uhh what
What about female male headers, inserts and other mechanical items
It's literally penis vagina

Haven't seen master/slave terms in any consumer tech for ages. Only in industrial stuff like modbus, but that's too obscure for twitter scandalmongers.


Also is he implying whites were never slaves?

I can't wait until we change all the nomenclature for connectors

"you need to insert the zem usb connector into the xir usb port"

Oh God, don't say that shit out loud. Someone will fucking do it.

>Yeah, just plug the male end into the female end
>Did you just assume my USB's pronouns?

Great thread.

>women cant cod-


OK, I will make something awesome with super-offending name. Because I hate when people only speak and do nothing

>has a prominent position at google

More gems

Legit, why are there so many cucks in the SJW movement? Is it to cover up their guilt of being serial sexual assualters?

>if you want me to support my claims with evidence I will block you
Well how utterly scientific. Boy am I glad these people are allowed a voice in our countries.


This is the most autistic post yet.

"she" lol

I look forward for more google services to become pajeet tier garbage because morons like this are perpetually triggered about white men existing.

Anything with redundancy uses these terms.

>some rando nutcase with a couple dozen readers who works at an advertising company that has internal message boards dedicated to furry lifestyle


Good skill at double think is a strict requirement for the work force of tomorrow.

Meanwhile at GNU Headquarter
>We note that outside of TCP, the client-server relationship is often described using the terms “master” and “slave”. These terms more aptly describe the social roles the client-server paradigm produces.
>These terms more aptly describe the social roles the client-server paradigm produces.

Feel good to be a biggoted GNUman

>you are entitled to your own opinions but take my feelings into account before you go voicing them
Fuck off.

Is the slave the server?

In some situations, in others the server could be the master, forcing the client to do work.

Can't wait for the western society to collapse.

t. asian living in asia

why do they think that only niggers are slaves and only whites are masters? nice prejudice these fags have

Sup Forums BTFO

They're Americans. History starts at 1775 for them.

>if i don't carefully cultivate audience
Well there you have it.
SJW's aren't people who seek to better society, but people who seek to treat people like fucking plants, spray them with bug poison, contain them under a literal glass ceiling, and impose obsessive control over them.

Hahahahaha bringing up autism as an excuse for being disabled.

That (in)human specimen is both uglier than me, stupider than me, physically weaker than me, and emotionally weaker than me, therefore their opinions are irrelevant and a waste of time.
Do you people ask worms for their feelings, or do you just unconsciously stomp them on the way to work?

Implying that I or anyone else in IT outside of sillicon valley cares about what this chink has to say.

>Unemployable people really just can't stop outing themselves.
>bragging about being a diversity hire
lol, nice

it is a ladyboi my friend


you're kidding, right?

leftist history barely makes it back a hundred years

most of them struggle to count any further...


Well according to this
she married a white? girl.

I hands itch to try convince people like this that they are not helping things in their poorly thought out attacks on things that are actually fine, but any long term Internet user should know that being able to convince another person on the Internet they are wrong is extremely difficult. There are very few who are willing to accept criticism from an online stranger as a legitimate challenge to their beliefs and not just lashing out in defense of their perceived privileges.

Just ignore them. Laugh at them but don't interact with them. Jesus Christ.

The other day a database asked me if I wanted to "remove orphaned children". I was literally shaking.

Oy fucking vey you goddamn antisemite.

>could care less

I'm surprised the new 2hu fighter didn't make waves; I was half expecting it to because of the western release and the master/slave stuff.

Nobody could give enough of a shit to even try it

is that two chat bots interacting?

she must be using blocklists, b/c i have never heard of or interacted with this woman

top jaj

Are there SJW blocklists so you don't have to see stupid shit on Twitter constantly?

I always imagine "master/slave" in my head to be a sexual dom/sub kink thing not a white/nigger thing. I think the actual twitter cunt might be the racist one for assuming slave = black

>I think the actual twitter cunt might be the racist one
it's ALWAYS projection

>If I close my eyes they won't hurt me!

the same with h&m monkey shirt

>I always imagine "master/slave" in my head to be a sexual dom/sub kink
damn, are you me?

What is next?
>relase women from basements?
>Don't place them in kitchen?

>not using master/slave layer 3 interfaces to take lessen the load for your servers

>netWORKING terminology
No one? Really?

even 14.5 is lagging in wine so fuck that

Is it sexist that JSON sounds like a WHITE MAN'S name?

Oh, I remember this tranny

Fuck it, letting anyone but autists into tech was a mistake

is it THAT easy to work at google?

>call self gender fluid
>dress like woman
>interview at google
>get job
>stop dressing like woman
>logical consistency maintained
>if they fire you, sue for discrimination against queer people

Would they hire autist just as easily?

>forks child processes with pipes
I fucking lost it.

I agree. The terms "master" and "slave" should be replaced by "jew" and "goyim".

I for one applaud the effort. Here's some more offensive technical terms I'd like to see eradicated:

>male/female socket
offensive to people who don't subscribe to gender binarism
offensive to people who never get invited anywhere
>brute force
offensive victims of physical violence
offensive to pro-lifers
offensive to gays
offensive to burn victims
offensive to amputees
>random seed
offensive to single mothers

well they hired moot, didn't they

>random seed
>offensive to single mothers

>artificial intelligence
offensive to retards

Learn Chinese.

>random seed
>offensive to single mothers

>In some situations, in others the server could be the master, forcing the client to do work.

I fucking KNEW GNU was infested with fetishists.


It's so nobody can see/copy all the really stupid shit she says and expose her for the idiotic racist/sexist that she accuses others as being. Nobody other than her fellow SJWs (read neo-bigots).

Whitelist and blacklist is racist as well, it seems.

you can see her shitposts just fine if you don't have an account though, why are these people blocking each other so hard i'll never understand

>Not being stupid shit: the site
What useful purpose does Twitter hold other than people spouting idiocy and spreading it further than it needs to?

Oh, then maybe they're just assholes.