Other urls found in this thread:
>implying any soy would use loonix especially when there is no overfag
Great thread.
But we already have a quality 'soy' thread.
>implying soyboys are smart enough to install anything more complicated than ubuntu
>implying soyboys are smart enough to fix problems with their built in wifi on a macbook with linux
Soyboys use Mac or Ubuntu.
Soyboys can't play their video games in Linux, you brain damaged mongoloid.
Fucking kek
>bring macbook into lecture hall
>install arch from memory in front of everyone
>not even paying attention
>at least 10 girls give me their number after class
>get an A in the class
who's the soyboy again?
The bullshit here is amazing
>WINE emulator
Are you seriously implying the so call "soyboys" would even use something that has an RTFM community since it would be "too harsh" for them?
>doesn't even render properly
Nice try, kid. Watch this.
Lintard delusions best delusions
They're just nerds, don't know how that means the same thing
PermaTRIGGERED wincucks can't take jokes.
Whatever all of this is supposed to be, it's worse than Sup Forums, congratulations. Don't dare take this down mods.
>playing videogames
Fucking Sup Forumseddit.
The chad GPL is too strong for soyboys. They'd use a BSD or MacOS if they weren't using Windows.
This soyboy meme is going to die early because of redditards like you trying to use it and failing.
sir that is not soyboy, that is an angry wizard.
That's what happens when wizards are forced to use soy tech
>I'm not a soyboy failed man I'm a NERD learn the difference pleb xD
It's upsetting to see a soyboy pic that isn't an animated GIF of him jumping up and down
Good, then we can finally go back to calling them what they actually are: faggots.
WINE Is Not an Emulator
rate my OC, /soyg/
whats overwatch? it htought it was the same thing as undertale
Redo the mouth area then it's pretty funny
Well he is not wrong those 3 distros are pretty soy.
Wine is a tool which converts Windows API calls to Linux API calls.
VMware is a tool which emulates a piece of hardware and interprets calls from the host which are then run in the guest.
They are both emulators. I don’t care about freetards trying to redefine the meaning of words. Kys.
He's implying it's a recursive acronym like GNU you brainlet.
C standard library is a tool that converts C function calls to Linux API calls. C is a virtual machine language then.
>posting a video from fucking May 2017
absolute state of Win-fuckin-babie shitheads.
Those are just intellectual powerhouses, A.K.A. nerds. They ain't Nintendo Switches.