Post a screenshot of your neofetch or screenfetch without anything open

post a screenshot of your neofetch or screenfetch without anything open

i wanna see how much ram your desktop environment uses

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck wrong screenshot


Enjoy your Chinese Botnet

only the os is a botnet, not the desktop enivironment


>3164mb without anything open?

Chrome, you blind bat

What are you studying on Anki?


not going to close rtorrent for this but its much less after just booting.



it can be configured to use very little ram if you really want but it will start affecting usability at some point.

Nice try, CIA.

>Now with archmerge

By the way, how to edit neofetch ascii?



man neofetch


standard arch + i3gaps w/ custom solarized rice

>he fell for the "ubuntu is bloated" meme


Not bad for a potato.

*breathes out*

>i3 + polybar
>less than 700 packages installed

This includes all the "extra" programs that I installed. Stuff Shotwell, Gimp, Firefox, VirtualBox, ffmpeg, etc. Basically have everything I need and it's still minimal somehow. Package count used to be sub 600 but I installed bloat here and there and forgot to uninstall

>without anything open
how are we supposed to rely to the thread?

>terminal bg color.

unused ram is wasted ram

>the state of kde

>ubuntu isn't bloated
>almost 1200 packages for an i3 build


Why shouldn't I install deepin DE?

>i3 ""build""
>implying everyone only installs a WM and doesn't get any real work done like you

Just got back to Linux two days ago. I tried the Hackintosh meme but it made this computer run like absolute dogshit. Ricing this I3-wm back to where I want it will take time, I'm still debating on what bar to use. i3status is rather limited and honestly looks like shit.


I like it

ugh fiiine

Am I cool yet? :^)

What font are you using for your Terminal?
It isn't Open Sans Light.

i appreciate your liking it

that is the gtk2 font
the terminal font is URxvt*font: -*-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-jisx0201.1976-*

Is twm actually usable for daily tasks?

why wouldn't it be


What are you running on the server?



It's basically a super NAS

cool, why use freebsd over linux? they both seem pretty much the same, i havent looked into freebsd much at all, so i'm going by looks.

> implying there is a fucking difference

I recommend reading this:

I, personally, really love FreeBSD's ports system. It's also much more organize compared to Linux in that the system and 3rd party files/services are completely distinct from each other structure-wise. There are other reasons, but read the link I posted.

>inb4 it just werks


It gets a ton of hate around here, but ubuntu probably has one of the coolest neofetch/screenfetch logos.

i hope you arent studying using machine translated material.


>inb4 Apple is gay

just have mpd, compton & conky running.

My system used to use about 760MB at idle when at startup then I started using more ram since I installed more programs with homebrew. I downloaded a tool that will change the terminal colors based on the wall paper, but I don't like the colors. I might switch the wallpaper.

wal tends to make messy colorschemes. i gave it up after 3 weeks of usage.

sorry for no bullshit version: i3-gaps, polybar, mpd & conky.

I get 445MiB RAM used with Chromium open. What the fuck are you doing?

>Packages: 3807


get on my level

doesn't really matters, your browser will eat 2+ GB as soon as you launch it.

Holy shit I have the 4700mq, basically same shit though

What are your temperatures while doing heavy work ?


You just like it because it is kind of like windows.
It's pretty alright, but dynamic tiling is better in the end.


>uses gnu/linux
>still uses chrome


update your kernel you fucking degents

Plan9 from userspace is buggy trash. Use the real or dont use it at all its not the same no matter how much you want it to be.

You have too many chromosomes.

So cool man tell me more

Now what?

Hello, Featuring Ubuntu Six Seconds.

I would use chrome over shitfox any day. Cant deny the better browser.

Linux kernel past 2.6 is fucking trash.

Surprisingly good, mainly because my system has competent fanning.when using the cpu under any heavy load, whenever I touch the laptop it occasionally feels warm. Only thing holding my system back is the shit hard drive

Thanks for being the only one to correctly read my tripcode!

>hard drive
Whats holding you back from buying a ssd ?

Nothing, Im getting it next week. Also I got a new laptop as a gift. Better in every way except the fans (all the small laptops nowadays have the fans in the bottoms) and its total horseshit. Actually its not that bad, I just have to make sure not to give it too much power or its housefire.exe for me. But yea I got a hard drive a few months ago as a cheap replacement for my other hdd which died. and from my experience windows 10 runs kinda poorly on hard drives.


that looks like asshole, jesus fuck user

naw i am using google translate, because I don't know all the kanji. I am more concerned about learning words and conjugations and how they are arranged in sentences. i learn kanji as i go

Grow some taste


EYYY, same CPU on my old laptop!

Show status config for volume control?

>disorganized window management
>color scheme my grandmother would've painted her bathroom walls with
>telling anyone to get some taste
yeesh user, i refuse to believe you work professionally in that environment, id lose my shit if i had to stare at something like that for any longer than this thread is making me

He has a more advanced computer than you.

Ok you're running 9 front in a vm.
God mode.....
Bare metal install.

The colors denote different namespaces, they serve a function and are fairly standard as far as colors go, not sure why they upset you. Perhaps the window management is "disorganized" if you're a tiling nerd who has to arrange all his windows in the fibbonaci sequence with 3.14-pixel gaps.

That one's on a VPS that I drawterm into, and the second one I posted is on bare metal.

I do bare metal but only on raspberry pi 2's.

Why still using glenda?
Still got alot to figure out before your own user?

Pis are great but all of the images seem to be super outdated. I tried building a new one with lib/dist but I couldn't get a working target that shoved the firmware files into a fat parition before the filesystem was reamed.

Using anything other than Glenda breaks file permissions when running sysupdate. I don't know anyone who uses anything other than Glenda.


well you tried, and that's what counts right?